But he understands that not all human beings are so vicious.

  There are always some good humans.

  Otherwise, the deep sea empire would not have been able to safely evacuate the deep sea.

  "We? Here, a space wall suddenly opened, and we came here through the opened space wall."

  "By the way, this is the dark dimension, right?"

  Cross asked.

  "Of course, it seems that you should have entered here by mistake, otherwise it is impossible to even know that this is the dark dimension."

  Frank looked at Cross up and down, and it didn't look like he was lying.

  "We really don't know that this is the dark dimension, what race are you? Why do you look like... we humans." Cross asked.

  "We are deep sea people, and we once lived in the deep sea of ​​the dark dimension. We came here because of some accidents."

  "Humans, we haven't seen each other for a hundred years, but we suddenly saw you today. Are you coming to the Deep Sea Castle as a guest? We welcome you."

  Frank invited with a smile.

  At the same time found the surrounding monsters.six.

Chapter 23

  Looking at Frank's excited look, Clos can probably guess how high this Abraham's position is in the deep-sea castle.

  Sounds like a duke, but in fact the status is estimated to be higher.

  Next, Cross asked more about the Deep Sea Castle.

  It is indeed a bit of a skill to discover that this deep-sea empire went to the dark dimension to build a deep-sea castle.

  If only Noxus could be built here in the future.

  This will help His Majesty to expand the territory in the dark dimension and plant the flag of Noxus.

  Immediately afterwards, the three girls followed Frank all the way to the deep-sea castle he called.

  This is a castle made of rocks, the height is probably more than [-] meters, and a group of deep-sea people come and go.

  Some deep-sea people showed disgusted expressions when they saw Cross and the others.

  Some deep-sea people greeted politely.

  Cross and the others keenly discovered this.

  It seems that not every deep-sea person is friendly to humans.

  After all, it can be known from Frank's mouth that it was humans who forced the deep-sea people to the dark dimension.


  At this moment, a deep-sea man in armor called Frank.

  "Sorry, just wait a minute."

  Frank gave Cross an apologetic look, then walked towards the man.

  "What the hell is going on with you? Where did you bring the humans?"

  He's General Koway of the Deep Sea Castle.

  Don't all human beings live in the Western Fantasy Continent?

  "It's General Kewei like this..."

  Frank told the story of his encounter with Cross and the others one by one.

  "Then you shouldn't bring them here, and who knows if they're lying."

  "Don't forget, when we were in the Western Fantasy Continent, it was because of this mistake that we led to the demise of the Deep Sea Empire."

  General Covey felt that Frank was wrong.

  It was humans who pushed them into the dark dimension in the first place.

  Now Frank actually brought four or five kinds of people to the deep-sea castle they built not long ago.

  What if that happened again?

  Before they could hide in the dark dimension, now where else can they hide.

  "Don't worry about General Kewei, they are only three human beings, even if they have bad intentions towards the deep sea castle, they can be driven out."

  Frank chuckled disapprovingly.

  Just the three of them, Clos, how could it be possible to overthrow the deep sea castle.

  All the people living in the deep-sea castle are deep-sea people.

  "Then what if their people hide in the dark?!"

  General Kewei glanced at Cross who was waiting behind Frank and said.


  Frank paused for a moment, because he realized that General Covey's words were not without reason.

  What if the human army was hiding in the dark, waiting for a surprise attack.

  "Forget it, since you brought them here, then take them to meet His Majesty. It is up to His Majesty to decide whether to go or not."

  "Besides, our deep-sea people are immune to Mektor because of Duke Abraham. Humans don't have it."

  General Kewei smiled confidently.

  The meaning of this sentence is that what if the human army is hidden in the dark.

  With Mekdor's influence, humans can never beat their deep-sea people.

  "I see."

  Frank nodded, then turned around and walked in front of Clos: "Let's go."

  "Yeah." Cross nodded and replied.

  Under the leadership of Frank, they came to the highest castle smoothly.

  "Please hand over your weapons."

  The guard at the door stopped the road.

  Frank handed the scimitar around his waist to the guard, then turned around and said, "Sorry, the rule of our deep sea castle is that we must surrender our weapons in the face of His Majesty."

  "We understand that, after all, every country has its own set of rules."

  Cross expressed her understanding and handed over the golden dagger around her waist.

  As for the God of War gun, it has long been taken back.

  Orina spread out her empty palms, indicating that she did not have a weapon.

  In fact, her Frost Staff had long since changed back to earrings and hung on her earlobes.

  Only Ashe handed over the bow and arrow at the scene, who said her weapon was not an artifact.

  Seeing Cross and the others strangely handing over their weapons, Frank felt that they should have no hostility.

  Otherwise, it is impossible to hand over the weapon so easily.

  But did he remember that the other party was not holding a staff and a long spear?Why did it suddenly disappear.

  Frank didn't ask too much about this kind of thing.

  It's a personal secret.

  He knows that he can't ask too much about this, otherwise it will cause discomfort to the other party.

  high level

  "Your Majesty, these are the three humans from the Western Fantasy Continent that I met in the cave."

  Frank told his Majesty the King again about meeting Cross and the other three.

  "Humans of the Western Fantasy Continent? They met the open wall of space and came to the dark dimension?"

  At this time, the king sitting on Wang Wei opened his eyes. His name was Or, and he was the king of the deep sea castle.

  His father was the last king of the Deep Sea Empire, and he sacrificed his life to protect his people in the dark dimension.

  He inherited his father's position and built a deep sea castle in the dark dimension.

  In order to get rid of the past, he renamed the Deep Sea Empire to the Deep Sea Castle.

  "Hello, my name is Or, you can call me Your Majesty the King, or you can call me by my name."

  Or's attitude towards Cross and the others can be said to be extremely friendly.

  Although the father sacrificed while fighting against humans, that doesn't mean he hates humans himself.

  He believes that the evil humans are just that group, and there are still many good humans.

  "Your Majesty the King, we are from Noxus in the Western Fantasy Continent."

  Cross was not so reckless and directly addressed Or.

  Who knows whether the other party is telling the truth or joking.

  In other people's territory, you have to keep a low profile.

  "Noxus? Sorry, I haven't heard of it."

  Orr carefully searched his memory and found that he didn't seem to have heard of this country.

  "Your Majesty the king, Noxus has only been established for less than five years. It's normal that you haven't heard of it."

  Olina explained.

  "It turned out to be like this. I said such a big country, how could I have not heard it."

  Al smiled softly.

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