When Bai Yue was worshiping Wu Yun’s grandparents, Wu Yun called the housekeeping company and asked them to send someone to the property to get the spare keys, clean the Huile International house, and change the sheets.

Now Wu Yun is becoming more and more proficient in spending money to buy services. In his opinion, as long as it is a small problem that can be solved with money, he is too lazy to spend a lot of time to deal with it. The total time and cost are quite cost-effective.

Wu Yun does not intend to sell or rent this old house, but just keeps it here and comes back to live there during the holidays or during the Qingming Festival.

“Ok?”Wu Yun hung a rag on the hanging rod of the sink and shouted towards his grandparents’ room.

Bai Yue’s sweet voice came from the room:”Here we come!”

After a while, Bai Yue came out with a rag stained with some dust. After cleaning the sink, she washed her hands again, and then she jumped up to Wu Yun’s side.

“Let’s go!”Looking at Bai Yue’s smiling face, Wu Yun reached out and touched her hair.


Wu Yun felt a slight pain in his stomach, his mouth was burning, and his nose was dripping with the spicy taste, but he still couldn’t help but reach out with his chopsticks and pick up the bits of rabbit meat in the pile of chili peppers.

Mute Rabbit is worthy of his name. Anyway, Wu Yun, an authentic Shu native, can’t accept the spiciness.

People at the tables around me were making”si~si~” sounds while talking and sucking saliva.

Looking at Bai Yue again, I saw that her original cherry mouth turned red because she ate too many chili peppers, as if she had put on lipstick.

“Ah~ No way! Give me vinegar! I want to dip it”

Wu Yun took the vinegar handed over by Bai Yue and poured half a bottle into his bowl.

Then he put a rabbit waist into the vinegar, stirred it a few times with chopsticks, and then put it into his mouth.

Seeing Wu Yun’s embarrassment, Bai Yue thought of something and said with a smile:”Ayun, do you want me to bite you tonight? The kind that doesn’t rinse your mouth.””

When Wu Yun heard this, he suddenly felt a pain in his balls:”No, no, no, no! I don’t like that.””

Bai Yue continued:”I don’t think so! Last time in the capital, you always wanted me to bite you. You are so perverted. You like to be abused so much.”

Wu Yun and his two men didn’t speak loudly, but the three members of the family who were taking the seat could hear them clearly.

A three-year-old girl with braids sitting on a stool looked puzzled:”Dad! Does it hurt when my sister bites someone? I see that the uncle looks scared! My bite doesn’t hurt at all!””

When Wu Yun heard this, he felt a little embarrassed even though he was thick-skinned.

Bai Yue’s face suddenly turned red, as if she had drunk alcohol.

The girl’s parents looked at each other and only heard the mother say:”Ruirui, you are still young. When you grow up, it will hurt if you bite someone, so don’t bite anyone casually!””

The girl seemed to understand, and said with a smile:”Mom and Dad! Last time I heard my father say that he asked his mother to bite him, and he was not afraid of pain! Dad is a man! So that uncle is afraid of pain~! He is not a man!~”

this…Tong Yan Wuji, the girl’s parents can’t wait to get something to gag their child’s mouth, and then they dig a hole in the ground.

Wu Yun wiped the cold sweat from his head:”I’ve eaten!”

Bai Yue suddenly understood:”I’m full too, go check out quickly.””

Then the two of them quickly walked out of the store, and the big black bull roared onto the main road.

“It’s all your fault, why bring this up when you have nothing to do!”Wu Yun complained with a smile.

“Ahhhh! My face was completely humiliated!”Bai Yun leaned on the seat and vented. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to wear the soles of her shoes.

Wu Yun did not mention the matter again and changed the subject:”Okay, okay! If we are not full, we will watch a movie later and eat omelette noodles! I will ask Gao Qiang first if he wants to go out for a late-night snack together.”

The Bluetooth call was broadcast and was quickly answered by Gao Qiang

“Ayun! What’s going on?”The boys’ dialogues are very straightforward.

Listening to Gao Qiang’s baritone, Wu Yun smiled and said:”Qiang Zai, I asked you to come out to eat omelette noodles at night! Bai Yue and I will go together”

“You say it! ? Didn’t you go to the capital to find Bai Yue?”Gao Qiang didn’t believe it at all. He had only asked Wu Yun before the holiday if he wanted to go back to Jingyang.

“I lied to you that you are a dog! If you don’t believe me, ask Bai Yue!”Wu Yun motioned for Bai Yue to speak.

“Gao Qiang, we are really in Jingyang, and we just ate the dumb rabbit.”Then Bai Yue briefly talked about the twists and turns, and then Gao Qiang believed it.

“Qiang Zai, if you have a girlfriend, you can take him with you!”


Wu Yun hung up the phone with a smile. He could imagine the scene where Gao Qiang on the other side was furious and scolding him.

Bai Yue looked at Wu Yun’s shameless appearance and couldn’t help but recall her time in high school. She used to see Wu Yun every day and hear what he and Gao Qiang said every day.

Now that we are together, we spend less time together

“correct!”Wu Yun patted the steering wheel, interrupting Bai Yue’s memories.

“I was just coaxing you today, but I forgot to buy a movie ticket! Hurry and see if there is a spot!”

Bai Yue was speechless, took out her mobile phone, and started browsing movie ticket information.

After a while, I heard Bai Yue’s helpless voice:”I really admire you, there are no empty seats today! Even the cartoons are full!””

Wu Yun glanced at the right rearview mirror, turned on the right turn signal to change lanes, and the cars behind him began to slow down and give way.

“Go to South Street and I will go shopping with you!”

Soon, Wu Yun regretted his decision. He had forgotten the painful lesson of going shopping with Qi Fei last time, and this time he took the initiative to mention it.

It has to be said that he underestimated the unlimited stamina that women bring when going shopping. Shopping is not only tiring physically but also mentally.

“Ayun! Doesn’t this dress look good?”

“Ayun, does this dress look good?”

“Ayun, help me take a look���Do the shoes match?”

Wu Yun nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, kept saying it looked good, and kept paying.

After walking around for a long time, it was already two hours later.

“Baiyue, are you tired? How about we buy a glass of water and sit down and have a rest?”In Yangyang Department Store, Wu Yun was carrying large and small bags. His shoulders were sore and the ropes were so tight that his palms hurt.

Bai Yue looked at the underwear shop in front of her and ran to Wu Yun. Her breath tickled Wu Yun’s ears:”Ayun, how about buying a set of underwear? Let me wear it for you tonight.””

Wu Yun became energetic instantly. He looked up at the underwear store and saw the lace and hollow underwear on the model. His smile gradually became abnormal.

“Dear classmate Bai Yue, I want to see you wearing that suit!”

Bai Yue looked along Wu Yun’s finger, and her face suddenly turned red:”You’re a pervert! That’s open! Who wouldn’t wear that normally?””

“That one was originally worn for us men to see.”

Bai Yue smiled and scolded:”I think this designer must be a man, as perverted as you!”

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