Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1007: Group Presidents Visit


The next day, the presidents of his group came to visit Ye Zishu together as if they had made an appointment. This time, they were all invited to Ye Zihua's wedding.

There were too many things and too busy yesterday, there was no time to communicate, and it was inconvenient to disturb him at night, so I simply made an appointment to come over the next day during the day.

It was the first time for everyone to come to his house, so they were very curious and allowed him to stay here forever, so Ye Zishu accompanied them around.

As for the underground laboratory, I didn't show them around. There are many things in it that are inconvenient to display. After going around, what impressed them the most was the special map.

In fact, there is also a picture in the house in the capital, and it is precisely because of this that everyone knows how much the boss likes reading, and the picture has become a standard at home.

After everyone visited his house, they sat in front of the pavilion drinking tea and chatting together, watching the lively crowd playing water sports in the distance, which gave the secluded village a different flavor.

There is a water project in charge of Xinghuo Group. After more than a year of construction, it finally opened on May Day. Although the weather is not so hot at this time, it is not so cold either.

Not all projects need to get wet all over, such as water motorboat races, water stimulation projects, etc., are all thrilling and exciting projects.

In order to turn this place into a water super paradise, the entire Xingmiao Lake has changed its business types, and no longer raises fish and shrimp artificially. However, ordinary fish will continue to be raised, but the number will not be so dense.

People who come here to travel are from the surrounding areas, and there are quite a few people from the county. After all, there are such a large area of ​​inner lake waters, and there are not many in the county. Compared with the outer lake, it is much safer.

Ye Zishu didn't care about this matter either. I heard that there are hundreds of rides, including traditional water rides and high-tech rides developed by Xinghuo Group. Looking at the lively crowd, there are quite a few people who come to play.

Mr. Ye, I finally met you, so I have to give you some advice on the 'Second World' we just launched. Lei Jun said impatiently as soon as he had a sip of tea.

Although Ye Shu feels that the current second world is not particularly mature, and there is still a long way to go before becoming a real second world.

But for Phoenix Technology Company, this project has received great attention, and it will even be operated as a core project in the future.

In the modern Internet, whether it is the traditional PC Internet or the popular mobile Internet, Phoenix Technology can be said to be the pinnacle of it.

The combined revenue of all the peers in the world is not as large as that of their companies, and their revenue accounts for more than 90% of the global software and Internet revenue.

such a high proportion,

It is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that they actually have the ability to rule software and the Internet, which can bring a steady stream of benefits.

The bad thing is that we are already at the peak. If there is no next breakthrough, we can only increase our revenue capacity with the natural increase of the market in the future. It is difficult to make rapid progress.

Of course, the current Internet dividends have not been fully consumed. After all, the Internet has been fully developed in less than 10 years, not to mention the development of mobile Internet is even shorter.

But as the president of the group, you must have foresight. The current good situation may not last for a few years. After the dividends are exhausted, if you haven't found a breakthrough, the future will be hard to say.

Obviously, Lei Jun or the management of Phoenix Technology Company regard the virtual world as the next breakthrough, hoping to achieve greater breakthroughs in the virtual world after the Internet dividends are exhausted.

That's why Lei Jun was so anxious. As soon as he sat down and took a sip of tea, he hurriedly asked Ye Zishu for his opinion, hoping to get inspiration from this and further improve their Second World.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, I've looked at your 'Second World', and with your technical level, it's actually pretty good to be able to achieve what you're doing now.

As for the development trend of the Second World in the future, I can't tell for a while here, but several years ago, I helped Baihu Technology Company develop a virtual world.

If you want to understand the development trend of technology, you can specially approve your trustworthy people to take a look, which will definitely benefit you a lot.

In my eyes, only when you have reached the level of the virtual world of Baihu Technology Company can you enter the threshold. After you go, you will definitely be shocked.

It was the first time for everyone to hear him talk about it, and he actually helped Baihu Technology develop a virtual world a few years ago, and it was even more advanced than their current Second World.

Although it felt unbelievable, they did not refute it, and for Lei Jun, they realized that the second world was their future development path.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing glanced at everyone present, and asked: Since there are ready-made ones, why don't you just give them to Phoenix Technology Company? Anyway, there is no cost!

To be honest, as his prestige became higher and higher, these subordinates really wouldn't say that in person. Since Ye Zishu didn't give it directly, there must be his reasons.

But if you don't have this idea, it's definitely impossible. There are shortcuts to take, and no one wants to stumble along by themselves. The reason why Pei Qing asks this question is actually asking for others.

It's not that I deliberately want to do this. To be honest, if I really want that share, there is no cost, but if I do this, I will only know what it is and don't know why.

In the development of any civilization, there is nothing wrong with wanting to take shortcuts, but you can’t just think about taking shortcuts. The main thing is to develop step by step, so that you can be steadfast and not lose your center of gravity.

Take the virtual world as an example. In the process of research and development, there are actually many breakthroughs in basic science. This process is the most important. Compared with the achievements made in the process, the virtual world itself is actually negligible.

We set a long-term and high goal, not only to achieve the goal, but also to achieve all-round breakthroughs in the process of striving to achieve it by setting long-term goals.

Of course, I can also peel off all the things inside and show you, but such a result is definitely not as profound as what I have achieved through unremitting efforts.

Just like we used to always learn from others, but seldom conduct research on the basis of our own, and borrowing doctrine prevails. It is impossible to surpass others in this way.

Only by taking one step at a time and starting from the basics can we achieve a qualitative breakthrough one day in the future, not to mention that now is different from the past.

In the past, we learned from others because our skills were not as good as others. Even if we wanted to conduct basic research, we did not have enough financial support, and everyone was still fighting for their stomachs.

Now our technology is ahead of the world, our economy is also ahead of the world, how to go in the future, we need to explore by ourselves, there are no stones ahead to cross the river by feeling. Leaf Book said.

To be honest, if Lei Jun really went to Baihu Technology Company to experience their virtual world, he would probably be in a daze, not knowing where to start his research.

With the help of the virtual library and virtual classroom, Leaf Book also spent a lot of energy to realize it. According to the current level of technology, it is estimated that it will take hundreds of years, or even more.

The reason why he asked Phoenix Technology to study in the past was not that he really wanted them to achieve it in a short period of time, because it was simply unrealistic, but he wanted to set a goal for them.

Only when you know the scenery ahead, can you know where you should work hard, lest you fall into arrogance and think that your technology is the best.

After saying this, everyone didn't say anything immediately, as if they were reminiscing what he had just said, but Ye Zishu didn't give them time to continue reminiscing.

I saw him continue to say: Old Ren, you should also organize a group of trustworthy people to study there, their virtual helmet technology is definitely far superior to their smart glasses.

The smart glasses technology I gave you at the beginning was associated with the development of virtual helmets. It can be regarded as a civilian technology. If the virtual world wants to continue to develop in the future, virtual helmets are an indispensable component.

After hearing this, Lao Ren was also surprised. It turned out that the technology they obtained was just a technology that had been eliminated, but this technology, when it was brought to the market, still beat the world.

He couldn't imagine how powerful the virtual helmet the boss was talking about. Obviously, Ye Zishu wouldn't go into details here, so the matter was settled, and Ye Zishu would tell Baihu Technology Company later.

To be honest, looking back at the virtual world developed before, Ye Zishu is not very satisfied, but now he is asked to develop a new one, and he will not do it.

Virtuality is virtuality, and there is a gap between it and the real world after all. Now if he is asked to do it, he will definitely aim to create a real world.

Or build a world that combines virtuality and reality, some of which can be virtual, and some are real. Many surreal games written by online novels in the previous life should look like that.

It's just that their space technology level is not yet at home, and it is almost impossible to create a real world. Even if they create a world that combines virtual and real, they cannot do it with their current capabilities.

Although he doesn't like it now, it doesn't mean that the virtual world developed before is useless. With the continuous improvement of artificial intelligence, the reality of that virtual world is getting higher and higher.

In the past, what we were waiting for was 80% real simulation. With the blessing of the dual advantages of super quantum computer and artificial intelligence, the current simulation reality has reached 65%.

With the insight of ordinary people, entering such a virtual world, it is impossible to distinguish between virtual and reality. If it really reaches 80%, who dares to say that this is not an alternative real world.

But it's just the real world running on the server. Except that people can't physically enter it, other aspects are almost the same as the real world.

Of course, if you want to do top-notch research, there are still shortcomings. After all, its simulation degree is only 80%. As for whether it can reach 100%, Ye Shu is not sure.

Although he seems to be advancing by leaps and bounds in space technology, there are still a lot of unknowns about the universe he lives in, and even he doesn't know it, unless one day he travels the universe to gradually increase his understanding.

Some knowledge can be learned from books, and it is easy to understand. Some knowledge is difficult to learn from books alone, and even if you learn it, you may not be able to outline it in your mind.

Even if the picture drawn based on a little knowledge is likely to be a thousand miles away from the real situation, that's why he feels that the virtual world can reach 80% realism, which is considered to be at its peak.

Because the bottom layer of this virtual world is all kinds of formulas, but the world built according to the formulas is not necessarily the only one. A bottom-level formula is likely to transform tens of thousands of superficial phenomena.

In other words, even if he integrates all the underlying physical logic of the real world into the virtual world, the result may not be exactly the same, and the difference may be very large.

The reason why it is not so obvious now is that the virtual world currently constructs scenes that he can see with his own eyes. The universe is so big, and there are too many scenes that he has not seen with his own eyes.

So as the virtual world expands from the earth to the solar system, from the solar system to the Milky Way, and so on, it will be found that the simulated gap may become larger and larger.

The so-called degree of realism is likely to gradually decrease from a high value, requiring researchers to constantly correct and add new things, so as to simulate a virtual world similar to the real world.

Mr. Ye, some countries want to introduce our high-end humanoid robots! Lao Ren thought for a while and told him this question.

To be honest, there was no need to tell him about this matter. He said before that intelligent robots will not be exported for the time being, and they will not even be sold in China, let alone foreign companies.

Why did you suddenly ask me this question? Ye Zishu asked curiously.

The main reason is that this time the other party is not coming to buy, but wants to adopt the same employment or lease model as in China. Lao Ren said.

After Ye Zishu heard this, he understood why Ren Zhengfei specifically asked for his opinion. To be honest, if he could do it, it would still be very profitable.

Although there is a surplus of labor in the world as a whole, it is mainly in the economically underdeveloped countries. The labor force in developed countries is still relatively scarce in general, especially low-end labor, which needs to be imported from some countries.

If you can hire robots, you will save a lot of things, and the management is relatively easy, at least there are many advantages over the introduction of labor from other countries.

Maybe they only saw that domestic companies can only hire, so there is no need to mention buying. They want to hire a batch of advanced intelligent robots to solve their domestic labor shortage problem.

Don't think about it for now. It can even be said that for a long time in the future, we shouldn't have such thoughts. Ye Shu said.

I think there is quite a market prospect, and if the quantity is grasped, it should not cause major problems! Lao Ren said.

There is a reason for me to say this. First of all, the competition between countries still exists. Don't look at my country's overall leading position now, and feel that we can relax our vigilance.

Throughout human history, the more glorious a country is, the more miserable it will be once it falls. In order to avoid possible tragedies, some things cannot be exported casually even if it is to make money.

Secondly, the law of the jungle in the international community has not changed. Although there are many international organizations to help solve the problem, it seems that the world has become a lot more civilized, but in fact the essence has not changed.

We can't start to overflow with sympathy just because we have lived a good life for a few days. We must keep in mind the story of the farmer and the snake, and we must never forget it.

Then if we do this, it will cause two problems. The first problem is that the speed of international personnel exchanges will slow down, and it is very likely that barriers will be formed based on countries and nations.

The reduction of personnel exchanges will increase the cultural barriers between each other and form racial and cultural prejudices, which is not conducive to the overall development of the world.

The second is the formation of economic barriers. It will become more difficult for some countries to break through upwards. Of course, we don’t need to care about this, but there is no need to deepen it.

To be honest, to a certain extent, I encourage citizens to go out and see more, and even live in safe countries and regions for a period of time, which is conducive to our understanding of the world.

Whether the world wants to understand us is beyond our control, but we must always understand the world. Only by understanding the world will we not be arrogant. Even if the other party has shortcomings, we can make our country avoid it as much as possible.

In the end, it is not necessary. In the past, we needed to rely on a large number of exports to earn foreign exchange, but now our foreign exchange is already very sufficient.

In addition, with the further development of the domestic economy, import demand is increasingly concentrated towards primary industry commodities and resource commodities. It is relatively difficult for the import trade volume to keep up with the export volume.

It is not that the more exports the better, there must be some restraint, the overall implementation of planned exports requires review of export commodities, which ones can be exported, which ones cannot be exported, and which ones are unnecessary to export need to be clarified. Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Lao Ren didn't say any more. In fact, he didn't want to export intelligent robots now, but was planning for the future.

At present, the domestic intelligent robots are not enough, and there is no export production capacity at all, but after the domestic saturation, the huge production capacity will be vacated.

He felt that it was a bit wasteful, and it would be better to export to earn labor fees, which could not only digest production capacity, but also make money. Since Ye Zishu disagreed, he didn't have this idea.

Since the robot labor was mentioned, Ye Zishu asked about their situation during this period. To be honest, he paid attention to it in February, but he didn't pay attention to it later.

Because the resignation rate of our internal employees is relatively low, there are only front-line employees of Wancheng Foundation's construction business. It is really hard work. Except for some people who choose to resign, there are not many other resignations.

At present, the robots of Qinglong Technology Company are mainly used by external industrial enterprises, and the general-purpose robots of Kirin Basic Industries Group are mainly used for internal and external service industry needs.

Generally speaking, our production capacity can still meet the needs of the market. There is no economic chaos at present, and the overall situation is relatively stable. Guo Dongmei said.

Now that he said that, he was relieved, and he was afraid that too many people would suddenly resign, which would lead to a shortage of labor in the market on the one hand, and lead to a shortage of social security funds on the other.

After all, the main source of funds for the social security fund is the labor remuneration provided by these robots. Within a certain period of time, the labor remuneration provided by robots is limited, and it will be troublesome if they cannot connect.

Of course, not many employees of his company resigned. The main reason is that during this period of time, the benefits have been appropriately increased, and they have been getting along well before. Even if someone wants to resign, as long as he persuades them, someone will listen.

As for high-risk positions or particularly tiring positions, if employees really want to resign, they will not persuade them. Instead, they will support their decisions. After all, it is indeed too tiring, and working all year round will be harmful to the body.

According to her statement, if the balance between supply and demand is reached, it means that so far, nearly 100 million people have quit their jobs. Adding the number of unemployed people, the total number is about 120 million.

Since so many people have money and leisure, the consumption market should increase rapidly. After all, welfare is perfect and income is stable, so no one will deliberately save a lot of money.

How's the consumption during this period? Ye Zishu asked.

During this period of time, the domestic tourism industry has developed very well, many tourist attractions are full, and the domestic tourism market may increase rapidly.

The sales of goods during this period were also very good, and the operating income generally increased by about 20% compared with before, and there is a possibility of further improvement in the future. Guo Dongsheng said.

Wancheng Foundation operates consumer goods retail and tourism businesses. The other CEOs nodded their heads when they heard Guo Dongsheng's words, saying that their product sales had indeed increased significantly.

The rapid expansion of the market is a good thing, but the quality of service must keep up. As I said just now, the tourist attractions are full, and the experience will definitely not be particularly good.

You need to develop more tourism projects, and at the same time actively guide consumers, don't travel in groups, and don't randomly charge customers with service fees. You must operate on the principle of honesty and trustworthiness.

Enterprises that do not abide by the rules must be resolutely cracked down on. As a leading enterprise, you must play a role in regulating the market and must not be left alone. Leaf Book said.

As for Ye Zishu's body shape, they agreed to it themselves. In fact, he was not worried about the chaos of his own company, but worried about other companies, taking advantage of the market expansion to develop wildly.

Speaking of tourism, Guo Dongsheng asked, Mr. Ye, when will our Jurassic Park be completed?

After the automatic Badain Jaran area is covered by space equipment, no one knows the situation inside. Wancheng Jiye and Qilin Industrial Group can only put the required equipment, materials and other substances in designated places according to the requirements.

Then the personnel withdraw, how to use these materials and other materials, they don't know at all, and what communicates with them is the artificial intelligence in the space equipment.

If Ye Zishu hadn't said that they would have to wait for about a year, they probably couldn't sit still. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Guo Dongsheng raised this issue.

The reason why they are not allowed to go in is that the time speed inside is much faster than the outside world, and once you go in, you will never return, and once the time speed is raised, it will take a process to slow it down, and it will also consume a lot of energy.

Actually, I don't know, but judging by the time, it should be almost there. I'll go and have a look when I have time, Ye Zishu said.

From his words, Guo Dongsheng felt much more relieved. It wasn't that they were anxious, but that they didn't know when it would be good. Waiting always seemed so anxious. If there was an exact time, they wouldn't be anxious.

China really needs a super project to promote the development of the tourism service industry. At present, visiting mountains, rivers and rivers is quite satisfying, but it will get boring after a long time.

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