Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1011 Arranging experiments and

Anti-aging drugs have similar functions to the previously launched longevity drugs to some extent, but the functions of anti-aging drugs are more powerful.

The pharmacology of longevity medicine is mainly to coordinate the internal balance of the body, regulate the balance of human hormone secretion, achieve stable metabolism, reduce tissue lesions, and thus achieve the purpose of longevity.

The pharmacology of anti-aging drugs, as mentioned earlier, mainly relies on prolonging the length of the healthy cycle of cells to quickly eliminate cells that have entered the aging stage.

The pharmacological difference between the two is that one starts from the overall balance regulation to achieve an overall healthy state, and the other starts from the cellular level so as to keep the whole body young.

Even for the uncoordinated aging cycle of human organs and tissues, it can promote cell division and allow cells to break through the limitation of division cycle, so as to achieve the consistency of overall health status.

Therefore, anti-aging medicines can replace longevity medicines to a certain extent, but longevity medicines cannot replace anti-aging medicines. Therefore, domestic people can try longevity medicines for free, which was originally one of the benefits of members of Tai Chi Medical Group.

However, anti-aging drugs need to be paid extra, and are not included in social security benefits. They should also be included in the scope of social security. The reason is that the most powerful function of anti-aging drugs is to keep people youthful and to achieve permanent appearance.

Of course, it does not mean that anti-aging can make people break through the upper limit of lifespan, because in general, the control of human cell division does not have the limit of breaking through the number of times.

Even in order to achieve an overall healthy state, it is only an adjustment to improve the inconsistency of the aging degree of different parts. Ye Zishu has not yet figured out whether to come up with a real longevity medicine.

Because if longevity is achieved, the speed of social renewal will be much slower. In the fierce competition environment, he still needs to put a question mark on whether he can adapt to it.

Although his idea is a bit cruel to the individual facing the life limit, he must consider the pros and cons of the whole society. After all, the individual is much smaller than the whole.

However, the anti-aging effect of this anti-aging drug cannot be ignored. The biggest effect is rejuvenation. Even older people can become younger after using it. This is the biggest selling point.

Otherwise, it is not easy for people to spend tens of thousands of yuan a year. It must have an effect that consumers cannot refuse, and then they will flock to it, and the longer the service life, the younger people will be.

Only with an effect that is hard to refuse, will there be a huge market demand, and the Tai Chi Group will be able to make huge profits, otherwise the value of his actions will not be reflected.

After finishing all this, she went back to sleep, Pei Qing was already asleep, Ye Zishu went to the bathroom outside to wash up, and then crept onto the bed to sleep, so as not to disturb Pei Qing's rest.

Ye Ziqin didn't come over the next day, but went to work in the hospital. Ye Zishu asked Pei Qing to inform her to come over for dinner after get off work, which made Pei Qing's eyes shine.

Did you get the anti-aging medicine last night? Pei Qing asked in surprise.

Ye Zishu nodded and said: I was busy until midnight yesterday, and finally developed this medicine. After all, I can't delay this matter for too long, and there are still many research projects that need time.

When Pei Qing heard this, she was still shocked. Although his efficiency in drug research and development was not bad before, it was not as fast as it is now, and Pei Qing thought that anti-aging drugs were more difficult.

Don't think that the medicines for treating major diseases such as cancer are very high-end. In fact, the difficulty is far worse than that of anti-aging medicines. One is only for the treatment of lesions in one part.

One is to maintain and treat the state of the whole body of the human body. The difficulty between the two is not on the same level, otherwise it would not be a compound medicine with hundreds of active ingredients.

These active ingredients are definitely not random, the effect will be much worse if one is missing, and the active ingredients are not isolated from each other, but will form an effect where one plus one is greater than two.

But he said: I'll send a message to Ye Ziqin right now,

Do you want to continue to rest?

No, I'm full of energy! After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he went directly to the laboratory.

I told Ye Ziqin to come over at night, but she came here at noon, which shows how eager she is for this medicine, and Ye Zishu wonders whether she is thinking of customers or herself.

Brother, we've finished our meal, let's talk about things now! Ye Ziqin said as she put down the soup bowl and wiped it with a paper towel.

Ye Zishu drank the last sip of soup in the bowl, and said with a smile: All right, then come to the living room and tell me.

Pei Qing naturally followed. She also wanted to know how the medicine was doing. After all, she was the president of Tai Chi Group, and it was her duty to care about this matter.

Before longevity medicine, you should know that it is mainly used to regulate endocrine balance, so as to maintain the overall health of the body, thereby prolonging the life span of the human body.

This anti-aging drug has similar functions but the same effect. It keeps the human body youthful at the cellular level and at the same time coordinates the consistency of tissue aging.

In terms of function, anti-aging drugs are far more effective than longevity drugs, but there is no conflict between the two drugs used at the same time. Although the goals are similar, the principles are different.

If used at the same time, there are only benefits and no harm. Therefore, even if Tai Chi Medical Group customers use anti-aging drugs, you should advise them to use longevity drugs.

Although it seems that the cost is relatively high, in fact, the saved medical expenses are enough to make up for the resulting costs. You must convey this point. Leaf Book said.

The two understood the difference between longevity medicine and anti-aging medicine, but obviously this was not the main content they wanted to hear, Ye Ziqin asked: How effective is anti-aging medicine in maintaining appearance?

Do you want anti-aging, or do you want to keep your face forever? Ye Zishu said angrily.

Wouldn't it be better to have both? Ye Ziqin didn't care, and said directly.

Okay, I know how careful you are. The anti-aging medicine you took out this time can not only keep your face looking forever, but also make people 'rejuvenate'. Is it beyond your psychological expectations? Ye Zishu smiled said.

Brother, what you said is true? Doesn't that mean you can live forever? Ye Ziqin asked in surprise.

What are you thinking? What I mean by 'rejuvenate' is not to turn people into children, but to make people younger with age. If they really live forever, wouldn't the population explode? Ye Zishu said angrily.

Ye Ziqin really dared to think that even if she had this technology, she couldn't use it casually. Not only would it not bring benefits, but it would cause serious problems.

I misunderstood. I thought that it would not be an anti-aging drug, but a magic drug. Ye Ziqin said with a smile.

Pei Qing who was on the side said, If it really has the effect that Zi Shu said, it will be no different from a magic medicine. No matter men, women, old or young, everyone will flock to it.

That's the basic situation. I won't say much about the rest. After Ziqin goes back in the afternoon, she will take a leave of absence from the hospital and start to come over to carry out follow-up experiments, Ye Zishu said.

It's okay, but brother, I have a presumptuous question to ask you. You haven't done any experiments, so how do you know that the medicine you took out has this effect? Ye Ziqin asked curiously.

Not only Ye Ziqin was curious about this topic, but even Pei Qing who was next to him was also curious. He had given Taiji Group so many medicines, but he had never done any experiments himself, and he didn't know how he did the research.

Although he explained it, it was deduced in his mind, Pei Qing still believed it at the beginning, after all, the facts were in front of her eyes, but now she is not Wuxia Amon.

After managing Taiji Group for so long, although the understanding of medical research and development is not as deep as that of scientific researchers, it is not bad. Can the human brain really be so powerful? She has doubts about it.

It's a pity that they obviously couldn't get a satisfactory answer, and Ye Zishu said: Your sister-in-law asked this question before, but it's actually very simple. I have a powerful brain, and I can deduce it in my mind.

Faced with this answer, instead of being disappointed, Ye Ziqin said excitedly: Brother, why don't you teach me later, anyway, my IQ is not low, so I should be able to learn it well?

Don't think about it. It seems that IQ is very high, but compared to ordinary people, it is still far from reaching my level! Ye Shu made an excuse and refused.

In fact, if you really want to reason, he can teach it. He still has some experience in this regard, but it takes a lot of time to do so, just like a teacher teaching a student.

The most important thing is that Ye Ziqin may not be able to learn this ability, and the effect is definitely incomparable with his in the virtual laboratory. After all, there is still a gap between thinking and actual experiments.

Seeing what he said, Ye Ziqin was a little disappointed. Seeing her like this, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, Although it is difficult to completely construct it from your mind with your ability, you can learn the relevant methodology.

Hearing this, Ye Ziqin quickly asked: Brother, when will you have time to teach me!

I don't have time to teach you. During the research and development process, if you encounter problems, you can ask me, and I will tell you the whole story. The combination of methods and practice is much better than simply using methods. Ye Zishu Said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Ziqin no longer struggled, stood up and said, Okay, I'll come over for dinner after get off work, now I'm going to take a rest and go to work!

After Ye Ziqin left, Ye Zishu said to Pei Qing: With Ye Ziqin's ability, the experiment process may take a long time. In order to speed up, let the researchers of Taiji Group carry out the experiment simultaneously.

At the same time, the peripheral work should be done in advance. After the clinical trial is completed, the approval should not be difficult. As for Ye Ziqin, it should be regarded as her scientific research practice course.

When Pei Qing heard what he said, there was no reason not to agree. Ye Ziqin was still a little young in scientific research and needed more training before she could compare with veterans in terms of experimental ability.

Ye Zishu uploaded all the technical information to Taiji Group when he turned around, and asked them to organize scientific research forces to conduct experiments, get detailed analysis data as soon as possible, and start clinical trials earlier.

If the people of the country have money, they can safely produce some high-value products. As in the past, when making health care products, people's tolerance must also be considered.

It can be said that the situation in the past ten years has been completely different from that of the past. Many high-end gadgets can also be released boldly without worrying that resources will be occupied by a small number of people.

Like other things, he doesn't mind making rich people's money, such as high-end luxury cars, high-end mounts and pets, etc., because he can buy expensive ones if he has money, and sell cheaper ones if he doesn't have money.

But in the field of medicine, he does not want to do this, but pursues relative fairness, such as IQ medicine, longevity medicine, disease treatment, etc., and now anti-aging medicine.

Because there is a big gap between these things, it is not a matter of missing a meal, and these medical products cannot distinguish between high-end and low-end, and the effect must be consistent.

Of course, this is not absolute. The Taiji Group has used a method that has the same medicinal effect, but the brand is different, and the price gap is still huge.

[To be honest, I have recently followed up, changed sources, and read aloud with many voices, yeguoyuedu. Android and Apple are both available. 】

This is like the vitamin tablets in the previous life. The cheap ones cost only a dozen yuan, while the expensive ones cost hundreds of yuan. In fact, there is no difference in the efficacy of the medicine, but some people always think that the expensive one is the best.

For such people who like to pay IQ tax, Tai Chi Group is not polite. Rich people may not care about the price difference of these products, but they need to feel superior in purchasing high-priced products.

If it's just this demand, Ye Zishu must of course satisfy them, otherwise it will be difficult for rich people to spend it, and it will be beneficial to the cultivation of social competition awareness.

In the evening, Ye Ziqin came back to have dinner, followed Ye Zishu to the laboratory, and began to explain the pharmacological analysis of the anti-aging medicine to him.

The most important part of a medicine is the pharmacological analysis. Only after the pharmacological analysis can we understand how the medicine works, and even know why it works like this and not like that.

Understanding pharmacological analysis is a growth process for researchers, and it is very important to improve their scientific research capabilities, so this leaf book is still very serious for Ye Ziqin to listen to.

After talking about the pharmacological analysis, Ye Zishu explained the experimental procedure to her, pointed out the key points, and explained in detail, so that she could understand why she did this instead of other possibilities.

Ye Ziqin should be fully aware of the entire process of this medicine. The researchers of Taiji Group can only understand the part of the content they assigned, and almost no one can understand the whole picture.

In the past, it was relatively difficult to keep secrets, but now with general-purpose robots, the situation is much better. Although general-purpose robots will not be able to do all of them, one or two of the key parts will be done by robots.

In this way, no matter what, it is impossible to gather people who know the whole picture. No matter how much money the competitors spend, they will not be able to obtain complete information. The effect of confidentiality is much better than before.

In fact, the number of commercial espionage uncovered by Taiji Group was as high as three digits, and these were all inserted before the appearance of general-purpose robots.

At that time, the Taiji Group lacked scientific research strength, and needed to recruit overseas students from the outside, or even from abroad, and it was normal for some commercial spies to be mixed in.

Fortunately, Taiji Group has always been very careful in the management process, and has also paid great attention to confidentiality. So far, there has not been a single leak of confidentiality.

Later, although there were some people who wanted to get into the Taiji Group, they were rejected before passing the interview, because the interview process had to go through the universal robot.

And the universal robot can obtain a lot of information that the outside world does not understand from the background. It can be said that as long as Ye Zishu is willing, no one in the world can escape his surveillance.

Of course, bribery is also used, but the effect is not good. Even if one or two scientific researchers are bribed, it is difficult to restore the whole process, and they also face legal risks.

Taiji Group is not a small business, and any smart person knows the consequences of selling out the company's interests. Even if they escape to the ends of the earth, as long as the company insists on looking for them, they will definitely not be able to hide them.

If you think that you can go abroad with money, you are a little naive. Don't ignore the resources owned by super capital, which is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

After chatting with Ye Ziqin about what needs to be explained, it was already midnight, which was already very late for Ye Ziqin, so she hurriedly sent her to sleep.

As for the allocation and use of the laboratory, he doesn't need to explain it specifically. She can dispatch most of the robot experimenters.

The next day, Ye Zishu didn't work as usual, but took Pei Qing to the fantasy world. When he came here again, the central magic city was completely presented in front of his eyes.

The entire central magic city seems to be shrouded in clouds and mist. Looking down from a high altitude, there is another layer of hazy feeling. With the looming fantasy buildings and the sunlight, the picture is quite beautiful.

This can be seen from Pei Qing's expression. She didn't care about it the day before yesterday. When she saw such a scene for the first time, she couldn't help but marvel and said, It's so beautiful!

What's more interesting is that there are many pterosaurs flying around the central magic city, adding a lot of mystery to this already quite magical city.

Surrounded by lakes, fish swim in groups. Just at this beautiful time, a huge and ferocious beast suddenly appeared and hunted these fish.

Such a scene tells everyone that the lake is very dangerous. In fact, these are biological robots, all under the control of artificial intelligence. They will not attack tourists, but they will not recommend tourists to play in the water.

The suspension train that I thought about before may not have the materials in place, and I can’t see it yet, otherwise it will add a lot to the city, and it will be the best experience project for tourists who come here for the first time.

The land floating in the distance all around, the color of the former soil.

On these floating lands, buildings can be vaguely seen, and even some suspended lands, the whole is a sea of ​​flowers, from

There are also suspended lands that are relatively close to each other, connected by bridges built with vines, which can be used for tourists to walk on these suspended lands, which is also a good tourist project.

The two stood in the sky and looked at it for a while, and then landed directly in the central magic city. The road seemed to be paved with bluestone slabs. In fact, it was a high-end material that could be simulated and create various atmospheres with the sky.

At present, the sky has not been opened, and the streets are deserted. The taverns, teahouses, nightclubs and shops are all empty, and there are not many things added to them.

The two walked on the main street of the Central Magic City, looking at the buildings on both sides, as well as the cityscape, which was completely different from the city outside. It didn't look brand new, it was a few years old, but it was full of a sense of history.

Some buildings look quaint, and occasionally you may see animals playing around. When you see them coming, you immediately glance at them vigilantly, and then run away without a trace.

There are also birds that are not afraid of people. They take a leisurely walk. Pei Qing touches them and enjoys them, which makes Pei Qing laugh out loud. She thinks everything here looks so beautiful. Of course, the virgin forest outside should be ignored.

Then the two came to the city wall, which is different from the outside city. There is a tall and thick city wall, 50 meters high and 30 meters wide. Standing on it, you can't feel it is a city wall at all.

Ye Zishu stood here and looked out. The primeval forest in the distance was shadowy, as if there was a feeling of picking people and eating them. It was eerie and terrifying. If it was at night, no one would want to go out for a stroll.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu suddenly remembered that there was a scene where monsters attacked the city in the online novels of the previous life, so you can definitely try it here.

Of course it’s not true, even if these monsters are biological robots, they may accidentally injure each other in the chaos, which is not good for anyone.

Instead, he wants to use the power of the sky and space to simulate monsters attacking the city. The monsters are actually just illusions using the power of space, and they can even feel real to the touch.

As for the players, it is completely possible to create a blessing of God. Everyone who receives the blessing of God can avoid being hurt, and is actually surrounded by a space shield.

In this way, the player can kill the siege monster four times without any scruples, and there is no loss on the side of the monster. Those who are killed are all transformed by the power of space.

As for the damage to the city, it can be repaired with the power of space. These are just a momentary thing, and the overall consumption is not too big.

Moreover, with such a large area, the energy accumulated over the years is very considerable, and some of it must be consumed for a reason. Large-scale monster siege activities must consume a lot of energy.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu immediately communicated with the artificial intelligence that manages the place, and the other party immediately understood what he meant, and directly came to a live simulation.

Just as Pei Qing was leisurely looking at the scenery outside, she suddenly found that there were countless roars of beasts around her, and the trees in the distance were also shaking, and she could even feel the vibration of the ground.

This made Pei Qing nervous. If it wasn't for wearing super equipment, she would have turned pale with fright. She had never seen such a scene before. As a girl, she would definitely not face it calmly.

Fortunately, Ye Zishu knew why, hugged his shoulders, stood side by side and looked into the distance. After a while, on the opposite side of the lake outside the city, there were countless wild beasts densely packed, and even monsters appeared.

A small beast is only as big as a jackal, and a huge monster is at least a dozen meters long, and the height even exceeds the height of the city wall. If you get close, it is quite scary.

What's interesting is that the other side didn't even yell, and looked at this huge city quietly, as if waiting for some kind of signal. As long as the signal is sent out, it's time for a general attack.

This time was about five minutes. After a loud and deep roar, the suddenly quiet monster immediately began to run towards the city wall.

Some are walking bridges, and some are wading directly over the water. Interestingly, some of the monsters walking on the bridge were squeezed off the bridge and fell into the water.

As for the wading monsters, some of them have not yet approached the city, and they are eaten by monsters in the water. It is not known whether the monsters in the water are enemies or friends, or they specialize in fighting autumn wind.

Is this true? Pei Qing asked with a hoarse voice.

Seeing that she was so nervous, Ye Zishu didn't intend to hide it, and said: These are just illusions, and they are all fake. If it is true, no tourist will be able to leave this city alive.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Pei Qing to speak, she stretched her arms forward, making a dragon-clawed movement, and a little monster in the distance was immediately caught by him, and it turned into a light spot and dissipated in the air with a pinch.

Seeing this, Pei Qing didn't feel nervous at all, and couldn't help asking: Did you come up with this?

I saw the quiet virgin forest outside just now, and suddenly thought of this and responded.

Thanks for thinking it out, I was a little scared just now. Ordinary people standing here, don't be scared to pee? Pei Qing couldn't help but complain.

What she said was absolutely not an exaggeration. Human beings have never seen such a scene. Facing mountains and seas of monsters sprinting forward, densely packed, trysophobia alone can scare people into fainting, scaring the urine is considered good.

To actually play this game, it is natural to give players confidence, and when they find that they are infinitely powerful and will not be injured, they will overcome their inner fear.

At that time, you can see millions of people, or even tens of millions of people going to the city wall to fight these monsters together. That kind of scene is definitely more shocking than watching a movie. Leaf Book said.

Do you need to charge money? Pei Qing asked.

Of course I have to collect money, but it won't be very expensive, and it won't be collected in the name of participating in the event, but in the name of obtaining the blessing of God. The money collected will be determined according to the ability you want to obtain.

If you want to gain superpowers and kill all directions in monster siege activities, the money you charge must be high, but it is only ten to twenty thousand yuan, at least most of them must be able to pay.

If you just want ordinary abilities, it's very cheap. You only need to pay a few hundred yuan. I believe that people who come here to travel are not short of this money.

Even if you don't want to spend money, it's okay. God's blessing will give everyone in the city a passive, that is, immune to damage. If you don't want to participate, you can also visit it. You will definitely not win if you fight. Leaf Book said.

Pei Qing was stunned by his idea, it was an eye-opener to make money like this!

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