Reborn Ishl and the Magic Fixture of God

[Tabernacle] War Aftermath 1

# 1 Scarlet Blink

"Ishl. ~"


Ha. Romir is crying on my leg.

Ishur smiled bitterly.

Mira, I guess, Refia. Or Nina. I wonder who's gonna hold me the most? If I thought so, it was Romir.

I didn't have anything to lose. But I got the gold magic gear and managed to survive from the dead, so can I have a little reward?

I want you to comfort this exhausted body with their embrace, as much as you can wish.

"Ishur...... I'm so glad you're safe"

Rifia smiles in tears in her eyes in front of Ishl.

"It's wonderful, Ishr. This should be gold, gold powder. Oh, this is God's business."

Likewise Mira, with her hands spread out in front of Ishl and looking up at the sky, has a tranced look.

"Oh, you know, that"

Nina is coming and going left and right behind the two.

Behind them are the Malid sisters and frids, even Domill with a full grin. Still further back, the joy will come from several knights and demon leaders, who will be the ones who survived in the royal castle.

The maids put on the rifias surrounding them and the four or five “mustache” men who grew in numbers whether they were originally placed in the royal castle. I hear them shouting "Is this sparkling thing gold?" "Shh, wow..." etc.

All the royal families are bright and boiling.

Ishur killed the enemy general. It is clear that the forces of war will improve from now on.

Because the kingdom took off its peril, I could also say that it was natural for everyone to reveal their joy.

Nor did Ishur just let down the grain of gold.


Ishur was surrounded by refias immersed in joy and shook his heart with a sense of temporary well-being.

Above all, the moon god's malice that Yuri Olura's face was the same as his own.

... anger, because there is sorrow, because there is battle, and joy, and peace is honorable.

I'm not alone, at least not now.

I had a meeting with new people. That's not why I lost everything.

I have companions who can make misery, sadness and joy...

Even if you end up fighting alone.

Ishur looked up and looked up at the sky.

I can feed this once (every time) joy and fight again.

There were still golden particles dancing in the imminent sky of darkness.

It was an ishul immersed in emotion, but shortly afterwards a commotion broke out.

Nina, wandering behind Rifia and Mira, suddenly turned up and spoke to Ishl when she thought she had disappeared.

"Mr. Ischl. Um, my master..."

Turning to Nina, there stands one elderly witch guide behind her.

"Um, this is Paola Pierca, my master and court magician."

When Nina introduced him, the female exorcist came out before Ishl.

... Oh, this one.

The best wizard of water in the kingdom, said to be an elderly witch, was certainly the beauty beauty bearer, as Nina said.

"Nice to meet you, Ishr Bersch and..."



Paola was on the spot, suddenly grounded towards Ishur. My forehead is bowing its head in a momentum that is likely to hit the ground.

Ishur leaned back unexpectedly.

Both Refia and Mira have their eyes rounded. Those around them are also bewildered.

"Ah, ah."

Nina stands between Ishur and Paola, who is grounded.


Ishur was confused and scratched her cheeks up with her fingertips.

... more than a decade after reincarnation. I'm twenty years old in three years, but I feel like I've seen some kind of "dugout" for the first time.

"I'm so sorry...... Nina told me. I got in your way."

Paola has raised her face and looked up at Ishur.


Ishur flirts trying to say something.

Ugh, tiredness. It's even getting hard standing......

"Master Ishr!


Mira from the right and Rifia from the left take Ishl's arm to support her.

"No, it's okay..."

Ishur had an indescribable, powerless grin and looked around at the people around him.

"Lord Pierca. I'll talk to Lord Ishr later."

Domil cracks and comes in.

"The village of Kefol is just around the corner"

Fridd pointed west from behind and said.

"I don't know how many villagers are left, but let's take a short pause there. Lord Ishur should lie down for a while."


Domil nods.


Paola stood up and turned to Ishur and said.

"Mr. Ishl, let me talk to you for a moment in the village of Kefol"


Ishur nodded small.

Paola smiles.


Ishur, for a moment in her face, nailed it.

Paola Pierca looked a little like Yveda, especially her hair. He held the long blonde hair divided in the middle from the side with a thin silver band and flushed it down his back. And he had a soft face with big blue eyes.

However, the color of her eyes, apart from its casual behavior, was something that made her feel deeply intelligent.

... Is it the type of person who thinks a woman is more beautiful, same-sex than a man?

Ishur strayed from her gaze and looked forward.

At the end of the trail stretching west from the street, about two miles long (scar, about 1.3 km), a small settlement surrounded by sparse trees was seen. In the background, the mountains of the North Brektas Mountains appeared to rise black at sunset.


Romir spoke to Rifia from behind Ishur and has lent Ishur a shoulder on her behalf.

Mira, who was holding Ishur's right arm, stayed put, she wouldn't let go.

"Thank you, Romir"


A grin rises on Romir's face.

Ishur, accompanied by Romir and Mira, walked out towards the village of Kefol at the end of the line.

"... Mmm."

Rifia, who was walking one step ahead of Ishur and the others, raises a small voice. There was no sound around, and several “mustache” men approached.

Domill stops walking, pinching Mira between them and lining up next to Ishl.

Lord Ishur.

Domill has turned sideways and a sharp gaze at Ishl.

"We also clearly saw your grand magic, but where did you take Grand Duke Olura?"

"South of the village of Vocali, near the battlefield tracks where the King's army and Yuri Olura's platoon fought."

The general of the enemy ended up on an unknown hill, Ishur continued.

Your face remains facing forward.

"What about Lord Olura's body?

Domill said, turning his gaze far north. The voice is low and heavy.

The northern sky is already starting to stain blue.

"The hill where he was, I blew the whole thing up"

Now Ishur was sharp on the side, staring at Domil and saying.

... It is only natural that Domil will stick to Yuri Olura's body. It is only natural that Royal Ladis should attempt to confirm the defeat of the enemy general.

But I couldn't leave his body behind.

Mira's even side blurs in front.

Domil's grey eyes thrust through.


The sharp gaze of Ishur and Domil staggers for a moment.

Mira doesn't make it forward and slight. It is conveyed that Romir is stiff and nervous about his body.


Domil looked forward when he took his gaze off Ishl, and just said that.

Lord Full Seek.

All of a sudden, Mira split in.

"The death of Yuri Olura is certain. You don't have to worry."

Mira saw Domill with a beautiful grin that froze her spine, and she has turned her face to Ishl.

The smile shines in the sunset.

"'Cause Ishr brought you the magic of gold."

... Doesn't it matter if you're dying to live, such as an enemy general who lost his gold magic gear?

Mira put her hand on her mouth and laughed gorgeously.

In front of Ishur, Mira's smile danced like a flower.

"Orov goes to Antilla. Pale goes to Henrik. Hurry up."


Domil did not even turn around the “mustache” men who kept him waiting beside him, but commanded him in a low voice.

Two men answer briefly and disappear into the darkness.

"Oh, wait a minute"

Ishur spoke to the men leaving with their backs on.

"From here, north and everywhere, there's a big hole in the ground, and the streets are dimensioned. Be careful with the night lane."

Ishur's voice is out of place, in a mellow, fluent tone.


And the man, who was commanded to go unto Antilla, stood up, and nodded, and gave Ishur a salute, and went away toward the horse.


Lifia, who was walking in front, gave her a small laugh.

Mira, I'm tired. Romir relieved himself of the tension.

Until now the stiff air relaxes.


Domill sighed small and dropped his shoulder slightly.

"You should stop heading to Baltar this evening at midnight."

Ishur looked up at Domill and said.

I deliberately loosened the ground in a blurry tone because that's what I wanted to say.

While that is why Domil and others feel less comfortable going to Balstal and avoiding dangerous night trips, Ishur had other major reasons why he wanted to delay his departure.

Of course, wound handling and fatigue recovery are among the reasons for this.

"... um. Understood."

Domill unexpectedly, with a thin grin, readily agreed to Ishl's remarks.


... what?

Is there anything?

Now Ishur turned his exploratory gaze to Domill.

When one line arrived in the village of Kefol, it was determined that many of the villagers had taken refuge elsewhere, and there were few people in the village.

Many of those who remained were gathered together in the small mansion of the understudy (village chief), with whom they lived. There were about ten young couples with weak ankles and dairy drinkers, the second son and servants of the village chief family, who were in the hall.

Domill asked the second son of the village chief's family, who was acting as a summary for the remnants, to give him a king gold coin to arrange a meal and a house where he could rest together.

The villagers who remained in the village of Kefol also knew that the king's army had been defeated and that the enemy had invaded the king's capital. And until earlier, it continued along the streets, fierce battles as heaven and earth turned upside down, strangely frightened.

Domil informed the almost fact that those who inherited the magic apparatus of the legendary wizard, rumored in the alley, had taken over the enemy general, and when they quieted down the upset of the villagers, they rented part of the village chief's mansion and made him accept to serve dinner.

Ishur, along with Mira, Rifia and Nina, was asked to arrange a room in the village chief's mansion to use the bed that was in that room.

Ishur didn't mind the Miras when he lay down in bed, and immediately began to take a nap.

Nina held Ishur's sleeping hand and activated the magic of water healing to activate metabolism and prevent physical recovery and wound deterioration. But in Ishur's present state, he couldn't use powerful magic, which became quite a suppression.

...... hmm.

In a soothing dream over clear water, Ishur awoke from a shallow sleep, caught in a hunch that something foreign was approaching.

The faces of Riffia, Mira and Nina line up beside each other against a background of painted walls that sink into the darkness.

"What do you say? How do you feel?"



Rifia's serious voice. Mira's voice whispering gently. Nina smiles silently.

However, the girls reacting to the triplets were uniform and now had a slight nervousness.


Lifia turned around, turning toward the door.

... Someone's coming.

Ishur woke his body out of bed.

A person stands outside the room and the door is knocked.

"Go ahead."

When Ishur spoke, the door opened and Paola Pierca turned up.


She silently stepped indoors and shut the door in her bare hands. And I looked around at them together with a tough gaze.

That gaze looks at Nina.

Nina still held Ishur's hand.

Paola said in a shocking voice.

"Nina, what's that magic?

Indoor candles and cantera lights illuminate Paola's face red.

"Oh, you know.... Master."

Nina is pulling her face and shivering her whole body into small pieces.

... After my injury, Paola doesn't know when and where she reunited with Nina, but she hasn't been informed about her healing magic yet. I guess Domill hadn't told Paola either.

That may be natural under that circumstance too......

"Let me explain the magic."

Ishur glanced at Nina and pointed that gaze right at Paola.

... I've been a little concerned about Nina's new magic for a long time now, which has become clearer as a question. You may want to check that with your water magic landlord, who is right in front of you.


"Mr. Ishl? You..."

Paola also shifted her gaze from Nina to Ishur, becoming a difficult face and putting her finger on her chin tip.

"Yes...... That's what this is about. I've heard your rumors many times."

Paola told me to whine when I thought about it.

"You're a wind magic genius.... just because I have the magic equipment of the wind god, that's not the only reason. But wind magic wasn't the only thing that made you a genius."

Paola's voice grows a little louder. Ishur just grinned silently and thinly.

Indoor lights shake in Ishur's eyes.

"... but before you do, can you tell me what kind of magic you used in front of the royal palace in the morning?"

Ishur told Paola to speak first.

I don't care about geniuses or anything like that. More than that, I want to know why this woman, powerful as a water wizard, made such a mistake.

I used “wind chirping," so that no wizard would be able to sense or predict, that's not all I can do.

"Ugh.... ok"

Paola looked like she had drunk something bitter and looked up at Ishur.

Rifia and Mira's gaze is directed at Paola. The two gaze is stiff and never friendly. That's why I failed to kill Yuri Olura and got hurt, so I can't help it.

Nina looks calmer than the two of you, whether Paola has asked her about the situation already.

"Well, it's not Aurai as a result, but I could have killed the enemy general safely and got the gold magic equipment, and I don't have a separate remorse for you. Don't worry about me, just tell me the facts."

Ishur said with an uncontrolled grin up.

I don't want to take this story to Dashi's advantage, and then the conversation goes in his favor, etc.

Anyway, if you hear the exact story, that's fine.

That's fine if you can deepen your own rare knowledge of the magic of other existing systems.


"If it turns out well, that's fine."


Paola nodded mysteriously and started talking.

She took part in a showdown between the United Kingdom Army and the King's Army, led by Yuri Olura, which took place in the north of the King's capital, managed to spare the death of the battle, joined several other demonic leaders who survived, and turned back to the King's capital in the form of a chase after the United Kingdom Army. Both of the two magicians who joined her were magicians of the earthly lineage, able to exert considerable defense against the magic of the golden lineage as well.

Paola and the others arrived at the castle in the middle of the night, when the United Kingdom forces began attacking the Royal Castle, circling to the west side of the castle and locating at the West Palace, watching for the opportunity to narrow the attack and ambush the enemy general Yuri Olura himself. By the time Paola had returned to the castle, the anti-castle side had lost its power early on, leaving organized combat in a state of impossibility.

In the battle near the royal palace, which took place at dawn, the queen and the princess were quickly debated shortly after joining the battle, and the Paolas, who clenched their teeth thoroughly, but were also joined by several demonic mentors who had since escaped the enemy's attack, with a good opportunity to snowflake unexpectedly and quickly.

The general of the enemy and dozens of knights formed in front of the royal palace, and seized those who remained in the royal palace, and began to judge something.

The enemy army apparently explored the vaults and treasure trove locations of the Royal Castle, especially with the intention of robbing magic equipment.

Determining that the enemy general would not move in front of the royal palace for some time, Paola began secretly drawing the summoning magic formation with the help of the magical leaders of the dirt who had dived into the underground passage in front of the royal palace and accompanied him, with the intention of setting up a magical formation in the underground passage of the royal palace that would summon the mighty Great Spirit of Water.

Paola Pierca lost her own covenant spirits in the showdown of the King's Capital North, and was in a state where she could not summon the spirits for some time. So she decided to summon a new water sperm with a summons team to make up for her own lack of power, while launching a decisive surprise attack on enemy general Yuri Olura. The water sperm Paola tried to summon was a powerful water dragon called the Blue Flame Water Dragon, which was also thought to be an effective blow to an enemy general with a gold magic fixture.

When Paola finished drawing the summons and was ready, the rest of the demons who had moved the same underground to the side of the East Palace carried out a deceptive attack that became the gold spirits forming at the north castle gate. When Paola, who was underground, was contacted from the ground, she immediately launched a subpoena.

Her summons succeeded, with a blue flaming mistletoe blowing up from the ground and trying to leap to the ground exactly. But at that time, almost simultaneously, the Ishurs were ambushing Yuri Olura.

Later, in a state of confusion, the Ishurs retreated, and Yuri Olura, who was already in a state of battle, suppressed and crushed the blueflaming dragon from the top with the magic of gold to appear on the ground.

"I see..."

Ishur rose his torso on the bed and roared small with his arms together in front of his chest.

"Oddly enough, you're at the same time as us."

And, Mira.


Ishur hammered with a small voice.

... Oddly enough, yes, but if the enemy general is in one place and doesn't move, anyone can see that as a good opportunity to attack.

From this side, Paola and the others are getting in the way more, but I can't blame them either, very much unilaterally.

My operation was sweet. At that time, we should have seen that the siege was not over. Many people, we don't know what happens in a battlefield where a group moves. I should have taken that into account.

"If I hadn't dived underground, I would have handled it well. Because of you, the sword of Yveda, you helped me."

Drop your gaze on the barbecued little cup that Paola holds in both hands.

Romeo came halfway through her story, and a chair for a number of people was carried indoors, and white water (sayu) was distributed.

Now the Rifias, Paola, are also sitting in a chair trying to surround Ishur's bed.

"No...... I understand the circumstances. You don't have a choice."

Ishur smiled at Paola, continuing.

"Then let's talk about Nina's magic from me."

Ishur stared at Paola's neat face as she floated a slightly challenging color in her eyes.

"I taught her first that moisture is always present in different organisms, including humans. Then I advised him that new magic could be created with that water."

Ishur did not tell me that he taught more specific offensive magic to produce magic that forces moisture out of the organism's body.

I looked sideways at Nina as she talked and urged her not to talk.

"Sakura asked me to build my confidence in Nina with asthenia."

"I wonder what kind of magic it is"

Paola told him to squeal.

"You can't say any more from me. But I didn't teach her the new healing magic of magically activating and fatiguing the body's moisture, healing wounds faster, etc. Nina created it herself."

"Oh, um..."

Ishur blocked Nina from trying to say something, this time with her hands up.

Her face is so stained bright red that it can be seen in the dim indoors.

"Yes... it is"

Paola, by contrast, saw Nina clearly, also upset, and was bewildered when she saw Ishur.

"I need to ask you something."

Ishur grinned even thin and saw Paola still upset.

"For some reason, the magic of the five systems has no magic that targets the organism itself. Why is that? If it's a soil system, it can have the magic of petrification, or if it's a fire, it can have the magic of human fire."

A prank color floats in Ishur's eyes.

...... hehe. If it's a wind system, it'll vaporize in an instant. Evaporation, extinction magic, something like that.

Why is there no magic of the five systems that act directly on the human body, animals?


Mira and Lifia's voices overlap.

"You know that, don't you? It is in the realm of the Lord God to command what is raw."

At the same time, no, Paola answered a little early.

"Hmm. Right."

Ishur nodded with an ironic grin.

Is it still true? Is that what you mean?

The magic that enters the realm of the Lord God, it becomes all contraindicated except the magic of the light system. I see. It also fits with the doctrine of the Cathedral Church.

If there is unsystematic magic, such as some of the magic implements of the Spirit God or substitute magic implements, there will also be those that relate to life itself, but only to the magic of the five systems, that is not acceptable.

The five elements make up the world. So it's very important, it can't be mixed with anything else.

... Not at all.

Ishur's grin gets louder.

Isn't that an interesting mechanism?

I was born and raised in this world, too, so there's a part of me that's sensibly convinced of that.

But from the knowledge of previous life, I can't help but feel man-made.

The magic of the Five Elements cannot directly enchant life, especially humans, animals, and the demons themselves - now I can confirm one of the things I was wondering, but I'm still not firmly convinced. Because I have memories of a different world in my previous life.

Knowledge, concepts, common sense, values of previous life… they cannot be abandoned. As for a completely different world, I can't think about it completely separately.

"I think the magic of healing Nina's people's lives is wonderful. But I'm in danger of touching contraindications..."

Paola didn't feel confident, she said in a vanishing voice.

"I see."

Ishur stood still and stared at Paola's face, which leaned slightly.

... What she says may make sense.

For example, my method of extracting and crushing air from a person's lungs is indirect magic that causes magic to act on the air in the body.

Nina's healing magic also exerts magic on the body's moisture, indirect magic that controls the human period, but

Her magic works deep into the various organs or even to the cellular level, which directs the body's period. Otherwise, the sooner, the less effective the cure will be.

If you are so deeply involved in the human body, you can also nod that Paola is afraid of contraindications.

No one in this world has any knowledge of what human cells are like, what hormone secretion is like, and beyond.

Neither Mira, nor Refia, nor Domil regarded it as particularly problematic when it came to Nina's healing magic. Paola would naturally have a wealth of knowledge about water magic. Maybe that's why I felt something catch on.

"Oh, but..., Erlina..."

Nina suddenly gives the name of her own covenant spirit.

"Erlina? What happened to Erlina?

Paola responds sharply to Nina's solitary whining.


Ishur turned his gaze to Nina.

Nina is stuttering again.

"Oh, um... that magic thing, that Ellina's not contraindicated..."

Nina's words pronounced after.


"Your spirits do that..."

Ishur sounded intrigued, and Paola uttered a dismal voice.

"That's funny"

"That magic, what? Nina. You mean the healing magic earlier, right? No?"

Tilt your face to the side, paola with a soft, questioning tone.

... Oops.

"Mr. Paola."

Ishur called her name and drew attention to herself.

That murder magic thing, even her master, is something I can teach you......

Ishur looked at Rifia and Mira for a moment.

Both of them, especially Mira, are looking and listening to this one with a shitty glow in their eyes.

... which one, you can't talk about that magic in front of them.

"If Erlina says that the water spirits are not contraindicated, then there is no problem."

Ishur smiles at Paola and makes her laugh.

I don't want to do anything to make her suspicious.

"Nina's magic is something that exerts magic on water, which is present in almost every living organism's body. Even if humans are subjects, it's the same. It's indirect magic that acts on moisture inside the human body."

Nina's unexpected remarks also dispelled yet another question. Nina's magic is not contraindicated, this became certain.

There had never been a water wizard before - so there was a slight anxiety as to whether Nina's magic would touch contraindications.

Paola thinks the same thing.


Paola slightly lowers her face and shuts up.

"of the human body, moisture…"

I heard Rifia squeaking from the side.


Ishur looked at Rifia and saw Mira's face showing the same confusion.

"A lot of life, for example, a person's body, contains a lot of moisture. More than we think."

... That would be the same for humans in this world. Is it true that 60% of the human body is moisture?


"Ishr, you are wonderful. Really, like some famous scholar."

I don't know why, but neither Refia nor Mira question what I'm saying.

You wouldn't know from the looks of it, such as more than half of the human body is occupied with moisture. No one in this world will ever know.


"Mr. Paola."

Ishur stared at the magician of the water, who was said to be the best of the kingdom.

"You would understand. that life is filled with water."

She can't feel it, she can't feel it.


Paola pulled her jaw and leaked a slight groan.

... If you are a water wizard, isn't it very natural, natural, to do magic to “water” in the body of life?

She has to accept that, even if she doesn't like it. If she is a powerful water wizard, all the more so.

That's the same attack magic I taught you. Enchanting the “water” in your body is no different in itself from healing magic. If she finds out about Nina's other magic, murder magic, there's nothing she can do about it more than it's not contraindicated.

Her magical talent would not allow her perception of “water" to cast doubt on her.

Paola's face nodding small against the backdrop of an unreachable dark light.


Ishur closed his eyes when he exhaled small.

Then the “senses” are closed, pointing to the black-dyed field of view.

Then in the darkness appeared a light body that glowed dull in scarlet. It is the subtle glow of the organs of the human blood that floats in the dark. Paola and Rifia are the lifeblood of the humans surrounding Ishur.

… iron contained only slightly in the human body.

This slight feeling, even a good gold wizard, is not something you can feel very much if you don't "see" what's there.

Neither Mira nor the Spirit of Gold would be able to sense it without teaching it.

Will the gods know this fine scarlet blink?

Do they know I can “see” it?

Something that attracts the gods. It is hidden in this scarlet glow.

... that will be the end of killing the Moon God.

"It must be so"

Ishur had a small grin when he opened his eyes.

# 2 Merge

When Paola and Rifia were called to Domill and seated in the middle, Mira also left the room saying she had business.

While Romeo brought in the meal prepared by the village, Ishur became alone with Nina.

"Nina. I taught you before, are you practicing the other magic?

"Yes, of course."

Nina grabbed her hand softly as she put her face closer to Ishur on the bed.

"I came up with this magic when I was doing the magical archery that Mr. Ischl taught me. As I followed the flow of water from people, animals, and plants… I noticed."

Nina's valves are already fixed.

"The flow of water keeps people and animals alive."

I feel something warm pouring in from the tip of my hand gripped by Nina to my whole body. The pain in the wound fades and tires away.

My heart is refreshed, I feel lighter, and at the same time, I get an appetite.

"Not only does the blood flow, but the water in the human body does different things, and it works."

"Hehe, you're right"

Ishur nodded with a small smile at Nina's abstract, more sensory explanation.

"Mr. Ishur told me, didn't he? Water is the source of all things, because"

Nina's eyes are shining as she picks up the indoor lights.


"And he said to face himself.... there was that stream of water ahead of me. As I followed the water flowing through the depths of my heart, I noticed."


Ishur made Nina snort again.


Nina is smiling, too.

I did! He has such a proud face.

"Well done. Nina."

Ishur spoke gently to Nina.

... she overcame her weakness, her confusion, her anxiety, something that was causing it.

She regained her confidence. I gained the power to jump into the world.

"... I'm glad. Mr. Ishr is also my dear master."

Not only that in the eyes of the grateful Nina, different colors begin to mix.

"I'm glad to hear that."

Ishur said to Nina's eyes, daring to pretend not to notice.

"Keep the opposite magic I taught you, the magic of that killing, a secret from your true master, Mr. Paola. You shouldn't talk to anyone. Protect yourself. Make it your last special magic, secret move."

Secret swords and magic exist in the world of swords and magic.

When Mira was here, she used a secret trick that merged with Sharka and her own magic equipment.

I mean, there's more people out there who know, and it's no secret or anything, but it's called the Wind Sword. It's not a secret, but if no one can imitate it, it's like a secret move if you can't use it.

Paola Pierca may already have noticed another magical thing. But if you take that as a secret move, you can convince Nina herself and no one else to speak out, and Paola, her master, has to give up asking Nina.

"You said this then, didn't you? It's important, so I'll give it another push. Don't tell anyone or your master."

That was when I was heading to Fugo for the Red Emperor Dragon Crusade.

"Yes, I understand"

If it is a secret move, it will not be revealed whether the other person is a family member or a master. That's very mundane.

Nina looked magical and snorted firmly.

... I don't know how much more Nina can use the magic of another kill. From the healing magic she uses, perhaps, she has reached a considerable level.


Ishur smiled again and peered into Nina's eyes.

Never before in this world, the magic of water of life and death......

This girl has gained the magical power to fear.

Nina winged high in the sky. Like a swan flying beautifully from the lake.

He was then served warm soup by Romir, and when he finished eating, Ishur came out with Nina. In front of the mansion of the village chief were all gathered together, the dmills. The surrounding area was lit with bonfires and there were many signs of horses at the stables on the back.

The Dmir line was joined by a total of about ten knights and magicians who had survived in the royal castle, making it quite a large household to go with Romir and his squires.

"Master Ishr!

Mira, who was on the outside of the circle of people, rushes over as soon as she realizes Ishl.


Behind Mira I saw Sharka. Mira unraveled her transformation and separated herself from Sharka. The magical armor she wore disappeared, and Sharka was back as before, in her pre-merger maid appearance. I guess the Romyrs didn't forget and carried her clothes.

When Sharka came to Ishur's front, she had fallen back slightly and bowed to Ishur.

"Those who possess the treasures of my God"

From "those with the magic of the wind", "those with the treasure of my God", the way Sharka calls Ishur.

turned into.


Ishur nodded softly at Sharka and replied with a slightly grumpy attitude.

... because of her mind, her tone sounds harsh too.

It's changed. My presence for them golden spirits is dramatic.

"Hehe. It's a great pleasure."

Mira's voice is playing in a good mood.

Essentially, just because you have the magic of God doesn't mean you can always have the spirits of that lineage on your side, or enslave them. In the case of spirits summoned by other wizards, especially those under contract, the order of that contractor takes precedence more often.

Ishur has fought the Spirit of the Wind many times. To force others to obey the summoned Spirit, besides the difference in magic implements and the character of the summoned Spirit, the will of the summoner seems strongly influenced.

Once, when he fought the court demons of the Royal Radice at Grand Duke Castle in Frontera, the summoned spirits of the wind demons, Karin Edvar, were clearly upset by Ishur's call and lost their will to war. That would be because that battle was originally a mock battle and Karin's will was halfway there.

In the case of Sharka, her contractor, Mira, is not hostile to Ishl in the first place. I guess that's manifested in this, like, Sharka's attitude toward her husband.

"Sharka, keep it up."


Sharka nodded silently and severely.

"Ishur, how are you feeling? Are you tired?

Mira sees Ishl, sees Nina and asks.

"Oh, a lot better."

Nina feels like a step back, but she's smiling.

"Thank you for that. I'm so glad you had Nina."


I hear people bluffing from behind Mira.

Everyone is relieved of Ishur's victory, and his voice is bright.

"From now on, if you don't know anything about the magic of gold, ask me anything. I'll tell you everything I know, Ishr."

Mira grabs both hands in front of her chest and stops by Ishl as usual.

Her eyes are shining and shaking in the bonfire flames. He smiles like he dreams and looks up at Ishl.

"Oh, right. Thank you, Mira."

Ishur also smiled and nodded.

Unlike when it was a magic fixture of the wind that I didn't know anything about and was hand explored, it's very comforting for Mira to teach me.

"If you go to Balstal and reclaim the castle fortress, you will finally work on the Grand Duchess's business."

Mira's eyes start to glow and even let the demons drift.

The advent of Yuri Olura, with his golden magic equipment, and the invasion of the United Kingdom, with him as general generals, took the form of whether or not he would be involved in the wars of the Kingdom of Ladis. But originally, Uromira, the covenant spirit of Petra, came back to the kingdom because she wanted to talk to me about the god of the earth and his magic equipment.


Ishur answered slightly backwards.

The glow of Mira's eyes, as if it had been sumptuous.... This is dangerous.

"Next is the magic equipment of the god of the earth, isn't it? Lord Petra's request for the Spirit must relate to the other red jade stone. I am sure of that."

Mira and Rifia are told that although they met with Uromira at the Grand Duke's Castle, they have not heard the details yet, that it was after they got the gold magic fixture.

If Uromira is going to tell us a story about the magic fixture of the god of the earth, there is no doubt that the other red jade stone will be involved there. Then the same goes for Malefioa. I can't think of that monster separately as a red jade stone.

Speaking of Malefiore, I am reminded of the meaningful words of former court demon mentor Semus Alerid, who spoke with the Duchess at Oakland Castle.

That old man has smelled something to do with the forest witch, Lene and Malefiore. He has told me to explore the Royal Jeremiah's Library. Adele Cathedral intellect Sybil Bake has also told me to check the Royal Library to see if Malefiore's location is still lurking in the underground temple of Brectas.

Something. There's something.

There is some connection between the red jade stone and the magic fixture of the god of the earth, Lene in Malefioa.

The key is in the Royal Library of Radice. I know what Uluomira is.


Ah. Mira smiles with her evil eyes and stares at my face.

"Have you got your thoughts together? Ishur."

"Ah, oh. Yeah."

Ishur nods over and over again.

Next to him, a little apart, Nina looked stunned.

Almost every conversation between Mira and Ishur for her would be the first story to hear.

"Master Ishur. When the adventure of the search for the magic equipment of the god of the earth is over, will you not return to the Holy City once?


Mira doesn't even care that Nina is by her side. She keeps talking.

"In the mansion of the Holy City, there is a book of gold magic."


Ishur grinned and nodded firmly this time.

"So I'm going to be an apprentice to Mira. You're going to be my master of gold magic."

"Well, ho-ho. That's right."

Mira puts the back of her hand on her mouth and gives her a gorgeous laugh.

"Um, Mr. Ischl"

Nina, who until now had just been surprised and silent about the conversation between the two, moved her face closer to Ishl from next to Mira.

Tell me next time, too.

And I've told you to whisper.

For a moment on Nina's unadorned smile, the adult woman's buds blur in front of her.

"What?... yeah"

To Ishl, who nodded in an ambiguous way, Nina said, "You're going to your master," and went into the shadows of the people gathering in front of the hall.

"I don't like the fact that there are more women around Ishur..."

Mira looks up from Ishur's chest, right next to her.

Mira doesn't give a shit about Nina's attitude. There is no noisy color in my eyes.

"Nina is a necessary part of Ishr's adventure. I wish I could negotiate with Henrik and take him on the next adventure."



Ishur silently looked down at Mira's face with a smile on her face.

That's why Mira doesn't mind, she told me about the magic equipment of the god of the earth and Uromira in front of Nina.

Nina's ability to heal is not only for injuries and illnesses. He also has the ability to heal mental, physical fatigue. Magic, which requires acute sensation and thought, wears off and consumes mental power. Nina's presence is huge for a wizard.

... Mira keeps her emotions in check for me...

"Ishur, what do you say? The comfort of getting a gold magic fixture. How are you feeling?"

When I noticed, Mira's face was imminent right in front of Ishl. Blinking the color of her eyes into the night darkness and bonfire flames, her heart presses toward Ishur.

Her it is......

But it was that other realm of the Golden Spirit, the crystalline world that folded innumerably, that floated in Ishur's mind. Like Mira's eyes, appearing stacked disappears and reappears, a wondrous world of crystals that swings......

"What does it feel like to have the magic tools of two gods?

I can hear Mira whispering right next to her face......


Ishur pointed his gaze at the night sky like he was far away and nobody saw anywhere and then saw everything.

"It's like rebuilding the world in the open, it's like that"

When all the magic equipment is in place, the world is complete within itself.

"The world's small, this way...... Ishur says it's hard."

I hear Mira's little voice.

"I'm sure Ishr is about to be put on the gods' watch..."

I don't know about that.

Ishur dropped her gaze on Mira and smiled.

I have clearly figured it out with Yveda in my eyes directly. The gods take the same form as humans and think the same way, but that is still something else. Unlike humans. It is not a creature.

"The human being in question is different from man, God. I don't even think I want to be a god."

"But I'm sure that's relative to the gods. It's what we need to do to keep our wishes with the gods."

Mira's perspective belongs only to the nobles and inhabitants of this world, perhaps under the influence of the Cathedral Church.

"Yeah, that's... maybe it is"

Ishur wanders his gaze afar again.

A secret floating suspicion. Something like...

What the gods see. What's that?

Am I getting a piece of their power and experiencing a part of that perception?

"... what does that mean?

Ishur's whispering voice didn't even sound like Mira.

The voice melted over her head, right into the darkness at night, and disappeared.

Lord Mira, you're out of line.

Refia came out of the crowd of people and said to Mira in a low voice.


Ishur just smiles silently and vaguely. Mira looks in a very good mood, even with the same grin.

"Ishr, Lord Domil is here for you."

Refia pointed to the gathering of people.

"It's time to leave Kefol Village, but how are you feeling? Are you tired?"

As Ishur walked into the circle of people, Domil called out.

"Yeah. Thanks to Nina, I'm doing a lot better. So, what about you guys?

Ishur looked over at the people around Domill, the Marido sisters and frids, and Paola Pierca and others who had spoken until earlier.

"It's all right, Lord Ischl."

Ira's a cheerful voice, and she says it best.

The Frid and Malid sisters were sweeping the remaining enemies of the castle gate north of the royal castle after Yuri's led squad left, tracking the rear in the form of support for the Domills and Paolas, and hunting for the fallen enemy knights. They also ate and rested inside and outside the mansion while Ishur rested in one of the village chief's quarters.

"So, Mr. Domill, where are we headed? Are you going back to the royal castle?

Ishur asked Domil to tighten his face as he smiled and nodded to Ira to show it.

It is said that it is dangerous to ride north on the streets of the military capital at night. If you're going back to the castle, I'd like to suggest something to them here and now.

"No. For now, go into Wangdu Street and go back to Ludano"

From the bonfire in the back, there was a slight sound of fire.

Domino said something unexpected. I'm going to turn a meaningful gaze on Ishur.


Ishur laughed small as he took Domill's gaze.


"Henrik, you have the same idea."

Domill also has an awesome grin.

"Ask your lords to follow Petra to Balstal as soon as possible."


Not only Ishl in Domill's words, neither Rifia nor Mira, especially the Marido sisters nodding with a full grin.

"The military superintendent is to be the son of Count Nicebald. Will you go? Lord Ishur."


Ishur turned his grin up and nodded again.

... Apparently Henrik was thinking the same thing.

Beyond cleaning up Yuri Olura, the remaining challenge is to drive our enemies west of Balstal.

Petra will be the deciding general of the reinforcements - and now she will launch a great deal of success. Whether it's formal or decorative. The name of Petra will be inscribed in history and will gain great merit, necessary to become the next king of Henrik.

It's just that Domil in front of me, Henrik, the Baltar recapture will be practically a stomach for one of us.

Here, too, I have a different idea...

Well, it's still good now.

Anyway, letting Petra make war work is in itself the same idea I have with them. Besides, unlike the Royal Palace and others, if I can accompany her, I can make contact with Uromira in less surrounding circumstances during the march.

"The problem would be overflowing Wangdu Street. Refugee...... If we can rendezvous with the Grand Duke's main unit, then we are scheduled to advance to Balstal in about a hundred rides. If it's a march for a small unit, we'll figure it out. Patience to the streets of the military capital."

The story of Domill continues.

"I'm going to the north line too."

Paola raised her voice there.

The North Line is the common name for the Balstal Castle Fortress Line.

"Oh, me too..."

Nina also speaks up low.

"The north side of the Fortress Line is full of wetlands, large and small rivers, swamps, and lakes. In winter, the moat of the castle is often frozen, so the magic master of the water resides."

At the time of ice formation in the water moat, not only do castle soldiers poke and crush the ice with spears and the like, but the resident water demon mentors, including the surrounding rivers and the like, are forced to de-ice and circle.

If the surrounding wetlands and water moats were covered with thick ice, invasion by enemy forces would naturally be facilitated depending on the snowpacking conditions in the area.

"Hmm. I'll tell you what Lord Pierca's offer is, Henrik."

said Domil as he thought about doing his hand to his jaw.

... Will Nina follow you too? That helps.

Ishur glanced at Nina's face.

Nina smiles and brings her eyes together.

"So, Domil, shall we leave?"

From the side, Fridd looked around at Domill and said: It was a bright voice.

Take the Shvarrad for the night lane.

The line cautiously took the rough streets in the daytime battle, slowing down and heading south toward Wangdu, breaking the intermediate road east on the way to Wangdu Street.

A layer of clouds illuminated from above by moonlight is clear and visible.

Cloudy skies, dark on the ground, and post-harvest wheat fields can be seen sinking into pitch-black darkness. The trees that stand sparsely on the side of the tunnel are also stained black.

Schwarzlad remains quiet and submissive when Yoranche leaves. According to Romir, it is easy to handle quietly even without Ishur.

Even so, there is ample road width for horses to pass side-by-side. Next to Ishur, Lifia walks side by side, occasionally speaking out loud from the horse.

It wasn't too late, but I didn't see any refugees on the way to the fields on the outskirts of Wangdu.

The surviving knights and magicians who rendezvoused at the royal castle were also joined, and a row that had increased in total to about thirty horsemen had sounded horseshoes in the silence around them, crossing the north side of the king's capital to the east.

"What do you say? Does the wound hurt?

Rifia talks to me from the side.

Naturally, the body moves up and down more when riding a horse than on foot, and it cracks at the wound.

"Oh, a little"

It is true that repeating this for a long time, every day, regardless of the left arm, may not be good for abdominal wounds. Maybe I should have Nina accompany me.


Refia kept changing her tone.

Though in a hurry, Romir and the others are also carrying their luggage horses. The distance is there, and the line was going hand in hand on a slightly earlier fast walk (trot).

"What are we going to do with Baltar's enemy forces? Will you push as hard as Lord Olura did? Are you gonna kill them all?

"No... I'm still thinking about it. It's not until you've seen the place."

If that Rusla Niesvaldo is going to be a military captain, I guess I can just pawn him...

Ishur turned forward from the rifia where he sighted sideways.

Sisters Malid ahead, plus Domill and Fridd running at the beginning of the line before them.

Clouds cover the eastern sky far away, and stretches of loose hills from the south on the horizons with open vision.

I don't suppose Lifia wants me to do the same atrocities Yuri did.

Ishur stared at a point of darkness at night, with a slight force in his hand holding the reins.

When a row entered Wangdu Street, a wagon stopped at the side of the street and the people surrounding the burning fire became visible. At the beginning, the knight preceded him, shouting aloud to pave the way for people walking down the street, and began to tell him how to touch it.

Along the way, we encountered about ten horseback riding squadrons heading to the Wang Capital, and found that Henrik was leading about two hundred Grand Duke knights from the evening onwards, heading to the Wang Capital.

Henrik's horseback squad had already advanced to the settlement known as Avenis in front of Ludano, meaning that it had set up a formation on the same land.

The Ishurs then speeded up their walk towards Avenis as a goal, and soon arrived in a small settlement, sparsely lined with small and large houses along the streets.

In the square in the centre of the settlement there was a cathedral temple, covered with stone on one side of the perimeter. There were several horseback rides and knights in the square, with large wheeled carriages and carriages lined up beside them. There was also a tank (chariot) where Petra and Marya were riding.

At the end of the silhouette of the trees spread across the back of the temple, a three-story spicy mansion was seen, lit from the bottom with many lights, whether it was a bonfire or not. From the top of the tree, I could see the large and small flags flying, two hundred and eighty, that would probably be the Grand Duke or the Knights flag, despite the night.

As the line entered and disembarked in the square in front of the temple, one of the knights approached the dmills. When the knight talked to Domil and the others about something, he ran into the tree in the back.

"Henrik is in the residence of the Earl of Avenis. Let's go."

Domir spoke with him, and the Ishurs deposited their horses with Romir and his squire, and took the trail behind the knight's disappeared tree.

"Count Avenis is..."

"You're an urban nobleman in Wang Du. It's a house that hits the far reaches of the royal family."

When Ishur asked Rifia, who walks beside her, she immediately returned the answer.

Urban aristocrats have little self-rule, and there are many prestigious ones, such as those who receive salaries directly from the royal family, and those with blood muscles as close to the royal family as the Earl of Avenis.

"I see."

Ishur looked around as he said.

... I'll be around. There are signs of a lot of people and horses.

Out in front of the mansion, it was at the southern end of the garden, surrounded by several large tents of military use, stretched between them.

The Ishurs will have entered the premises from the side of the mansion.

The line circled to the east side of the hall and went inside through the main entrance.

The indoors were commonly constructed in aristocratic mansions, with large rooms lined to the left and right of the central hall and stairs stretched upstairs to the front.

No one was seen in the hall except the guards, but from the large room on the left and right we heard a lot of people standing noise.

"It's a victory. Looks busy."

Fridd has said with a smile on Ishl's face.

A peek into one of the large rooms brought many small and large desks into the room, and many of the clerks were all running their feather pens at different speeds.

Behind the room, Grand Duke Army Superintendent Trash Rouge and several men poked their heads at each other, sometimes raising their voices and discussing something.

"It's a perfect training ground."

Ishur shrugged softly.

I guess they are being pursued in the preparation of notices, orders and other letters and declarations to each side.

There's Lord Rusla over there.

Refia thumbs up and fingers behind her back.

As Ishur peered into the room on the other side, he spread out what looked like a picture map on a large desk indoors, and Rusla Niesbard and the Grand Duke Knights and hundred captain-like men were talking about something.

When Ishur glanced at Rusla's face, he also looked up and smiled from the spot.

Rusla is coming this way with the Knights Commanders.


At the same time, there were signs of many people coming from upstairs.

It was Henrik, Petra and Marya who showed up from upstairs. I also saw the maid-headed Christians and Henrik's butlers in the back.

"Well done!

Henrik began to descend the stairs when he shouted so loudly.

"Ha ha."

Domill and the others kneel on the spot.

Only Ishur and Mira put their right hands on their chests as they stood, lowering their heads. Sharka stands alone, behind her, out of position.


A small figure popped out from behind Henrik as he descended the stairs, along with the screams of a tall girl.

Petra and Marya cuddle the kneeling people to Ishur, and no, they jump.

"You did it."

"Ishl ~"

Marya, Petra turns her hands around Ishl's neck and calls out with half a cry.

"I was worried ~"


The two of you are going to tighten up the gyu and the ishul.

"All right, all right."

Ishl didn't think, and said in a tone like he did for the child.



Rifia, Mira, and Henrik are all staring at Ishr, who share their joy with a smile.


Ishur was confused for a moment and was about to cry.

Because that Oomeo tongue reminded me of when I embraced Pilsa and Puri in front of the Emilia sisters' grave.


Ishur spoke to Marya first.

"We're going to Balstal. Let's go help your fathers."


Marya seeps tears into her big eyes and snorts.

Petra, you're the general.

And turn to Petra.

"Ugh, um!

Petra grins and snorts loudly as she cries.


Ishur also laughed, putting his strength into both hands he turned on their backs.

"Those who possess the treasures of my God"

One room upstairs at the Count Avenis residence.

In the room, stained blue by the light of dawn, a pressed voice of Sharka was heard.


Ishur was evoked from a deep sleep by it alone.

Raise your torso from the bed and speak a small voice.

"Sharka? Is something wrong?"

Ishur quickly saw Mira and Rifia, both of them resting slightly behind a wide indoor, on the back of the collision.

Neither of us has any sign of waking up.


Ishur looked up at Sharka's, the thin face of his usual expression.

Did this guy use the magic of sleep or something like a junction or something on those two?

In the meantime, it doesn't feel like a bond.

"I was called to the Spirit of that little bird wind. The contractor boy wants to see you."


That's it. Hippolu, was it? It's Rusla's covenant spirit. It never looks like a bird to me.

Is he calling me?... at this hour.

Outside, it still fits when it starts to blur and brighten. As always, people move in and out of the hall, but it is not yet time to get up and start getting ready to leave.

Ishur quietly got out of bed and went outside the room following Sharka.

One of Henrik's butlers, an old man, was waiting in the hallway.

"Good morning, Master Ishur. First, go to the ground floor."

When the butler said so, he stood in front of Ishur and walked out towards the hall. Sharka didn't get to Ishur.

As Ishur stared at the deacon's back walking in front, she began to think with a hard head to say that she was still clearly awake about why Rusla had summoned herself at such a time and why.

... it wouldn't be some kind of conspiracy or a sudden trap or anything dangerous to say so. But there wasn't anything strange about it either.

Ever since last night, the Ishurs, Rifia and Mira fell asleep as soon as they treated their guests.

Domill and the other demon leaders moved to a meeting with Henrik along with Rusla and Petra and others.

With the addition of Henrik's bureaucrats, Petra, and Ishur and Domil, the Count's mansion was at once narrow, and Ishur was compelled to join Mira and Rifias. Naturally, there was a stifling between the Ishurs, rather than between Mira, Rifia and Petra, in this room division, but under the strict surveillance of the Spirit, Sharka, the three of them managed to settle to rest in the same room.

One of the reasons why the three of them were to sleep in the same room was that Ishur, reluctant to accumulate his own fatigue, hesitated to summon the Spirit for vigilance in bed and asked Sharka for protection.

... all night long, signs of people moving around the building annoyed me, but I slept well due to tiredness. The fuss about Petra and the others. Well, it was tough, but that made me exhausted, and as a result, it caused me to sleep deeper and firmer, I can't say enough.

However, the peripheral stiffness was slightly felt even when the sleep was deep, and it never interrupted.

The fact that it is caused by Sharka and called to Rusla means that there was no commotion that could be called strange, but something else, an internal problem, has been raised...

Ishur followed the deacon down the hall stairs to the ground floor and headed towards the back of the mansion.

In the left and right rooms of the entrance hall, as usual, many people stood.

"Good morning. Lord Ishur."

Rusla Nicebald was standing alone there as she slammed the hallway behind the stairs and proceeded to the front of the deepest room.

Behind Ishur, the butler meets silently and leaves towards the hall.

"Good morning, Mr. Rusla"

Ishur said, slaying the defect. I glance at the butler's back for a moment.

I don't feel any particular suspicious air.

"What happened?

"Sorry, early this morning.... even though we haven't even celebrated the victory yet"


I'm sorry, I can't believe it.

Ishur grinned lightly and shook his neck left and right.

"In fact, you captured the enemy army's big man inside the royal castle. It was brought here earlier."

Rusla said with a slight grin as she stood in front of the door.

The person has a sweet face, but the inclusion laughter in a dim corner of the hallway was quite compelling.

"Ha. That's..."

Big guy? Lucky? What? That.

"We captured Kurtle Drasen, one of the four counts of the Grand Duchy who followed Yuri Olura, the general of the United Kingdom."


Ishur opened his eyes wide.

In his usual calm tone, Rusla uttered a decisive thing.

... I see. That's big news.

Ishur distorted his mouth and gave him a terrible grin.

The story of the Four Earls of the Grand Duchy of Orula has previously been heard from Rusla in front of him and Trash Rouge, the military superintendent.

"Count Drazen was wounded, wasn't he? We were lucky enough to discover that his squire was hiding inside the North Gate Tower."

"I see."

... This is good. Yoranche assured me that Yuri was different from me, but if you show my face to the man on the other side of this door and see how he reacts, you'll get more certainty, which means certainty.

You'll see what Drazen looks like when he looks at me.

That Yuri Olura and I were different.

"Where's Grand Duke? Are you going to ask?"

"Yes. Henrik, you are now taking a nap. There's a guard inside, and Lord Domill is watching."

That man came all this way at this hour. Well, the other guy's definitely a big guy, you know.

"As a matter of fact, the Count doesn't trust me to take over Yuri Olura. If you don't figure that out, it's hard to ask. That's why I called Mr. Ishr at this hour."

And Rusla said, "Kurtle Drasen is a famous general whose name was also known in the United Kingdom. Lord Ishur would be interested, wouldn't he?," he continued.

"Heh heh, you're the best"

As Ishur grinned deeper and nodded, Rusla opened the door by saying "OK".


Was the room in the back of the cooking room or was it a small room like a pantry? Now there's only one table in the room and a big shelf about what was inside, like a barrel or a crate. Except for the middle-aged man lying on the front, foldable sleeping table.

Domill put his arms behind what seemed to be Drazen, keeping his back on the wall and being silent. Next to the door was a spear with one hand a guard, standing upright. From what I've seen, the guard looks like a family member of the Count's house (kernel).


Domill turned his slightly tired face to Ishl, with a small grin.

Count Drasen was put on a thin blanket and wrapped around his chest with a bandage-like cloth. His eyeballs were opened and poured on Ishl.

A wild voice leaked out of its beard.

"What, this kid?"

There was no astonishment in the eyes of the bearded man, and there was no noticeable colour but slight suspicion.


Ishur smiled unexpectedly.

I felt the corner of my mouth pull up.

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