Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1017 Energy cooperation model and cold fusion technology


As more and more information was disclosed, the news about controllable nuclear fusion became more and more popular, and the fantasy world that was still hot suddenly became unsavory.

Controlled nuclear fusion has always been considered as the next important energy source for human beings. It will provide human beings with a steady stream of energy and is the most ideal energy source among all energy forms.

Modern industry and even modern society are based on energy. With a steady stream of energy, there are more things that can be done.

It can even be said that as long as there is energy, even agriculture is no longer so dependent on land, and agricultural products can be produced directly in the building to supply agricultural products to the nearest city.

With sufficient energy, the number of people the earth can support will increase significantly, which is one of the most important means to solve the future population expansion. Otherwise, when the population reaches a certain level, there will inevitably be serious conflicts.

Therefore, the energy issue cannot be overemphasized. Obviously, the significance of controllable nuclear fusion has played a vital role in solving the energy issue, and it is not surprising that it has been hotly discussed.

However, not all countries and people are so happy about the emergence of controllable nuclear fusion. The original energy exporting countries, upon hearing this news, probably have a sudden cardiac arrest.

As more relevant information is disclosed, they can't sit still. You must know that in many energy exporting countries, their main economic pillar is fossil energy.

If controllable nuclear fusion is commercialized on a large scale, it means that the export business of fossil energy will shrink significantly. In the future, fossil energy can only be used as industrial raw materials, not as energy.

It can even be said that in the future, it is likely that there will be less and less opportunities for fossil energy to be used as industrial raw materials, which can be seen from the technical level and industrial scale of Kirin Industrial Group's carbon industry.

Kirin Industrial Group is fully capable of using technological means to realize all industrial products that use fossil energy as raw materials, such as the most common chemical fertilizers.

At present, Kirin Basic Industries Group is the world's largest producer of chemical fertilizers, which are mainly used for export. The domestic use of chemical fertilizers has also shrunk significantly since the scale of grain production has been greatly reduced.

At present, the largest fertilizer used in China is not chemical fertilizer, but biological fertilizer. The agricultural production under Qilin Agricultural Development Group basically uses biological fertilizer.

Compared with chemical fertilizers, biological fertilizers have many advantages, such as higher plant absorption rate, higher growth rate, higher quality agricultural products, and naturally higher yields.

Not only is it not destructive to the soil, but it is beneficial to improving the soil nutritional structure, decomposing soil toxins and organic matter, and many other advantages, which will not be detailed here.

Currently in the field of biofertilizers,

Kirin Agricultural Development Group itself is the largest producer and the world's largest user enterprise, most of which are self-produced and sold.

Although it is also exported, the price is relatively expensive. As long as it is used for soil improvement and organic agricultural production, it is also used together with chemical fertilizers, which is conducive to promoting the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers.

Closer to home, if the world becomes less and less dependent on fossil energy, these oil-exporting countries will face huge financial and political crises.

The governance and stability of some countries are based on a steady stream of oil revenue. If this source of income is lost, the domestic situation will definitely deteriorate rapidly.

Of course, some oil-exporting countries have long realized that relying on fossil energy exports is not a long-term solution, and have formulated other economic plans early on to get rid of excessive dependence on fossil energy, such as the United Arab Emirates.

However, most energy exporting countries are still used to lying down and making money. It is really embarrassing for them to start earning hard money, and their dependence on fossil energy has not been reduced.

In fact, the solar power generation technology of Kirin Energy Industry Group has made some energy exporting countries a little vigilant, and has formulated some policies to reduce their dependence on fossil energy exports.

It is a pity that it has only been a few years, and the results have not been so significant, and the disadvantages of solar power generation are also obvious, and many countries do not think that it can threaten the status of fossil energy.

Now even controllable nuclear fusion has come out, combined with new energy vehicles, and many advanced electromechanical equipment, these all indicate that the world is going away from fossil fuels.

In addition, my country took the lead in announcing the goal of carbon neutrality not long ago, which further promoted the global discussion on the issue of carbon neutrality. Carbon neutrality has also been put on the discussion agenda by many countries.

Can they stop it? No, when controllable nuclear fusion appears, it will be the general trend of the world. In the face of the general trend of the world, those who follow will prosper and those who go against will perish. Only by conforming to the times can we survive better.

In the following period of time, more and more countries began to announce their intention to promote the carbon neutral plan, saying that they would follow the trend of the times and maintain the common home of the earth.

Interestingly, many fossil energy exporting countries have also begun to join in, declaring to the outside world that they will also promote the carbon neutral plan and establish a healthier economic structure.

Some are not just shouting slogans, but have begun to formulate a series of economic restructuring plans. Countries like the Middle East are preparing to use the wealth they have earned over the years to develop agriculture, establish basic industries, and develop tourism and port trade services.

To be honest, as the middle zone of Eurasia, they have the potential to develop intermediate logistics business and provide transportation and trade services, whether by sea or land.

Facing the economic and industrial changes brought about by such profound changes in the international energy situation, our country naturally cannot stand alone, and has seen something different from it.

When countries in the Middle East proposed their own economic structural reform plans, my country also launched the Belt and Road vision, using sea and land routes to build a new Silk Road.

This is conducive to promoting the further prosperity of global trade, and at the same time, it can also digest my country's upcoming excess infrastructure capacity, and it can also help some countries achieve economic transformation and reduce their dependence on energy exports.

As the world's largest trading nation and the world's largest economy, proposing such a plan is not only a manifestation of strength, but also conforms to the needs of the times.

As soon as it was proposed, many countries responded, and they all expressed their desire to join this plan to jointly promote global trade circulation and economic development.

It's just that it will take some time to fully implement it, and there are so many interest considerations in the middle, so there is no need to go into details here, just say that the original energy giants have also become panicked in the face of controllable nuclear fusion.

The most intuitive reaction is the stock market. The stocks of the world's major energy giants have fallen sharply, indicating that investors are worried about the future of these traditional energy giants.

Whether it is to appease investors or really want to get rid of the crisis they are facing, major energy giants have expressed that they will increase investment in scientific research and bet on the field of controllable nuclear fusion.

Of course, some energy giants have also proposed a transformation plan to reduce the proportion of energy trading business in the company's operating income, increase the proportion of chemical business, and transform from an energy company to a chemical company.

Energy products may change, but chemical products will definitely continue to exist. Human society cannot do without the chemical industry. Anyone knows this.

It’s just that whether they can successfully transform is still unknown. After all, in the field of chemical industry, Kirin Basic Industry Group’s strength is the strongest, not only reflected in the amount of funds, but also in terms of technology level and market share.

Not to mention other things, it is the huge domestic chemical market. The market share of Kirin Basic Industry Group is as high as 90%. In the international market, their share is also increasing year by year, and the speed of development is very rapid.

Whether these energy giants who want to transform can stand out from the encirclement of the super chemical giant Kirin Basic Industries Group, it is hard to say, but their stock prices have boosted a lot and restored the confidence of some investors.

As for energy companies that want to bet on the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion, everyone is not very optimistic. The fact that Kirin Energy Industry Group can develop it does not mean that they will be able to develop it immediately.

If it is delayed for 50 years according to the legend, it is estimated that the daylilies will be cold, and everyone is pessimistic about whether they will have a place to stand in the global energy market.

As the largest energy company in the world, Kirin Energy Industrial Group is obvious to all. In the field of energy technology, it definitely represents the highest level in the world today. No one doubts this.

They are able to develop controllable nuclear fusion and operate it commercially, which does not mean that other energy companies will be fine, even if they want to imitate it, it is not an easy task.

Like their solar panels, they have also exported a lot, but so far no company has claimed to be able to produce comparable products. This is because they have lowered the technical indicators of their export products.

At present, the direction of efforts in the field of solar power generation is still silicon semiconductor technology, which is completely different from that of Kirin Energy Industry Group. It's not that they don't want to follow the path of Kirin Energy Industry Group, but they can't do it.

As these outpost reporters went back with what they saw and heard, it didn't take long for many countries to send their own energy-related officials to visit.

It is said to be a visit, but in fact they want to cooperate in the commercial construction of controllable nuclear fusion. The first batch of people who come here are energy importing countries. They introduce controllable nuclear fusion commercial power generation facilities without any psychological pressure at all.

There are two main obstacles before them. The first is the cost of power generation, or the price. If the price is higher than the price of fossil energy power generation, it may not be possible to continue.

Kirin Energy Industrial Group naturally understands this point. Although everyone talks about protecting the earth's environment, in fact they still have to consider their own interests. No one is willing to sacrifice themselves to benefit others.

Of course, Kirin Energy Industrial Group is not willing to make it too cheap, so as to damage its own interests, so the cost quotation is set at 0.3 yuan per kWh.

Coupled with reasonable profit margins, the on-grid electricity price is basically 0.4 yuan per kWh. Although this price is more expensive than fossil energy power generation in some countries, it is not too expensive.

For countries that import fossil energy, such an electricity price has an advantage over the original electricity price and is more competitive.

The second point is safety. Although controllable nuclear fusion is not as serious as nuclear fission radiation, deuterium and deuterium fusion still have certain nuclear pollution, but the amount is relatively small.

No matter how small the amount is, once there is a problem, there may be many problems. Therefore, safety is also an important consideration for countries to introduce controllable nuclear fusion.

Obviously, in this regard, Kirin Energy Industry Group has absolute confidence. The technology they have come up with is originally from Ye Zishu, so it must be quite mature technology, and its safety can definitely be guaranteed.

Then there is the cooperation model. Kirin Energy Industrial Group provides two cooperation models. The first one is to invest by themselves. This is a good cooperation model for countries with relatively difficult economies.

It can prevent these countries from investing large sums of money in their own construction. A controllable nuclear fusion power generation facility requires an initial investment scale of hundreds of billions of universe coins.

If a country wants to invest, it has to check whether it can afford it. Especially for some countries with underdeveloped economies and large populations, investing by themselves is not a good option.

The second is to invest in these countries themselves, and Kirin Energy Industry Group will build and operate services. As a core energy technology, the operation must be handed over to Kirin Energy Industry Group to avoid technology leakage.

Of course, the external statement is to ensure the safety of operations and avoid safety accidents caused by improper operations. Anyway, Kirin Energy Industry Group will not let go in this regard.

In fact, whether it is their own investment or investment from these countries, there is basically no difference in electricity costs. No matter which method is used, it can well guarantee the interests of Kirin Energy Industrial Group itself.

In terms of the speed of income, they actually like the country to invest in the construction itself, so that the funds can be recovered faster and the subsequent troubles will be much less.

This kind of huge investment is definitely not a one-time candid frankness. The current stage is just a contact negotiation. If there is any intention to cooperate in the future, it will need to go through more negotiation processes.

Ye Shu didn't care too much about this. This level of controllable nuclear fusion technology is just a transitional technology for interstellar ship nuclear power technology.

If it weren't for the verification of some technologies, the lack of an incomplete technology development route, and the high commercial application value, he would not take it out.

After all, the energy release of deuterium and deuterium-controlled nuclear fusion is low, and it is accompanied by a certain neutron release, which has a certain degree of radiation. The only advantage is that the raw materials are abundant.

In fact, helium-3 and helium-3 controlled nuclear fusion are being built together with this controlled nuclear fusion. The reaction conditions are more harsh than this, and the construction has not yet been completed.

There is actually controllable nuclear fusion with deuterium and tritium as raw materials in the middle, which was merged into the deuterium and deuterium controllable nuclear fusion system by Ye Zishu. The reason is that the similarity between the two is too high, and there is no need to list them separately.

Therefore, this public controllable nuclear fusion commercial facility of Kirin Energy Industry Group can also use deuterium and tritium materials for fusion reactions.

It's just that the price of tritium materials is very expensive at present, and it is difficult to find in nature. At present, deuterium is generally converted into tritium through fission reactions, which is more polluting and costly, and it is completely unnecessary.

What's more, tritium itself is radioactive, with a half-life of more than 12 years, so it cannot be stored for a long time, and it also has radiation, so the management and storage costs are relatively high.

Unless it is the controllable nuclear fusion technology of Helium 3 and Helium 3, the controllable nuclear fusion of deuterium and deuterium is more realistic. As for the output energy is low, you can use more materials. Anyway, deuterium is very abundant on the earth. .

The nuclear fusion technology used on interstellar ships has nothing to do with these, but uses cold fusion technology, which is completely different from the hot fusion technology system.

No matter how advanced the technology of thermal fusion is, its volume will not be too small. The reason is that the reaction process is very intense. To ensure safety, too many supporting facilities are required. The volume of the ultra-strong magnetic field device alone is not small.

The technical route of cold fusion is completely different. The atomic trap technology is used to realize the fusion material nuclei close to each other, so as to realize the fusion reaction.

Therefore, there is no need to maintain a high-temperature environment and a high-pressure environment, and controllable nuclear fusion can be achieved at room temperature. The safety is undoubtedly much higher, and the control and adjustment are easier to achieve.

The most important thing is that the advantage of miniaturization is very obvious. If that kind of controllable nuclear fusion can achieve the size of a fist, there is no doubt that only cold fusion can do it.

Now there is also the concept of cold fusion, but the principle has not been fully understood, and the technology has not formed a system, and it is even considered a fallacy by the scientific community.

However, Ye Zishu believed that it was possible to realize it, so he launched cold fusion research at the beginning, and the key is to find suitable materials.

Ye Zishu's own research must take a long time to experiment, so I can only look for it from the virtual library. After a long time of browsing, I finally found a material that meets the requirements.

The material has an atomic cavity structure that meets the requirements, can accommodate multiple helium-3 nuclei into the cavity, and can strip the electrons of helium-3 for a short time, allowing it to revolve around itself.

After external electrical energy is applied, the cavity of the material will shrink, forcing the helium 3 entering it to approach each other, and the pressure applied far exceeds the Coulomb force between the helium 3 nuclei, thereby achieving the purpose of fusion.

At the same time, the thermal energy generated by helium-3 fusion will change the magnetism of the material, forcing the originally loaded electrons to form a current and output it to the outside under the trend of the magnetic field, with an energy loss rate of less than 1%.

Even if this part of energy is not converted into electrical energy, it will be further collected by using electrothermal conversion materials around the reactor, which can continue to improve energy utilization.

However, the production of this kind of material has never appeared in the world at present, that is to say, it is not in the periodic table of elements. According to the ranking rules of the periodic table of elements, it should be ranked 128th.

Unlike the massive elements in the weekly table of elements, this element is not radioactive, and its characteristics are also very different from the arrangement of elements in the periodic table of elements.

He doesn't know whether such a natural element exists in the universe, but at this stage, this element is an artificial element, and according to conventional production methods, the cost is extremely high.

For the manufacture of this element, if you want to reduce the cost, you can't use conventional technology. What he gave is the artificial supergravity collapse technology.

Using his advantages in gravity and anti-gravity field technology, he believes in creating a super-large gravity space, forcing the raw materials inside to continue to achieve higher-quality nuclear fusion.

According to this method to produce high-quality element particles, theoretically, the fusion of iron and later elements requires huge energy consumption.

However, since the element reached the 125th place, the reversal has occurred. Fusion not only does not need to consume a huge amount of energy, but will release energy outward, which feels like a cycle of the periodic table of elements.

Moreover, the elements after the 125th element have no radiation, and the structure is quite stable. There is no half-life statement, and there are various incredible abilities.

If elements after number 125 naturally exist in nature, he believes that they must be found in black holes, at least the strength of the gravitational field must be close to that of black holes, so that such materials will be born.

Because of the gravitational field device he provided, the required gravitational field strength is close to the black hole level, in order to force the current elements to continuously aggregate to produce this supermassive element.

However, using the gravitational field to achieve the aggregation of elements to produce super-massive elements, he believes that it is still a relatively rudimentary approach, and it can be regarded as a technology that can be done at present.

He believes that if you really want to synthesize and disassemble elements at the microscopic level as you like, you still need to master the real matter and energy conversion technology, and generate matter from the essence of energy.

At present, he is researching one direction, directly using energy instead of slowly synthesizing ready-made material elements, reducing dependence on other substances.

This technology is matched with the energy system. The current energy acquisition method is definitely not able to meet the huge energy required to convert energy into matter. After all, the mass-energy equation is still valid.

Therefore, what he is studying is space energy, or cosmic energy, which can generate matter out of thin air by drawing energy from the universe.

Therefore, compared with these technologies, the controllable nuclear fusion that has been developed now is quite rudimentary, and cannot attract his attention at all, even if it is far beyond the current level of technology.

In fact, in addition to the above cold fusion technology route, there is another technology that can realize cold nuclear fusion, which is to use supergravity field and energy absorption field technology to directly simulate the process of stellar nuclear fusion.

It's just that the supergravity field needs to be used here, which is a black technology far surpassing the current technology, and it can be used internally, and he doesn't want to show it too much to the outside world.

Although the interstellar ship is currently used internally by his industry, it is likely to be purchased by the government in the future. Therefore, cold fusion using atomic trap technology is the best choice.

Moreover, this technology is easy to understand. At present, Kirin Energy Industry Group only knows how to use the supergravity field device provided by him, but cannot understand the principle.

This kind of incomprehensible technology is not suitable for large-scale promotion, nor does it have the meaning of improving the level of civilization. It can only be used as a means to achieve a certain purpose cheaply under special circumstances.

No matter how backward Ye Shu thinks this kind of controllable nuclear fusion is, it is undeniable that the commercialization of controllable nuclear fusion will not only have a profound impact on the global energy structure.

Moreover, it has also profoundly changed the global economic development and industrial and agricultural production methods. The most typical one is agriculture. In the past, it depended on God for food, requiring a very large area of ​​land for plants to obtain enough light energy.

There is no need to do this now, and a large number of agricultural production buildings can be built around the city directly, and artificial light sources can be directly used to realize the production of crops.

Although the price of electricity for controllable nuclear fusion is still high in the early stage, in the long run, low electricity prices are an inevitable trend, and there will be more possibilities for agricultural production methods by then.

It’s just that the urgency for low-cost energy is not so high at present. The agricultural products produced by the current global land are enough for the survival of human beings all over the world. This is the reason why Kirin Energy Industry Group’s pricing is so high.

Because if you want to ensure that they have enough benefits, you must start from the unit price or the total amount. If the total amount does not increase significantly, you can only obtain sufficient benefits by increasing the unit price.

At the current stage, no matter how low the price of controllable fusion power is, it will not be possible to significantly increase electricity consumption in a short period of time. At least the current agricultural development model will not be changed immediately.

However, Qilin Agricultural Development Group can take the lead in trying this area and accumulate agricultural production technology and experience in this area in advance.

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