Reborn Queen’s Uprising

Chapter 499: Goodbye

Yu Lingye's footsteps suddenly stagnated, a look of helplessness appeared on his face, and Tang Xiaoxiao's intentions were fully understood in his heart.

Tang Xiaoxiao chose to break up with him at this time because it was the relationship between two people. This is the purest feeling between lover and lover. It has never been mixed with anything else; and if Tang Xiaoxiao is at this time, he promises To marry Yu Lingye, this is the division of interests between the two families. What is mixed is the purpose and interests of Hong Guoguo. Before they become lovers, they first represent their respective family interests...

Tang Xiaoxiao chose to break up, the purpose is to make this relationship between her and Yu Lingye clean!

And the last sentence shows that Tang Xiaoxiao has compromised one thing, and it is no exaggeration to say that Tang Xiaoxiao is mentally prepared to sacrifice his marriage for the benefit of the family.

Xue Xiaohan stood silently behind him, and muttered, "Boss, is it worth it? For a ridiculous scam, you sacrifice your life's happiness, you don't love Yu Lingye at all... even if you don't have this today Everything, we still have a foundation abroad, we can start from scratch!"

Tang Xiaoxiao quietly watched Yu Lingye's departure, with a faint smile on her face, and suddenly looked back, "Xiaohan, my marriage and happiness can be sacrificed, but Tang Dynasty Industry must not fall, you know What's more, people have to pay for their own faults... If it weren't for my negligence and impatience, how could this dead end happen today?"

Jialan wanted to speak again, and finally all her words were reduced to a light sigh.

Half a month later, the whole of Asia was almost boiling, and all the wealthy families focused their attention on the Chinese mainland. The South China Sea Baitoujiao oil and gas plan was actually a man-made big lie!

In this scam, it was the Tang family of Liyang, China’s most famous first-class giant, whose work focused on oil and natural gas. The failure of investment directly led to serious losses within the Tang Dynasty Industry. After this incident, an emergency debt collection was carried out.

For a while, the Tang family was pushed to the cusp of the storm, and Miss Tang, the decision-maker who failed this decision, was also brought back into the sight of Asian giants.

This time, all the wealthy families had the same idea that the Tang family was over.

This lie of the oil and gas development plan represents not only tens of billions of yuan, but also a series of immeasurable effects. The so-called butterfly in the Americas stirred its wings, but it brought up a storm and tsunami in the Pacific... The consequences this time are definitely more serious than imagined!

Just when Tang Xiaoxiao was sitting in the office of the chairman of Tang Dynasty Industry, an unexpected person appeared at the door of Tang Dynasty Industry.

"Sir, is there anything I can do for you?" The lady at the front desk of the general set looked at the person with a smile, bowed slightly, humble and slightly cordial, and she couldn't help but feel good. A sweet and sincere smile almost melts every visitor that comes.

The visitor glanced at the lady at the front desk, nodded slightly, and nodded with imperceptible satisfaction, "I'm here to find Tang Xiaoxiao, I wonder if she is in the company?"

As soon as the other party came to the chief boss of Tang Dynasty Industry, the lady at the front desk showed a slightly solemn expression on her face, but when she heard the other party’s direct and impolite address to Tang Xiaoxiao, she did not miss a wrinkle. He frowned, the cordial smile on his face gradually faded, and he asked neither humble nor arrogant, "This gentleman, may I ask you to come to Chairman Tang, do you have an appointment in advance?"

"I'm coming to see her, do I still need an appointment?" The visitor hummed, his majestic face showed a bit of playfulness, "Why, can't I come to her without an appointment? That little girl..."

Hearing the obvious contempt in this sentence, the lady switchboard unconsciously stopped her chest and looked straight at the opponent's eyes. There was no fear in her expression, nor did she show any cowardice or gaffe because of the opposing coercion. "Sorry, this sir, our Chairman Tang is usually busy. If you don’t have an appointment, you need to show your identity certificate. Our switchboard will help you contact the chairman’s secretary office to verify your identity. , And finally consult Chairman Tang."

The visitor seemed to be slightly surprised by the attitude of the switchboard lady, and raised his eyebrows, "Listening to your tone, it seems that you are a little dissatisfied with me?"

The switchboard lady lifted her chin proudly and said without humility, "This sir, you have misunderstood. I don’t have any dissatisfaction with you. I just hope you respect our chairman Tang’s attitude. ……We Tang Dynasty Industry will also respect you more. We, Tang Dynasty Industry, have been able to come to this day. Thanks to Chairman Tang’s efforts to turn the tide, the entire company naturally respects her very much. Anyone who despises her is Contempt for our Tang Dynasty Industry. You can disrespect me, but please respect our Chairman Tang."

The visitor smiled helplessly, and said faintly, "So hastily made a decision... which caused Tang Dynasty Industry to fall into today's desperate situation. What qualifications does she have to get my respect? Huh."

Having said that, the visitor took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number. After a short wait, Tang Xiaoxiao's haggard and tired voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hello, hello."

"Xiaoxiao? It's me." The visitor asked softly, "I'm downstairs in Tang Dynasty Industry. Come down and pick me up."

Hearing this voice, Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes blushed suddenly and suddenly stood up, "Yes! I see..."

Just as people were waiting in the rest area, the elevator finally stopped to the first floor, and a capable woman in a black OL professional uniform walked out of the elevator.

The moment when someone raised his eyes and saw Tang Xiaoxiao, he was stunned. Is this really Tang Xiaoxiao?

The South China Sea Baitoujiao oil and natural gas development plan completely pushed Tang Dynasty Industry into desperation, and it also made Tang Xiaoxiao completely the target of Qianfu. The failure of this plan even directly pushed Tang Dynasty Industry to the brink of bankruptcy. Xiaoxiao is supporting, and the internal cohesion of Tang Dynasty Industry is extremely strong, I am afraid the group will not be able to sustain it.

Even with reluctant support, Tang Xiaoxiao has been trying his best to solve this crisis for a while, but the decision of tens of billions of funds has been squandered, and the decision-making failure, coupled with the failure of many other forces, how can Tang Xiaoxiao survived this crisis safely?

For a while, Tang Xiaoxiao had a complete insomnia. Every day he rushed to solve this crisis. He suffered from contempt and white eyes. Despair and anxiety were like a huge rock on his heart... On his pale cheeks, dark circles under his eyes were abnormal. Thick, his eyes were flushed with red blood, the original confidence and spirit between his eyebrows had long since disappeared, replaced by a bleak sad look.

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