Reborn Technology Upstart

The first thousand and twenty-seven chapters in 2001 the operating conditions of its enterprises (2)

Chapter 1027 Operation Status of Subsidiary Enterprises in 2001 (2)

Rebirth of Technology Upstarts Chapter 1027 Operational Status of Subsidiary Enterprises in 2001 II

Xinghuo Group, a company completely controlled by artificial intelligence, although not as high as before, still maintains a relatively fast growth rate.

Last year, their revenue was 180 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 20%. In an economy of such size, they can still maintain such a high growth rate. It goes without saying that they are excellent.

In terms of product iteration, new technology application and market operation, enterprises controlled by artificial intelligence have unparalleled advantages, far exceeding those controlled by humans.

While other companies are still working hard to develop the interstellar ship technology he gave, Spark Group has begun to widely apply less sensitive technology in its own products.

In addition, they have strong research and development capabilities themselves, and at the same time, they can be consistent from top to bottom, transform technology into products, and then put them on the market, conduct marketing, etc., all in one go.

Efficiency is not comparable to that of ordinary enterprises. The most important thing is that they rely on the robots under the entire system, can have a keen insight into the needs of all walks of life in society, and have done an excellent job in terms of market demand.

As a result, they are often able to achieve the ultimate in niche businesses, with a high market share, and become champion companies in many niche fields.

Seeing the annual report of Xinghuo Group, Ye Zishu checked their products. Currently, they have 20,000 product categories and 200,000 product models.

Last year's net profit margin also increased a lot. The overall net profit margin was 20%, and the net profit was 36 trillion yuan. The net profit has also gradually caught up.

Compared with Xinghuo Group whose main business is still in the industrial field, Xingguang Group's business is more complicated. The reason is that when it took over so many state-owned enterprises, the business content was very complicated.

Although the business direction can be changed after being acquired, the general business situation is still preserved, but more innovative management and product innovation have been carried out.

To be honest, recently I have been using reading to follow up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

For example, the supply and marketing cooperative system they took over is already a retail channel that rivals Wancheng Jiye, especially in markets below county towns, where it has obvious advantages.

After all, the supply and marketing cooperative is an unforgettable memory for many people. The reason why it failed was that its management could not keep up. After being acquired, it was integrated to form a unified retail group.

The situation has been greatly improved. In addition, in the supply chain and cargo turnover links, the efficiency has been greatly improved and the inventory cycle has been reduced, and the operating income has been rapidly improved.

In contrast, although Wancheng Jiye is backed by real estate in the retail field and has very good resources, its brand value is still far from that of the supply and marketing cooperative system.

In fact, the acquisition of the original state-owned enterprises, the real value is these brands, after product improvement and marketing upgrades, many brands have glowed with new vitality.

Originally, many brands were only local brands, but through the operation of Starlight Group, most of them have gone out of geographical restrictions and become well-known national and even global brands.

Compared with new brands, old brands have too many stories to tell, and they naturally have advantages in marketing. Coupled with product improvements and service upgrades, their competitiveness is much stronger.

Last year, their revenue growth rate was as high as 30%, making them the fastest growing company among all companies. Their total revenue was as high as 130 trillion yuan, with a net profit margin of 20% and a net profit of 26 trillion yuan.

To be honest, facing these two companies controlled by artificial intelligence, Ye Zishu is not very clear about many of their business details, and does not have enough patience to carefully observe their business development.

On the one hand, it is too complicated, and the scale of each business is actually not very large, but it has achieved the ultimate in this field, making it very competitive.

But it is undeniable that precisely because of the existence of these two companies,

It makes up for the lack of many domestic industrial categories, and at the same time creates huge economic value.

At the same time, there is no lack of innovation ability. Many products have never been seen before, but they are welcomed by the market. For example, their musical instrument business has launched many new types of musical instruments.

It has a huge effect on the prosperity of the music market. Many music that was difficult to express before have become easier to use these instruments, and the creative space has been greatly improved.

On the other hand, he didn't have enough time to pay close attention to their operating conditions. The fundamental purpose of establishing these two companies was to save time.

Compared with enterprises managed by humans, enterprises managed by artificial intelligence are more rational. If a business cannot continue, it will give priority to trying changes, and these changes will be evaluated through computational simulations.

If the evaluation feels that even if the change is useless, it will be cut off immediately and replaced by a new business. Therefore, the two companies are also the companies with the most frequent business changes.

Therefore, he doesn't have to worry about the serious operating losses of these two companies. As long as the market is large enough, they can always find a chance to survive, and they are much more adaptable.

Compared with the above two companies, Protoss Group appears to be more fragmented. Although the above two businesses are mainly engaged in small-scale operations, they have formed a system and scale anyway.

However, the original intention of Protoss Group was to replace the self-employed economic model, fill the market vacancy left by the self-employed, and make the economy run more smoothly.

Therefore, Ye Zishu can't describe the business of Xingling Group in detail, but it is still mainly in the service industry. Last year's revenue was 30 trillion yuan, and it has 50 million general robot employees.

As for the operating net profit margin of only 10%, which is 3 trillion yuan, it is not that they cannot make more money, but that they deliberately maintain this profit margin.

If they really want to pursue net profit, it is not up to them to decide how much to hire general-purpose robots. You must know that the general-purpose robot business of Kirin Basic Industries Group has been handed over to them for operation and management.

This means that they have absolute pricing power, as long as the price of hired robots is lowered, their profits will be very high, but it is not necessary.

However, they did not charge high operating expenses for their robot business, because if they charged too much, it would harm the interests of Qinglong Technology Company and Kirin Basic Industry Group.

Since this enterprise is a purely robot-operated enterprise, there is no need to maintain a high profit. Anyway, if the performance is not good, there is no need to worry about bankruptcy, because the labor force has almost no maintenance cost.

Of course, if the loan is included, it is in a state of loss as a whole. After all, business development requires investment. Whether Ye Zishu has given money, the funds can only be borrowed from the bank.

Fortunately, the banks under the Tidal Group are more friendly to the companies under Ye Zishu. Not only do they provide high loan amounts, but also have preferential interest rates, and the loan period can also be negotiated.

Therefore, in terms of business expansion, there is basically no capital bottleneck. Last year, Protoss Group’s loan amount was 10 trillion yuan, and the above net profit is calculated based on the annualized return of loans and interest.

Since Protoss Group is developing so rapidly, it means that the industrial alliance under Wancheng Foundation has basically been disbanded, and the two are very closely related.

The purpose of establishing the industry alliance at the beginning was to support the development of self-employed individuals in the city, and at the same time provide better development opportunities for their commercial properties.

Now many self-employed individuals in the industry alliance choose not to operate, so the Protoss Group can only occupy the market. Naturally, the Protoss Group will not accept the leadership of Wancheng Foundation and is not considered a member of the industry alliance.

Although the industrial alliance has not really been disbanded, as the Protoss Group grows stronger, the industrial alliance managed by Wancheng Foundation will sooner or later exist in name only.

Wancheng Foundation did not feel sorry for this, but was happy to see this scene, and cooperated with Protoss Group. They don't have to worry about many problems, and the time and cost invested are much lower.

As for the management of the industry alliance, in order to ensure that their interests are not eroded, they need to invest a lot of costs in it. If the management and supervision are relaxed, Wancheng Foundation may not make money.

Even Wancheng Foundation intends to promote the development of Protoss Group. In the past, it was worried that the high unemployment rate would not be conducive to social stability. Now there is no such concern. Of course, it comes from whatever is beneficial.

Of course, Protoss Group is not only engaged in the business of opening stores. The so-called self-employed means that they don't even need to have stores, and they can do odd jobs in the market.

But they don't really do this. Even if it's a part-time job business, they have to conduct more formal management, but there are many frameworks on the surface.

The reason is actually very simple, that is self-employment, even jobs that are not self-employed, do not need to pay taxes, which can save a lot of taxes and fees.

If these part-time workers are gathered together to register a business, no matter how small the business is, they still need to pay taxes, which is not cost-effective.

Flexible employment and self-employment are small-profit operations. If taxes and other work are paid, the money each robot labor gets is very limited, which is equivalent to reducing the income of the social security fund.

Although it seems that the national tax and the social security fund are about the same, in Ye Shu's view, there is a big gap. Although the national tax is also collected from the people and used by the people, it is difficult to reach the people in cash.

For the people, the social security fund has more direct benefits, it is real cash that is distributed to the people, directly determines the people's living standards, and has a closer relationship with the people's interests.

The more taxes the better, especially in the absence of supervision, the more taxes may be used inefficiently, and the use of taxes often lacks market efficiency.

If possible, he wants to reduce the scale and proportion of taxation as much as possible and increase the size of social security funds. Taxation mainly ensures the normal operation of the government, national security and the construction of basic public facilities.

It mainly meets the needs of these three aspects, and the rest can be attributed to the social security fund. The reason why he is trying to promote the proportion of general-purpose robots in government agencies.

It is to reduce the cost required for the normal operation of the government, thereby reducing corporate government taxes and increasing the proportion of social security fund fees charged.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the Protoss Group's business model, and doing so will not hinder efficient operations. Although there is no specific entity, it can build a virtual entity.

For example, lockpickers across the country, although it seems that every lockpicker has flexible employment, they can provide unified services to the outside world, so that consumers have a high degree of recognition, and the employment is more assured, without worrying about encountering bad guys.

This incorporeal business model is the most suitable business model for the Protoss Group. Usually, the presence of the Protoss Group is not noticed at all, but services in all aspects of society cannot be separated from the Protoss Group.

After looking at its main real economy industries, the total revenue last year was as high as 1185 trillion yuan, with an overall growth rate of 40%. The revenue growth rate is still terrifying.

Revenue growth is actually nothing, because a lot of revenue is just an increase in the industrial system, and it does not reflect the substantial increase in residents' income.

The first reason for the rapid growth is that the interstellar ship project continues to invest, which drives the increase in investment scale and naturally promotes the revenue growth of its industries.

The second reason is the expansion and widespread use of robots, which have gained a lot of revenue from the external market. For example, Protoss Group's revenue reached 30 trillion yuan, which is a direct reflection of this situation.

The third reason is that the overall efficiency has improved significantly, especially in simple manufacturing, where the gap in efficiency between robots and ordinary people is still obvious.

Efficiency improvement means that more products are produced per unit of time. When the price of the product remains unchanged, the value created will be higher, and the income will naturally increase significantly.

Last year's net profit was 284.78 trillion yuan, the net profit rate was 24%, and the net profit growth rate was 76.9%. He did not expect such a high net profit growth rate.

This situation is actually very dangerous, as it can catch up with the total income of the national residents. Obviously, this is extremely unreasonable. If things go on like this, it will inevitably affect economic development.

Such a high profit margin in the past is actually nothing. After all, at that time, rapid economic development required a large amount of investment, and corporate profits were relatively high, which was conducive to sustainable economic development.

But now the profit is too high, but the investment has decreased, which is not conducive to economic development. It shows that the investment side is shrinking, and the consumption side has not achieved matching growth.

However, in terms of profit structure, short-term profits account for a relatively large proportion, and Wancheng Foundation’s real estate sales revenue is relatively high. This is not a long-term profit and is not sustainable.

If this part of profit is deducted, the growth rate of the overall net profit rate is actually only about 20%, which is not so conspicuous in the data, and the net profit rate is only about 16%, a decrease of about 4%.

This made Ye Zishu difficult. If it was long-term income, it would be easy to handle. Directly giving part of the income to the social security fund would be equivalent to sending money to residents across the country.

However, short-term high returns are not sustainable. If it is given to the social security fund, when this part of the profit is gone, everyone will receive less money, which may cause dissatisfaction.

Everyone will only accept the gradual increase in money, and it is difficult to adapt to the sudden decrease in money. If Ye Zishu insists on going his own way, good things may turn into bad things, and people's hearts are unpredictable.

Since we cannot send money to everyone, but the profits are so high, we must give back to the society, otherwise it will just become a number in the bank without much practical significance.

Ye Zishu thought about it and decided to do one thing, which is to ask Wancheng Foundation to donate all the expressways under their banner to the country for free.

In this way, the highways donated by them can pass free of charge. As for the maintenance and repair of the highways, the energy surcharges are used, and anyway, the money itself is included in the fuel.

Even when buying a car, a vehicle and vessel tax is collected. Using these funds to maintain the expressway is still enough for use. When Wancheng Foundation was built, it was built according to the high standard of long-term use.

At present, the total mileage of highways built by Wancheng Foundation is as high as 180,000 kilometers, which is 20,000 kilometers more than the total mileage of national highways in the previous life, and the investment capital is about 6 trillion yuan.

If calculated in terms of profits, there are actually more. Now donating to the country for free means that Wancheng Foundation has given up this part of the benefits.

Free for the people of the whole country is tantamount to sending money to everyone in the country, reducing their expenditure without increasing their income.

This not only reduces their high-speed tolls, but also reduces the cost of many commodities. The transportation cost of commodities is not low. This part of the cost is reduced, and the price of commodities can also be reduced appropriately.

As for doing so will make it difficult for other high-speed investors, he does not intend to take care of it. If everyone's emotions are to be taken care of, many things will not be able to be done.

Anyway, at present, the expressways in the country are basically connected to counties and counties. Only in remote areas with special environments, all expressways at the county level have not yet been realized, but Wancheng Foundation is still under construction.

This kind of behavior can also reduce the problems that may be caused by Wancheng Foundation's high profits from the real estate business, and give a good explanation to all parties.

As for the high-speed maglev network, it has not been fully completed yet, and it is unlikely to be donated free of charge. Depending on the situation in the future, it is very likely that this asset will be donated to the country.

Or carry out low-cost operations, no longer pursue cost recovery, and only hope that the operating income can maintain continuous operation, which can also reduce logistics and transportation costs.

This asset scale is larger, and the total asset scale is expected to be as high as about 40 trillion yuan, which is a huge number for any enterprise.

At the same time, he asked Wancheng Foundation to increase investment in infrastructure construction, not entirely for the purpose of pursuing profit. Even in commercial operations, many projects are only for the purpose of maintaining operations.

Doing so is tantamount to further reducing social costs. We must know that social operations are basically carried out on these infrastructures. Actively reducing income means reducing social costs.

The high revenue growth of his industries does not mean that the GDP growth rate is also so high. The calculations are more complicated, and the country's economic volume is so high that it is impossible to have such a high growth rate.

After reading these corporate annual reports, Ye Zishu looked at the annual report of Baihu Technology Company, and felt that their operating income was very small. Last year, their total income was 4.5 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 12.5%.

Now they're counting on space tourism to be a hit, and without the new revenue, they've hit a wall.

Faced with this problem, he has no good solution. Their industry determines that there are not many places to move around. No matter how powerful the technology is, they can't make some money.

Last year, Tidal Investment Corporation's global operating income was 10 trillion yuan. It was the first time in a regular year that the income reached 10 trillion yuan, which is still a milestone.

The previous high returns were all caused by the special economic environment and cannot be regarded as normal, and the asset scale is not small. So far, the total asset scale has exceeded 90 trillion yuan.

As for the insurance and banking business, I won't say much here. After all, whether these two businesses make money or not has nothing to do with him. He has no plan to get money from these two businesses.

However, it is worth noting that their currency issuance and related income also achieved good results last year. The total amount of international universe currency loans was 10 trillion universe currency, which doubled from the previous year.

The total amount of international trade settlement is 60 trillion universe coins, which has also doubled, and the operating profit is 500 billion universe coins, which is also very impressive.

This is equivalent to global lending, which is equivalent to the loan interest rate of 5% last year. This money is actually very comfortable to earn. As long as the scale is up, it is a low-income earning.

He can use the operating profit of the 500 billion universe coins, but he has no personal need to use it, so it is better to put it in the tide group.

Juewei Food Group's revenue has also entered a bottleneck period. Last year's total revenue was only 18 billion yuan, with a growth rate of only 9%, which can be regarded as a performance that follows the market.

It is worth noting that, despite rising labor costs and other costs, their net profit margin has still maintained a level of 15%, which is considered a very good performance.

As for dividends, due to the implementation of the new tax law last year, the dividends received are much less than before. According to the new tax law, the tax that companies need to pay for dividend income is 50%, which was only 20% before.

Therefore, the dividends received were only a little over 600 million yuan. Faced with such a change, he and his father took it calmly. The reason was that they couldn't spend all the money.

With too much money in hand, spending money is a kind of trouble. His father is also having a headache about spending money. Blind investment is definitely not acceptable, and it takes too much energy, and his father can't manage it.

Therefore, the main way to spend money is charitable donations, and the remaining money is directly put into the bank to earn interest, at least to ensure that daily expenses are no problem.

Compared with Juewei Food Group, Xingmiao Aquatic Products’ revenue last year was still very good. The total revenue reached 200 billion yuan, and the growth rate was as high as 33%.

The reason is simple. Juewei Food Group is not doing exclusive business, but Xingmiao Aquatic Products is doing exclusive business. With its high-end pearl products, it enjoys a high reputation all over the world.

Now their pearls are clearly different from other pearls. Even with pearls of the same size, consumers prefer their products.

And what they do is not just domestic business, but global business. Their pearl products make pearls play a more important role in the jewelry industry and industrial fields, and their status has been improved a lot.

Last year, their net profit margin remained at 40%, net profit was 80 billion yuan, and the overall dividend was 40 billion yuan. His family accounted for 50% of the shares and could receive 20 billion yuan in dividends.

The dividends received will be much less, only 10 billion yuan, but their family didn't care, but other shareholders complained about it.

It stands to reason that they have earned more money this year, and they should have received more money. In fact, it is much less than last year. It is inevitable that they will have some complaints in their hearts, but they will probably get used to it after a long time.

If you want high welfare, you must be accompanied by high taxes. In the past, taxes were mainly concentrated in the circulation link, commonly known as turnover tax. The biggest change in this tax reform is to increase the tax on capital gains.

This can effectively reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. The turnover tax is actually a tax on ordinary people. If the tax on capital gains is not increased, the gap between the rich and the poor will only widen.

In the future, taxes on asset holdings will be increased, mainly property taxes, but at present most people do not own real estate, so it is not yet time to collect them.

In addition, most of the local finances are relatively sufficient, and the collection of property taxes is not so urgent. After all, too much taxation is not a good thing, and the actual situation needs to be considered.

Moreover, at present, it does not have much effect on reducing the gap between the rich and the poor. In terms of real estate sales, Wancheng Jiye Card is still quite strict, giving priority to guaranteeing the first house of each family, as long as the investment buyers will be in the back row.

After reading all the annual reports, Leaf Book can be said to be mixed. The good is because its properties are in good condition, and the good is that the proportion of residents’ income is still relatively low.

It's just that the distribution of benefits is not a simple matter, and it is by no means as simple as his personal transfer of benefits.

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