Clouds ran as Ishur blew the wind, disappearing across the horizon.

The plains were swept away by mountain skins.

Clear skies and earth.

Mountains of Brectas to the west and plains to the east. The land on the north side of the Kingdom of Ladis extends.

Nothing blocks my sight.

... So it's time to go.

Ishur gazed at several strips of black muscle that stretched the vast mountain hem towards Antilla.

The United Kingdom Army, which has come down Balstal, sees three, five other, slightly thin rows of thick, long human horses that appear to be the main force.

There is no deep forest between the mountains of North Brektas and Antilla, but only slightly dense trees on the steep cliffs of the slopes scattered around the mountain hem, the valley muscles.

The enemy is exposing its military appearance to the meadows. Nothing separates them.

"That's a great view. I feel magnificent. But..."

There's a rifia voice coming from behind.


At the same time, Mira put her hand on Ishur's right arm.

"Ishur. What are you thinking right now?

A force can be put into the hands of Rifia, who holds Ishur's right shoulder.

"Didn't you think about that magician who died in that torture?... Don't you hate Neumance and the kings of Agnia?

Lifia's voice approaches. Her voice hits her in the ear.

"If you care about Ishur, you'll lose this beautiful mountain field too."

Mira on Sharka's left shoulder is by her side (instead).

Sharka is silent. She looks difficult and stares at the horizon that spreads in front of her.


"Be careful, Ishr"

Rifia's serious voice continues.

"You forgot? You said you wouldn't fight like Yuri Olura. I thought you were determined not to destroy and kill again."

... right.

I was about to. For a moment, I forgot.


Ishur stared silently at his palm.

I tried everything I could to wield my magic, didn't I?

This magnificent panorama. A great army of enemies marching on the earth. But that's as small as an ant queue to me right now.

I don't hate Neumans or Agnias.

But there was certainly a heart to despise.

... said it was the dirty ones.

That's what I thought, being only a small presence in this view.

The all-powerful feeling that spreads to my heart.

All this magnificent heaven and earth is above my palm.

Shake whatever power you can on those ugly ones.

If I lose that temptation.

Aren't I like Yuri and them?

"... Ishur?

Mira looks up at me with an anxious face.

"Oh,... thanks. It was dangerous."

Ishur pulled his jaw and narrowed his eyes and said. The voice was shaking slightly.

The United Kingdom army, which has descended from Balstal, is divided into three main armies, with five other troops marching towards Antilla.


Ishur breathed heavily once and, spitting it out, gazed at the military flag leading each army.

The distant units are as far away as twenty miles long (scar, about 13 km), even at a straight distance.

The flag of the Grand Duchy of Orula, who wants to refrain from attacking with the intimacy of Drazen, is a silver lion and crown in the land of swallow fat (Enji), but at this distance we do not know even the fine pattern.

But for now, I don't see swallow fat flags in the two narrow formations in front of me and behind them, in the three main rows marching through the center.

In front of the diagonal below you can see Fort Bendeke, the eastern side of the Butektas Mountains stretching north and disappearing, almost in the middle of the sight, the city of Antilla surrounded by gray walls at the right edge of the sight.

Everything can be seen now, it's in a great position.

... Do you want to blow off the leading part of the five units in front first?

Ishur put his "hand" on the other realm of the wind, staring at the leading part of the five troops.

... Let's go.

Five pieces of wind magic, concentrate like a cone and stick them in the targeted position.


Moment after moment, Mira and Lifia get nervous and convey a flattery.

Thin, dense earthen smoke rose vertically at the tip of enemy troops marching through the mountain hem of Brectas.

And that earthen smoke slowly spreads around.

Ishur fronted, putting up a wall of wind magic.

At the same time, a shock wave of frightening air accompanied by a low, heavy explosion.

Ishur found his strained wall of wind magic shaking fine.

"At this distance......, awesome"

I can hear Rifia whining from behind.

All the leading parts of the enemy's longitudinal row are covered in earthen smoke.

"Ishur, it's wonderful."

Mira also raises an exclamation.

Ranged, widespread, multiple simultaneous attacks, all activated in precise position, hit…. They're probably saying it's amazing.

There are probably no more than five hundred casualties on the enemy's side. Now it is still covered in earthen smoke and clearly invisible.

... I concentrated, but I kind of poked it at my fingertips. It would have been more out of step when Yuri attacked Balstal. The magic of the wind clearly manifests its power in the atmosphere. That's why it looks big and conspicuous even at this distance.

"Oh, horrible. Even if it's wind magic, you never want to fight Lord Shields."

But there Silbastol said to himself.

The Spirit of Gold is located diagonally behind the Ishurs.


Ishur shrugged his shoulders slightly to Silva's utterance, which denied all his judgments.

"Ishur. Me and Lord Mira kick the enemy army attached to Fort Bendeke. Will you drop me off at the right place?"

I've told Ishl that Rifia exchanges her gaze with Mira.


Ishur dropped his gaze toward the fort under his eyes.

About 2,000 troops in the United Kingdom have taken over the fort and are about to besiege about half the west.

Fort Bendeke is a small castle about ten miles south of Antilla (scar, about 6.5km), surrounded by stone walls by about ten small settlements located on the streets of the military capital, but from above it appears that part of the walls have been destroyed and damage has been done to the houses inside.

... that damage would be from before. This fort is in quite an important position. After the fall of Balstal, have we not dealt with it many times on the enemy's side?

Apparently, after Yuri Olura led a detachment south to the King's Capital, perhaps in the last few days, the Kingdom of Radice recaptured it, but the United Kingdom began the attack as soon as possible as a positive move for the Antilla Siege. And naturally, this attack will also include the intent to obstruct this contingent's entry into the castle.

Ishur moved just above Fort Bendeke as he dropped altitude.

"This is fine."

As Ishur descended from the ground to a height about a mile long, Rifia called out.

From below you can hear the sound of swords, armor, and soldiers screaming. So far I see no noticeable magic activation.

"I told Ishur oh, we are desperate and we must fight with all our might. There are two thousand enemy troops."

As Ishur looked back, Rifia smiled with a clear smile.

"Both the North Line and Antilla look over the whole thing, and only Ishur can see things from afar"

"If you are in the fort directly below, leave it to us"

Following the rifia, Mira palates.

They're telling me not only to hold down the main enemy forces, but also to look over Baltar and get closer to the whole situation, and the castle, and get a little closer to the enemy.

"Fine reconnaissance will follow. But in the meantime, let's try to grasp the entire battlefield, as you say."

… firstly, the movement of the main enemy forces in front of you, and the location of the castles on the North Line seen on the pictorial map, will be seen directly with this eye. Approaching reconnaissance, western side of the mountain reconnaissance turns later.

"Uhm. Then I'm going.... Lord Mira"

Lifia called out to Mira as she grinned deeper and nodded. And he jumped off Ishur's back and fell straight off.

Under my eyes, that sharp ray of magic flashes.

"Well, then, Ishr, I'll come."

When Mira turned her spare grin on Ishur, she quietly descended slowly, remaining on Sharka's shoulder as opposed to Rifia.

"Silva, cover them from above."

[]/(exp, adj-na) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk)

Silvastol also follows Mira, slowly descending.

Has he also decided that there is plenty of room for the strong gold spirits, and that Rifia and Mira and Sharka are enough for two thousand enemy troops?

The descending rifia landed with soot cigarettes in the middle of the enemy army, somewhat around the rear commander supposedly, and began to ramble instantly on the spot. On its front, a group of archers shooting arrows flourishing in the fort heard countless bursts of gold magic, the roaring sound of metal up to Ishur's ear, and the screaming of enemy soldiers.

... Mira must have done something to the enemy soldier's armor.

At the time, Mira and Sharka are over the heads of enemy forces, preventing enemy spears and other attacks, while probably producing and throwing numerous iron balls. The magic of the two looked brilliant on the offense.

The enemy army had struck a large marutai at the castle gate where it had been prepared, but it was also rounded off by the magic of Mira's gold.

Refia is...... well, fine. They continue to slaughter even enemy soldiers.

The strength to defend allied fortifications was about hundreds, and the United Kingdom army quickly broke through the castle gate, momentum that quickly drove them down, but their participation in the battle reversed the war all at once.

On second thought, it's an impossible story for the three of us to challenge a thousand units of armies, including Sharka, and quickly overwhelm them.

"Sword Palace"

Northehild appeared and spoke before Ishur, who looked down and was dismayed.


Ishur looked right up and looked forward.

At the same time as her voice, she felt numerous magic flashes far north.

Nearly twenty spirits appeared in the soil and smoke that faded away thinly.

The main enemy force that was down the mountain hem seems to have stopped marching with each squad. Each of the Spirits of the enemy comes this way.

"Norte, can you do it?

"No problem."

Can you kill nearly twenty enemy spirits alone? Northehild turned a sharp gaze and agreed to Ishl's inquiry with

"All right, go"

[]/(exp, adj-na) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk)

Northehild flipped his long hair tied behind him and disappeared gently from the front of Ishl.

In the next moment, her hindsight appears just before the enemy spirits, a few relative doll (hiccups) spirits, blown away by chance.

When Ishur raised his altitude, he jumped over Northehild's head fighting the enemy spirits, trying to get out to the front of the enemy army.

Along the way, spirits shaped like (eh) and birdman shaped spirits with large wings soared from the bottom, but Ishur expanded as he pushed out the wind's magic wall, releasing it straight to the enemy and wiping it out in an instant.

Ishur moved more north, occupying a position directly behind the fortified city of Antilla, at an altitude of about two thousand long steps (Skull, about 1,300 m). It is about the same height, with its gaze on the bordering northern Brektas.

And it was on the north side, sweeping through earlier attacks, beating the wind's magic on the enemy army, which was still moving forward.

There are three remaining troops pushing under their eyes toward Ishur, stretching a long line toward the mountain.

The same wind of magic that I unleashed on the main enemy forces earlier pierced the lead troops of the enemy forces.

Three earthen smokes are vertically sharp and rise to the mountain hem of Brectas.

When a low, heavy explosion sounds, smoke mixed with gray in brown spreads thinly around.

The march of the three remaining units of the enemy also stopped.

Several spirit-like magical beings appear over each squad. But at that moment, Ishur struck out the magic of the wind.


Ishur faced the northern Brektas Mountains, which stretched north and south, looking down at the longitudinal rows of United Kingdom troops, each beginning to withdraw under his eyes.

The distance between Ishur and the enemy forces would be about a few miles long (scar, about 650 m a mile long) in a straight line, even for the closest unit. I can hear the slightest noise of enemy soldiers standing, but in the vast mountains their presence was too small, and their confusion and retreating movements seemed unusually slow.

In the lower left corner of Ishur, on the south side, Northehild was about to stab a stop at the last two remaining spirits.

Shortly before staggering with the Spirit of the enemy doll (one), her figure disappears and in an instant she reappears behind it. At that time the Spirit of the enemy was dispersed and extinguished. The last of them were buried in the same way.

Ishur remained in the same position for some time afterwards, launching sporadic attacks on the withdrawing enemy forces.

I dared not use gold magic, but began attacking with wind magic, which I am used to using.

I don't use gold magic now. I'll keep it later. With the great magic of gold, there's something I really want to do.

... in that North Line castle group.

Ishur turned his gaze to the microscopic structures that existed dotted across the mountains.

The snow-covered areas are white, the places that have not yet accumulated are black, and numerous castles and fortifications are built along the mountain ridges and on the main points.

All the castles are distorted, collapsed and blackened, probably due to the attack by Yuri Olura. At this distance, we cannot take a clear look at the traces of his golden magic.

... the leftmost, slightly visible towering structure on the south side, that was not on the picture map. Probably an unnamed lookout. A small castle at the top of the mountain, the next step higher, is probably Ilard Castle.

And to its right, an even higher peak to the north. At the top of the highest mountain in the surrounding mountain ridge is….

After leaving Frontera, Ishur was often invited by Rusla and Trash Rouge at night to serve alcohol. On several occasions at that time he was shown a pictorial map of the castle fortress group in Balstal, which also received brief explanations.

Ishur stared at the castle at its highest altitude on the north side of the North Brektas Mountains.

The silhouette of a dark castle, where only one castle tower grew......

"That's Carnas."

The highest castle on the North Line.

Ishur smiled small. The lips looked gruesome and distorted.


Ishur shifted his gaze further to the right and sideways to the north.

Two main castles on the Balstal Castle Fortress line, first seen above a much lowered ridge along the Muldo Castle Mountains. And north of the castle, a long stretch of walls reminiscent of the Great Wall of Miles was seen slightly.

Before the mountains disappeared into the plains, the second main castle, possibly the haral castle, was far away and seemingly sumptuous.

There must be countless streams flowing around Haral Castle like the eyes of a net. That is now overshadowed and clearly invisible.

Ishur turned his gaze back to the front there and turned to the enemy forces who would continue to retreat.

From time to time there were all eight silver radiant columns, carving black muscles into the mountain skin, each in a slow motion that was almost invisible, aiming to the summit of the mountain.

"Sword Palace, we've cleared all enemies."

Northehild leaned between them and called a small voice from behind.

"Oh, thank you. Good luck."

Ishur turned back, grinning and twisting the Spirit of the Wind, he immediately put his face back in front and stood on the spot for a while. It was floating in the air.

... I don't know what happens on the battlefield.

But not now.

This distance, this altitude is in a position overlooking the entire battlefield.

Neither unexpected nor abnormal can be reached at the separation of this space. It can't happen.

Now I'm from God's point of view, like that.

If I can secure this sight, I can control the battlefield and remain absolutely undefeated.

No more Yuri Olura. I have the gold magic fixture in my hand.

... and somehow I know.

Ishur turned around and saw the small moon floating in the eastern sky.

Thin and blue during the day, the upper string moon.

Lelia, the moon god, doesn't show up now.

Now is not the time.

... Now, my destiny still doesn't work.

As Ishur turned south and turned his face toward Fort Bendeke, he could see the enemy's army running off its western side disturbing the reckoning.

The enemy is confused, scattered and fleeing towards the mountains.

... Lifia and Mira seem to have successfully retreated from the enemy.


Something glowed over Antilla then.

"That's... What are we gonna do?

Norte Hild asks.

A gray, curved and straight castle. There is some magic shining over it.

"That's on your side. Spirit on my side. … that castle city is a city of allies"


Norte bows his head so hard that he understands.

Ishur shifted his gaze from Norte Hild to Antilla.

So you're saying that Antilla's side reacted by now?

"No, that's..."

Ishur gazed at the exterior of Antilla, the walls on the south side. From the shadow of a castle wall stretching east, a group of hundreds or so of soldiers and horses emerge.

The castle gate on the south side is opened and the gate is lowered over the water moat. A wide range of paths were connected to the South Gate.

A squad of Horsemen defending Antilla began southbound on its extensive path, the streets of the military capital. If we keep going, we'll hit Fort Bendeke in about half an hour.

Horse-riding centric squadrons are on their way to Fort Bendeke...... That would be reinforcements to the same fort, reinforcements.

The flags of the Ladis kingdoms and the marquis of the horseback squadrons, where Ishur also knew, were also mixed with the flags of the House of the Duke of Beervald.

"The Commander welcomes Petra himself."

Apparently, the horseback squad heading to Bendeke was more than just reinforcements.

In the fortified city of Antilla, the highest ranking is the Duke of Beervald. The battle death of his brother Demetrio has left the general of the local Royal Army vacant, acting as his duke.


Ishur gazed away and did it to the south.

I can see soil and smoke standing up on the street muscle. A dispatch platoon was headed for Fort Bendeke and was approaching.

A grassy field of curves eventually swallows up and disappears into the mountains of Brectas, which are blue and sumptuous.

The yang is circling to the west, and the boys walking around drenched in the bodies of the lying enemy soldiers look dark and shady.

The knights' squire, the young men of the castle soldiers, had picked up the arrows that had fallen around them, gathering bows, spears, swords, etc. from the bodies of enemy soldiers around them.

There are more than three hundred bodies of enemy soldiers abandoned in the meadows, and the examination of those who already appear to be more than righteous knights has been completed and they are buried by a wooden tree a little further southeast from the fort in the opposite direction. The fort's guards are now digging holes in the adjacent area, and the rest of the bodies scattered around are to be transported in carriages and buried.

Ishur was out of the fort in the name of detecting Yuri's golden magic traces inscribed on the fort's walls, looking around.

Fort Bendeke suffered a variety of damage inside and outside the walls, including after the fall of Balstal, during the offensive war over Antilla, and an attack by Yuri Olura heading south to the King's Capital.

"The enemy has long abandoned those who have perished.... pitiful."

Refia looks over the meadow and speaks to no one.

Ishur was accompanied by Mira and Sharka, as well as Refia.

"It's because Rifia and Mira got busted around, right? The enemy army was too terrified for you to carry the bodies of your allies."

Both enemies and allies are basically a collection of armies led by each of the Lords. So the soldiers are all in the same town, and the bodies of the war dead are often properly recovered and retreated in the losing battle (Kudosa).

"I am not, Master Ishur. It was Mr. Riffia who ran around like a god."

Mira looked grumpy and turned away, "Don't stay with me," she continued.

My attitude seems a little obnoxious. There is a play. There is a slight grin in her mouth.


Rifia didn't notice Mira's subtle attitude like that, or it got stuck and solidified all the time.

"Pfft. But isn't that amazing, that's Rifia. That's exactly what a thousand is all about."

When Ishur said so, Lifia also gave her nose a "hunch" and turned that way.


Ishur turned his gaze toward the fort's walls.

The stone walls, about fifteen long steps high (skull, about 10 m), are all burnt black and crumbling.

At its collapse, a floating iron mass of red rust adhered to it as early as possible, making it stick.

In the siege battle, Yuri Olura stabbed countless iron spears and destroyed and killed both castles and castle soldiers at once, then it was the law, the usual means, to dissolve that iron spear and start a fire.

... When you see the walls burning uniformly and the iron mass that dissolved beneath them covered, you can see exactly under what idea he was using gold magic.

Yuri was not adamant about magic craftiness, conventional usage, giving priority to the speed and scale that would bring destruction. Obviously it was a way of exerting power in the war. It was the magic to use for the war.

It must have been set up in a hurry since the Allies recaptured it, and all the remarkable parts of the fall of the walls were blocked by impromptu fences linking the marutai with ropes and chains.

"I wanted to be there, Ishle."

When a voice looked up from the top of his head, Romir was putting his face out of the corner missing saw wall (Kokokabe).

"Mr. Petra is here for you. … please come inside the fort."

Romir said, letting down some voices in the second half.

From the gap between the stone walls and the wooden fence, enter the fort. Riffia and the others follow from behind.

Passing by the side of the barrack-like building in front of him and out into the square on the north side of the fort, he was filled with many knights, like-minded lordsmen, their squires and others.

On the west side of the square, beside the walls, you can also see Petra and Marya.


Ishur sighed hard and walked towards them about behind Romir.

When enemy forces descended from Balstal in an attempt to attack Antilla, including their retreat, and Rifia and Mira drove off a separate squad of enemies attached to Fort Bendeke, Ishur joined the Rifias, greeted by the cheering voices of allied castle soldiers, and stepped inside the fort.

As he greeted the defensive captain of the Knights of the Duke of Beervald, who said he was a hundred captains, Petra's contingent arrived first, and Ishur briefed her and Marya, Rusla, and Ranal Brad, captain of the Knights of the Battalion, on the situation.

The successful defeat of the great armies of the United Kingdom that came down from the northern line brought the generals of dispatched platoons, including Petra, and the castle soldiers of the fort, together to a boil of joy.

Sewing everyone's floating clearance, Ishur pulled Rusla away from the Petra's and stopped at the edge of the square to open a belly proposal for a Balstal recapture that had been warming for a long time.

With direct eyes on the Balstal Castle Fortress group, he was then able to interact with the enemy side in an encounter with the main enemy forces. Ishur explained and persuaded Rusla to move to execution, convinced that there were no problems with the proposed operation he had set up on his own regarding the initial retrieval of Balstal.

And Ishur confirmed to Rusla that one of the most important things, "the lead in the recapture of the North Line and the defeat of the United Kingdom forces will be held by Petra and his chief minister, who will not give it to the Horsemen defending Antilla".

If you're thinking about Petra's future, you should avoid the kind of thing that would end up with her being just a decoration, a nominal general in this battle. An important battle can be fought mostly by one Ishur. Her accomplishments as general will be authentic if Ishur takes the form that the battle she carries out is by order of Petra, and if she can eliminate the cross spears by the Antilla queens.

That would be what Henrik wants, and so would Marya. Rusla was also concerned from the beginning, and there was no difference.

As Ishur and Rusla spoke there in the corner of the square, a horseback riding squad, led by the Duke of Beervald himself, came into the castle, picked up from Antilla.

The pick-up from Antilla was accompanied not only by the Duke himself, but also by many nobles, lords who had joined Antilla as well.

Here, finally, the dramatic encounter between the Grand Duke of Antios, one daughter of Henrik Ladis, who became decisive to become the next king of the Kingdom of Ladis, and Petra Ladis, who led the contingent, and the Duke of Lexel Beervaldo, the chief seat and commander of the marquis defending the castle city of Antilla, after the death of his king brother Demetrio, was to form an association between the marquis and the Grand Duchy of Antilla.

The duke and all the marquises were about to kneel before Petra, celebrating and thanking her arrival, and complaining of the bitterness of the cage castle so far. Some of them even wept with emotion.

Little Petra, though, received their mouth with dignity. Then she uttered the words of her wanderings to every one who was the Lord.

Ishur thought it would not be long, and once he called Rusla "I will also see it in the magical trace of Yuri's gold," he decided to leave the scene.

The surroundings were belled by many knights and soldiers.

Ishur killed Yuri Olura on that occasion and secretly feared being introduced as the "hero" who saved the King's capital. I wanted to avoid, if I could, that the soldiers in general could remember their faces to stand out unnecessarily.

... those who have taken over the General of the United Kingdom Army, those who have the magic of wind and gold, those who have been blessed by the wind gods, there is nothing more we can do about them now to know their names. I have no choice.

But I wanted to avoid that many could even remember "faces".

... Besides, some of the Horsemen were close to Henrik, others to the king who had fallen into battle, and others to the faction of the king's brother Demetrio, who was also the ruler of Balstal.

On his own, Ishur wanted to make sure Rusla didn't give them the lead in the war, while on the other hand not wanting to get involved in their factional strife, in politics, as much as possible.

In the Holy Kingdoms, that's what made me struggle a lot.

I was sick and tired of all that trouble, and that was Ishl's untrue truth.

Along with Rusla's manoeuvres, Balstal spearheads a siege battle with or without the power of his own divine magic fixture, ending it early.

The factional strife of the Kingdom of Ladis is not as pioneering or radical as the strife of the King of the Holy Kingdoms but princes, righteousness, etc. While there is no possibility of destabilization in the future, Henrik and Petra's parents and daughters, it would not change that their forces are overwhelmingly dominant, and Ishur dared to stick his neck in, as in Mira's time, and did not think it necessary to help Petra or the Maryas.

As Ishur stepped away from the square following a moving act, outside the hustle and bustle, outside the fort, Mira followed Sharka. Likewise, Refia followed me.

... Mira is an exotic nobleman, and I know she wanted to avoid that place because she joined the party in her personal relationship with Ishur. But since Refia is a great nobleman of the kingdom, shouldn't she stay there?

Even though Ishur thought so, he didn't say anything in particular to Lifia.

As Romir led him back to the square and walked among the people towards the Petra, there was a lord who spoke out in affection to Marya, who was beside Petra.

"Well done, Marya."


The two voices were also heard in Ishur's ears.

... Whoa, is that Marya's father?

The lord who spoke to Marya is small fat on his short body, but his skeleton is a solid, magnificent man. She has the same black eyes as Marya, cut her gray hair short and grows the same bright white beard. Behind him was one elderly knight who looked tall and refrained.

"That's Count Lorugo Aeren. As you can see, Lord Marya's father."

Rifia whispers in her ear from behind.

... Hmm. I also feel somewhat like Marya.

"Brother Naidekt..."

Mary, hugged by her father, raised her face and would have died in Balstal, asking her father for news of her brother.

"Hmm. I don't know for sure yet, but I'm already..."

Count Aeren said with a very cloudy complexion and a disappearing voice.


"Marya, hold on. Radnis will be waiting for you in Antilla."

A knight who refrains behind the Count is encouraging Marya. Radnis is one of Marya's oldest brothers.

"But, Marya, you did a really good job. Petra, your participation can't be anything."

The Earl continued, "I'm glad to hear you're keeping Petra safe."


And Mary nodded to her father, and turned her face toward Ishul.

"... Ishl"

"Oh, wow."

"Mm-hmm. Oh, your lord hated Yuri Olura, the sword of our kingdom!

When Mary murmured Ishur's name, and Ishur answered in a whisper, the Count showed an attitude that was little more than exaggeration, and came to Ishur.

"I've heard a lot about your lord from Marya. This time it was truly great."

Mary's father, resembling his daughter, shook her hand as she moved her short leg and came before Ishur, shaking it.

"Yes, no..."

... Daiichi, when? But good for you, Marya.

Ishur smiled slightly drawn and waved her little one.

"Ooh, Ishl. Are you finally here?"

Aside from an inspiring reunion with my father, Petra, who had turned her back on Marya and talked to her maid-headed Christina, turned her face to Ishl.

So did Petra, claw ahead, raise her hands, and maybe start swinging.

"All, all! Look at this one. Then I'll make you my concubine's friend and introduce you to the sword of the kingdom, Ishr Bersch."

And I bumped it up out loud.

"Ishur, come closer, come closer"

Even though Petra said so, for some reason, she ran up to Ishur herself.


Ishur closed his mouth and made his face even more attractive.

Step away from Ishl as Count Aeren grins, and walk away.

All who were in the square paid attention to Ishur.

"Oh, yeah, but that!

A figure like the Duke of Beervald entered the direction of Ishur from among the marquis who had spoken with Rusla and Ranal, the commander of the Knights of the Squad.

... Shit, that's why I didn't like it.

Ishur felt like a chew inside out.

It is not just the Horsemen and Knights. The allowances for the wounded, the repair of the walls and the care of the horses are lower in number in the square than earlier, but still many castle soldiers remained.

"Please, Duke. The sword of Yveda, a new man of great talent and reputation, is a young man as old as a concubine."

There is no Petra. He is willing to deviate from his chest.

Ishur shrugged her shoulders when she saw Petra like that. I got a dry grin.

... I have no choice. I can't avoid this kind of thing.

Ishur let the marquis, including the approaching duke, break his hips with his right hand against his chest.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ishr Bersch, a resident of the village of Bersch"

As usual, it will be done with a minimum of courtesy towards the nobility.

"No, this is the first time I see you. It's Lexel Beervald."

When the Duke of Beervald smiled in good taste, he stood in front of Ischl and slapped him on the shoulder.

The lords who stand behind him are also at once devoid of any subterfuge, smiling and grinning.

"No, I wondered what would happen when the enemy came down the mountain in all armies... It was a great fight. Especially the lost spirits of the United Kingdom, as they descend thirty bodies"

Most of the enemy spirits that Norte cleaned up would be covenant spirits. Then the period is incorrect, but at least from a few days to a long time, it will be nearly a month, and I will not be able to call you here.

"It was perfectly delightful and refreshing to wrap my tail around it and retreat"

Naturally, all the generals caged in Antilla would have seen some of the city's inhabitants all the time.

"This battle was really dangerous. On behalf of the royal family, thank you from me."

The Duke has bowed his head there to Ishl.

Rexel Beervald has a slightly taller face, a well-maintained moustache, and a more or less stately aristocracy. That's how I put the air together.

But he, and all the lords that were behind him, were in armor, and at the same time smelled the battlefield.

"Yes, no..."

Ishur shook his head to the side with a small voice.

... this one knows exactly what I'm doing in my personal relationship with Petra, Henrik and Maryas, so I know.

"So, who's that?

The Duke said with his face to Mira, who stood diagonally behind Ishur.

"This is..."

"Oh, you are!

As Ishur tried to introduce Mira to the Duke, one from among the Lords, a loud voice went up.

...... hmm? You know Mira here?


As Ishur looks back at the groans he hears from behind, Rifia stands with her face stretched.


"Definitely, you are Lord Lifia!

About twenty years old, a tall young man came out of the lords before the Ishurs.

... you know Rifia, not Mira.


The Duke of Beervald speaks to the young man.

The Duke's face is nervous.

This man belongs to the Duke's house......

"Lord Rifia. You used to see me in Wangdu when I was a kid, didn't you? Will you remember? I am Hanes Behrvald!


Refia gets a slight look and solidifies.

"What's up? Refia."

Ishur looked at Hanes and turned to Rifia again to speak to her.

"Henrik told me about you.... Please."

A flimsy, nervous voice.

Ishur looked forward and gazed at Hanes' face.

Like a father? A neat face very similar to that of the Duke. Its face is trendy and its eyes are shaking like burning.

"Please, let me get back to you right now. Will you be my wife?

The voice of the youth echoed in the square.

What? What?

Ishur glanced at Hanes' face.

No, everyone on the spot was stunned and saw the youth.

The Duke, Mira, and the Marquis.

... and Refia too.

The perimeter squeaks.

Lifia turned bright blue and whispered to Ishl.

"This is... this is different"


... What do you mean?


Ishur can't say anything without knowing why.


Refia suddenly revealed her face, and when she looked serious, she advanced before Hanes Beervald.

Hanes is no less than Lifia and has a serious look.

... well.

Ishur finally understood what Hanes had said when he saw the two looking at each other with a strong gaze.

... The Duke's youth offered Rifia a a marriage offer.

If Henrik had, he would have said something.

"Hanes! What are you saying here? Stop it."

The Duke cracks from the side.

"That young man is the son of the Duke of Beervald, I'm sure."

Mira comes up and whispers.

"Ah, oh.... I guess."


Turning to Mira, she looked horrible.

My blue eyes are burning cold.

"You're a very forthright person. I didn't expect you to propose in a place like this at a time like this"

... It's a hell of a thing indeed.

We are at war now. But it's not. I...

Different emotions swirl through Ishur's mind.

... hot as my whole body burns.

"Just a moment, please"

Refia stops his harsh gaze at the Duke. Her eyes are slightly red and light.

Lord Hanes, it's my offer.

Lifia took Hanes' hot gaze directly from the front and said in a stiff tone.

"Your offer is categorically declined"

She clenched her fists in both hands.

"I already have one in my heart."

A twist occurs in the silenced square.

Rifia firmly and dignified out.

"… others, etc., unthinkable"

People's voices quickly quiet and the silence covers the area again.

On the side Mira covered her licence with both hands, "Well......" she exhaled.

... The one who made the decision is about me.

Ishur felt tension fall out of his whole body.

I couldn't help but feel the relief spreading in my mind.

But it doesn't change how hot it is. No, is this a different heat?

"Oh, my God..."

There was a deep voice of despair that made me want to cover my ears there.

Hanes' burning face becomes distorted. The light disappears from its open eyes.

The young man swayed from a flurry, about to fall back.

"Lord Hanes."

One of the lords that was behind him moved forward and even took him from behind.

"When the Grand Duke asked me about the marriage, it was my uncertainty that I didn't immediately say no on the spot. I sincerely apologize for that."

Lifia bowed her head to Hanes, who was disappointed.

Once again in a quiet place, I could hear the whispering voices of the people whispering.

"... Marya. I didn't think so, but it leaked."

"I... I won't do that"

...... hmm?

Ishur's ears picked up the voices of the girls he was used to hearing from among them.

Turn your face to the other side with Mira, to the left.

At the edge of the square, try to hide in the shadows of your Christians and Thelma, where Petra and Marya do something.

Lifia is whispering something to the Duke. Hanes doesn't seem to be able to recover from the shock yet.

Ishur approached Petra and Mary softly.


Christina, Thelma and other Petra maids have said nothing but to meet and construe Ishur even as he crosses the front.

Ishur circled beside them and stood directly behind Petra and Marya.

"What's with the leak? Explain it to me."



Two little backs shrink.

"The Duke's son named Petra's father, didn't he? What you know, let me tell you something."

"Ugh, um"

"Ishur is deaf, too.... Ugh."

The two looked back to Ishl and Petra nodded honestly immediately, although the punishment seemed a little bad. But Mary slapped him lightly, and was bewitched by Ishul with a fearful face, and shrugged his neck.

"That's right, but not when I was in the Holy Kingdom. of Uromira in the example, that matter is also involved."

First Petra began to whisper. I'm going to stare up at Ishur.

... of red jade stone, you mean the magic fixture of the god of the earth.

Ishur's face gained more seriousness.

"So I wanted to talk to Ishur, and Rifia thought it appropriate, and I decided to ask him to go to the Holy Kingdom to bring him back."

"I heard rumors that Lifia didn't hate Ishur even though he was a parent's enemy, so I went to check with Frontera."

And, following Petra, Marya said.

… what is the "rumor” and was it the “report” of the “mustache”?

Ishur was briefed on the story of Petra in a way that Mary would make up for.

Petra, who had been asked unprecedented by Uromira, the covenant Spirit, to help Ishur with the matter of the god of the earth, heard Rifia and Ishur in a series of events ranging from the crusade of the Red Emperor Dragon to the assassination of Borderline Bird, in a mixed causal relationship with love, and dared to choose her as a messenger and send her to Ishur, who was in the Holy City in those days.

Let Rifia pick up Ishl, and the Grand Duke Henrik bit one for that persuasion. The Grand Duke called Lifia to Frontera in the name of hearing the circumstances regarding the bonds issued at the Borderline House, and Henrik himself saw them to her.

On that occasion Henrik offered Lifia financial assistance for the Borderline Uncle and took his marriage story with the Duke of Beervald's man.

Refia avoided a quick answer on the story, and Henrik was not forced to either. Henrik therefore began the story of the causes of the Dukes of Beervald and Orbella at the time of the invasion of the United Kingdom two hundred years ago.

"At that time, my concubine and Mary hid in the hall and asked me to hear them interact."

"My uncle started talking weird all of a sudden"

According to Marya's story, Henrik then told Rifia the story of the time, when the surviving daughter of the Count Orbella family betrayed by the United Kingdom and destroyed by Beervald and the second son of Beervald on the destroyed side later married and lived amicably for a long time.

"... Rifia had a decent face back then"

Marya's eyes laugh and stare at Ishur.


Ishur said in an indescribable face.

"The Grand Duke burned the lifia."

First, let her rush to hear about her marriage to Beervald, from which she hears one another's remorse, from the princess of Orbella, marriage to the other that is a vendetta, which is also a happy marriage story.

Lifia may be able to get married like that even with me, maybe we could have a deal with each other...

Naturally, she would have noticed the Grand Duke's thoughts. But even to Rifia, I am not willing to refuse to go to the Holy City from the beginning. I guess I decided to stay on the Grand Duke's thoughts.

She also settled with me about my father, who was murdered, for an important purpose that I really had to meet.

"Because Father was also worried about the trend in the United Kingdom. I was hoping you'd come home soon."

"Well, I guess so"

It does match at times. By then, almost all the nations of the United Kingdom would have fallen into Yuri Olura's hands already.

"The killer is your uncle."

"Father may have spoken to Beervald about his marriage to Lifia."

Petra went on to explain that Rifia Behm was extremely popular as a marriage partner from men of the same age in the crowd for reasons such as his beauty and bloodline, his martial arts arrows and his excellence in literature, and that Henrik was trying to fish for Beervald, who was a king, using Rifia as bait.

"... this is what happens because I try to chase two rabbits out of greed"

That's it. Petra sighed.

... But if you tell Rifia that story to bring me back to the kingdom, and you tell the same story to Beervald, you know that Henrik will be the one who gets into political trouble later.

I guess the Duke family got the contents of Henrik's meeting with Rifia on some other, proprietary route.

A young man in the Duke's family who had the facade with Refia at an early age and had that facade all along his chest. That's where Henrik came in with information about his ongoing marital conversation with her.

What did he think when he heard the story?

That kind of behavior is a little convincing if you think about it. Besides, the man is perfect for marrying Lifia, the son of the Duke of Beervald family with flowers and fruit...

And there he was speaking blushing and whispering behind his back, a little noisy from Rifia and the Duke of Beervald and others.

"What is it..."

Mira, who was listening behind his oblique back following Ishur, raised her suspicious voice and looked back at the rifias.

"Wait, Lord Hanes."

"Stay, Hanes!

... There's kind of another noise going on.

Ishur went out in front of Petra and the maids and tried to return to those with Refia.

Riffia and Hanes, the circle of lords and knights surrounding the two broke down, and the person of the day, Hanes Beervald, appeared. When he found Ishur, he approached him with an impatient face.

"The sword of Yveda, introduced earlier by His Highness Petra, is your lord"

Hanes' face was blue, distorted by fear and pain like something cursed him, and by anger.

I look down on Ishur from that length.

He turned around and received a knife from a knight in the same armor, either close or squire.

"Thoughts of Lord Liphia will be your lord."

The young man said low from the bottom of his belly, with a squeezing voice.

"Stop it, Hanes"

The equally low voice of his father, the Duke of Beervald, echoes from the side.

The Duke took Hanes' arm and shook it.

Ignoring the Duke, the young man offered Ishl the knife pattern.

"Apply to your lord for a duel. If I win, I want you to pull yourself away from Lord Liphia."

For a moment, the spot froze as if time had stopped.

"Oh, my God!

Hanes with a distorted grin toward Ishur, I can hear Lifia's sad screams from behind it.

"Don't call me an idiot. Oh, you know what you're doing."

The Duke's grievous appeal echoes.

"Father has nothing to do with it. What do you say? Lord Bersch, will you please accept my offer? Of course, if your lord wins, I will pull myself clean."

I don't make a sound around me. Wrapped in unusual tension.

Somewhere in the distance a wild bird's ringing voice can be heard slightly of the wind crossing the sky.

The sky, where the sun began to lean, is still crossed.

... What is this guy saying?

Ishur stared silently at the man in front of her.

"I don't accept it. I don't care if they die. There's a man here."

I heard Mira's cold voice behind me. The voice was trembling in anger.

"I'm guessing you're saying this because you know what the time is and what the situation is"

Ishur rather suppressed, he said in a small voice.

... Mmm.

That's when I got eyes to eyes with Lifia standing behind Hanes.

Refia moistened her eyes and was shaking slightly. My face was bright blue.

Refia......, I...

Mira is right. I can't pull it off.

I'm not responding to her love. Perhaps you don't deserve to receive this man's application for a duel.

But what's that rifia face?

"I know that, of course. The duel is good after we get the northern line back.... How about that?"

Hanes said with a smile of powerlessness this time instead.

"No. I'll do it right away. Let's get this over with."

Ishur said in a voice that pushed and killed something.

... interfering with the war. What the fuck is wrong with you?

That's not all anger is. Something invincible, countless painful goes around the bottom of my mind.

Ishur took the throwing knife out of the inside of his black leather coat and stuck the pattern out against his opponent.


Hanes' grin gets louder.

The silence around me remains the same. But I could see some of them wandering slightly.

"I understand. I don't mind right now. But I want to make a deal for the duel."

The two men do not take their gaze off.

The same grin sticks to the man's face.

... That's right. If nothing constrains you, this guy just turns to dust and disappears.

Doesn't make for a decent duel.

"Fine. Say it."

"I want to fight you with this sword."

Hanes grabbed a slender silver sword pattern on his hips and showed a piece of his body from his sheath.

It's luxurious, it's like a sword. It doesn't look like a sword to take to the battlefield.

... I mean, that sword is a magic tool.

"This sword is called the" White Sword of Beervald ”. It's a magic tool with two names:" Memory of the Martial God ”. Bring divine moves to those who use them. And now I am."

Hanes said, but with a sad face.

"Fight your Lord's Wind Sword."

"... stupid"

Ishur whispered like no one could hear him.

Hanes says let's just fight each other's gains.

This man's sword is the same unspecified martial arts magic apparatus as Rifia's, the magic apparatus of the Duke's house, which, as its two names say, would be quite powerful.

... but that's what it is.

"You know what a windsword looks like?

"Of course, I only saw it with these eyes. But with that sword, he had the magic of gold and slaughtered Yuri Olura, didn't he?

Hanes is supposed to have a bright, good-looking face. Not so much a beautiful man, but isn't he the type of person who likes him regardless of his gender?

But now he blues his face, his contours relax, and tension appears in his eyes the other way around.

I glanced at the sword of my father's shapes, whose eyes hung on Ishur's waist.

... This is just a broken sword, but it can certainly be a sword of the wind.

The sword of the wind is magical, the name of God's work. It's not like there's an entity. Any sword can be activated without it. With a physical sword, it can be activated faster and easier if that's what you're used to.

"Is that all right? No matter how good your magic equipment is, you'll never win. To the sword of the wind."

Activate the Wind Sword and it will be an area of absolute defense that will not be interfered with, bouncing back whatever magic or physical attack it may be, at least around me, in the range of a small swing of sword. That's not a level of junction or anything, it's like a divine domain.

A duel is a one-on-one battle. Nothing will happen to disturb our concentration, like when we ambushed Yuri at first sight, when the land suddenly sprays with cracked water with magic from others.

So whatever magic equipment this guy uses, he has little chance of winning. There's no chance you can beat me except by accident.

This man dies for sure because the sword of the wind, on the other hand, can barely adjust its power.

It's easy to do. All you have to do is attract it appropriately and slash it upside down.

No magic can dodge or defend you because any magic will wipe out before its power.

That means I'm almost certain I'm going to kill this man.

"I don't mind. So."

Hanes says so, approaching such a distance as to poke Ishl's nose at each other.


Ishur glanced at Hanes with a disturbing colour in his eyes.

… one of the things that runs through my mind is this.

I didn't live up to Lifia's love. You're on the run.

Yet you must kill this man.

Hanes said in a whispering whisper as he drew his face closer to Ishur.

There was a cold grin on that face. There was a smile of despair.

"There's no point in my raw anymore.... please. Please, just a little sooner."

His voice only sounded Ishl.

"Kill me."

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