Reborn Might Guy

Chapter 42 - The Gift

Guy didn't know what to expect so he slowly walked forward to the locked case. He unlocked the locks on the case as he very slowly opened the case. When he opened it the shocked look on his face was evident as he stutters with happiness "Is-Is this what I think it is Bulma?"

She nods with a proud look and says "Hope you enjoy it Guy"

Guy reaches inside the case and brought out 2 pairs of dragon-shaped Nunchucks. It felt like Guy was holding an old friend he hasn't seen in many decades. He started to swing them around at a slow pace getting the feel back for it. The smile on Guy's face gets bigger as he goes faster with swinging around the Nunchucks.

The wind pressure in the room started to increase dramatically as all the papers around the room started to get blown around. But before the wind pressure got too much to start destroying the room He stopped immediately by catching the Nunchucks and held the Nunchucks up towards Bulma. All the air that was left blew Bulma's hair back. She watched Guy with a huge smile as he held his dragon Nunchucks. "So how do you like them?" Bulma asked with a smile.

Guy softly put them back into the case and hugged Bulma as he says with tears of pure happiness streaming down his face "Thank you Bulma I love them"

She hugged Guy back with a big smile on her face as she enjoyed the hug with him. After a while, she asked Guy "So do you want to name them?"

Guy picks up the dragon Nunchucks and Remembers his last life and how he rarely used them but they were great. "Hmm, I'm thinking of naming them...Soshuga"

She nodded her head to the name and asked "What does Soshuga mean?" Guy is still admiring the Nunchucks as he says " They mean twin attacking fangs"

Bulma thought it was a good yet weird name. But where was she to judge Guy's naming ability? So they stood there for a minute Guy admiring and asking Bulma a few questions about these new Nunchucks. He found out they were made from a very Durable yet flexible material and somehow should be able to handle Guy's full power easily. Again Guy hugged Bulma thanking her for this great gift. They spent the rest of the night just spending time with each other watching tv and just hanging out.

Soon night came and both of them headed to bed. They both slept peacefully and couldn't wait for the next day to come. Soon morning came and Bulma woke up went downstairs to see breakfast already made. She saw Guy there waiting as he said with a Might Guy smile "Since you got me something I thought breakfast seemed like a good way to thank you"

Bulma was surprised he made her breakfast but accepted it full heartily. She ate the decently good meal as she and Guy talked about what their plan was. Guy brought up his plan of training in the mountains for a few months. Although Bulma was sad he was leaving again she knew it's something Guy likes doing so she just wished him well.

Guy picked up his stuff he would need which wasn't much. He picked up a few capsules stored with a few month's worths of food/Filled with clothes/A house and some training equipment which also included his new Nunchucks. After making sure he got everything for the final time he said goodbye to Bulma and flew off to the mountains near Goku's house

30 minutes pass as Guy flies towards a nice deserted part of the mountains. He flew down and started to set up his home which only took about a minute with the capsules he had. So after making sure he had everything all set up Guy started to get ready to head towards Goku's house to start Gohan's training. But before he left Guy rummaged through his stuff and brought out a decently sized box as he heads towards Goku's house.

Time continues to pass as Guy flies through the air enjoying just the feeling of flying. Soon he arrives at the house and knocks on the door. A few moments pass as Chi-Chi opens the door with a small smile "Oh Guy nice of you to come by. Please come in"

Guy nods and thanks Chi Chi as he heads inside to see Gohan eating his huge lunch. Gohan waves at Guy as he keeps eating his food in a semi-civilized manner. Chi Chi saw Guy was patiently waiting for Gohan to finish and decided to ask "So Guy how long will you and Guy be training?"

"Oh don't worry only for a few hours. I will bring him back before dinner and don't worry it's nothing dangerous" Guy said in a reassuring tone

Chichi nods in agreement even if she wasn't the most excited about Gohan training like his dad. But she suddenly had an idea "Is it ok if you train here and I can watch?"

Gohan shrugs and says "Sure if you would like too but it might be a little boring for you to just watch"

Chichi gives a smile at how reasonable Guy was and said "Oh no problem just worried about Gohan"

Guy nodded and ȧssured Gohan he will be safe. They chatted for a few minutes while Gohan finished eating his lunch. Afterward, he walked to his Uncle Guy and asked with a smile "What's in the box Uncle Guy?"

When Guy heard that he got on one knee and handed Gohan the box as he gives him his signature smile and a thumbs up. " Just a little gift before we start training"

Gohan eagerly opens it up to see a Black and yellow training Gi. It was mainly back but there was a small yellow circle of the left peck that had the kanji for turtle. And on the back with a Big circle had the kanji for Youth. Gohan was excited as he ran to go try it on. He came out a few minutes later with his training Gi on and was ready to start training.

Guy guided Gohan outside his house to a nice open field nearby their house. Guy saw Chi-Chi watch from a distance and decided to start training with something basic. "Ok, Gohan to see what level you currently are at I'm going to give you a test. Gohan try and make me leave this circle. You got 5 minutes"

He saw Gohan slid out of the circle a few feet away as he slowly got up. So he gave Gohan a hint "Come on Gohan I know your smart so what way can you win even if your opponent is much stronger than yourself"

Gohan thought about this for a short while before he said "By fighting smart and never giving up"

Guy gave Gohan a grin as he nodded "Well you still have 3 minutes left so what will you try next Gohan?"

Gohan saw Guy was trapped in this small circle. So he had to try something that would help him move him. After thinking for a little bit he got an idea. It was Risky but it should work out hopefully. Gohan ran around the field picking up rocks and throwing them at Guy. He simply dodged the slow rocks. But Gohan grabbed a dozen and threw them all at Guy at Full speed

Guy was impressed with this strategy. But he simply caught them all and dropped them to the ground. Gohan wasn't done yet as he placed both of his hands together on top of his forehead facing out as he yelled out "MASKENO!!"

A Small bright yellow beam of energy headed towards Guy who only had a proud smile on his face. As he held his hand out and tanked the blow. Dust blew up from the collision but as the Dust cleared we saw Gohan running forward full speed and tried to head Butt Guy in his diaphragm. But was only stopped when Guy used his other hand to stop Gohan. "Time's up Gohan"

Before Gohan could feel sad that he failed. Guy said "Congratulations you passed"

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