Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 450: Analysis of the Intelligence Section III

It's not just the Americans and the Soviets who are paying attention to this, as what happened in Hong Kong. The British can't be indifferent, but they haven't figured out how to get the Xiangjiang monster ground effect aircraft.

If you go directly to Heiyun to buy the British, it is still a little unwilling. After all, it is easy to say that once the Hong Kong returns, the British will be very passive. At that time, China does not agree to sell ground effect aircraft and related accessories to the UK, and the things bought back will soon become scrap iron.

But now local British companies can't produce products with the same performance even if they are authorized. Although they don't want to admit it, everyone knows that Bao Zixuan's Heiyun Group is already ahead of many local British companies in some high-tech fields.

After the Navy Department reported the problem to Iron Maiden, the Bao Zixuan alumnus said with a smile: "Isn't it still in the test flight stage? Power up MacLehose and let him inform Heiyun Group that it is best before the ground effect aircraft is finalized. Don't sell to outsiders; the UK has priority when it comes to selling."

"You can clearly tell Bao Zixuan that the first two units of the Xiangjiang Monster are in great need from the British side. After all, Xiangjiang is still under the jurisdiction of the British Empire, isn't the Heiyun Group still on the land of Xiangjiang!"

"If a complete prototype is obtained, can it be imitated with the technical reserves of the United Kingdom. So the immediate problems are not big problems, and the most important thing now is how to solve the problems of the Black Cloud Group."

At this time, the MI6 person said: "Your Excellency Prime Minister, your concern is very reasonable. With the successful test flight of the ground effect aircraft, we just regarded the Black Cloud Group as an ordinary high-tech company before it was very incompatible with their identity; Don't forget that Bao Zixuan studied aerodynamics, which proves that he has a persistent pursuit of aircraft. Besides, he is so rich now, it is very possible to develop any aircraft in the future. After all, sometimes he will ignore the cost, maybe It's just to satisfy his own curiosity, he can now have this strength."

Iron Maiden: "What do your intelligence agencies want to express?"

Director of MI6: "What should we do about the Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan? If we let it develop like this, it is possible to become any kind of giant enterprise in the future. But don't forget, he is not British People; just a Xiangjiang person, and this place may be taken back by Huaxia at any time."

"Whether you admit it or not, China is no longer the China of a hundred years ago. With the current British strength in a conflict between Hong Kong and China, the loser must be the British Empire."

"If Huaxia takes back Xiangjiang, our decades of technological blockade against Huaxia will be a joke. The Black Cloud Group can provide them with more advanced products, and the British Empire will be very passive."

Hearing MI6's analysis, the British executives present fell into contemplation. Although she is a woman, since Iron Maiden can become the Prime Minister, she must have something special.

Iron Maiden: "What's your intelligence department's opinion?"

She now wants to listen to the analysis of the intelligence department to make a decision, although she has already made a decision in her heart.

Director of MI6: "There are still fifteen years before the expiry of the Xiangjiang contract. At present, the Black Cloud Group is still nominally owned by us. Although Bao Zixuan has invested a lot in the mainland, it is far from the scale of Xiangjiang. Moreover, many Chinese businessmen in Hong Kong do not really believe in Huaxia's so-called reform and opening up, and the current investment scale in Huaxia is already the upper limit that Bao Zixuan can afford to lose."

"We can use this time difference to actively fight for Bao Zixuan, and if it doesn't work then we can use extreme measures if necessary. After all, this person is too much of a threat. When the Americans let go of a rocket expert, Huaxia's rocket technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. We can We can't make the same mistake again, otherwise China will definitely march on the head of the British Empire in the future."

"Sometimes a scientist can change the fate of a country. It was because of Newton and Watt that the British Empire emerged in the first industrial revolution. Now Bao Zixuan is such a person, and he may have done more than they did. Good. This man is not just a tech worker, but a successful businessman."

"Watt and Newton still have to apply for scientific research funding from the government. He can do it with just one signature. And he can do whatever he wants, because so far Heiyun Group has only one shareholder, which is really terrible."

Iron Maiden did not expect that the intelligence department would rate Bao Zixuan so highly, so high that he did not expect it. However, since MI6 dared to speak out on this occasion, it must have come to a conclusion after a comprehensive analysis.

Iron Maiden: "I will petition Her Majesty the Queen to make some concessions to Bao Zixuan in the canonization, or it is not impossible to adopt the method of marriage, although as a woman I hate doing this very much, but for the interests of the British Empire, it is against some principles. No matter what.”

"If it is inevitable for Huaxia to take back Xiangjiang, and Bao Zixuan is ignorant of current affairs. Then we can't blame us, it's his own fault."

It can be said that Iron Maiden has already made a final decision on this matter, although it is only temporary. However, the following people also have a work direction, at least they already know how to deal with the current situation.

Just when the British were having a meeting to discuss Bao Zixuan, Heiyun Jitu, and ground effect aircraft, Huaxia Kyoto was also discussing the matter. Now the country's economy has just picked up, and the navy is another big money-burner.

As a result, the Huaxia Navy has not added any decent ships for more than ten years, and now it is easy to let go of the opportunity to overtake in a corner.

The top level is also very embarrassed at this time, after all, the ground effect aircraft is not a cheap item from the photos. The self-developed technology is completely unsatisfactory, and the best way at present is to buy it from Heiyun. Or let Heiyun Group directly build a ground-effect aircraft factory in Huaxia, so that not only can they learn technology, but they can also exchange weapons for resources.

But will Bao Zixuan agree to do so, even if Bao Zixuan agrees. The British will not give up easily, and the ground effect aircraft is definitely the target that the Batumi organization should focus on tracking.

And now the vast majority of countries in the world are staring at the Black Cloud Group, and they all want to get the ground effect aircraft as soon as possible. At this time, Huaxia may not be able to line up, even Bao Zixuan agrees to estimate that he can only line up, and sometimes people may not be able to help themselves.

This also made the people present very suffocated and angry, obviously it was a product produced by a Chinese company. If you use it yourself, you have to look at other people's faces. If Xiangjiang does not return, it will always make people sleepless.

The highest level also understands that the Navy has suffered a lot of grievances over the years. Now that they can get an advanced weapon, how can they help them. So he said: "Then let the comrades from Xinhua News Agency talk about it first, or you can invite Huo Yingdong, Bao Zixuan and others to visit the mainland of China. Isn't the last time the effect is very good! The people of Hong Kong understand our Chinese mainland; so that there will be no rejection and resistance after the return."

As people think Now it is not only the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union that are developing ground-effect aircraft; the United Kingdom and China both want to buy from Heiyun because of their special relationship. As a permanent member of the United Nations, France can produce almost all weapons, and all military products come from domestic enterprises, and can even be sold to the outside world every year.

After seeing the ground effect aircraft, how can they not be distracted, and now they are also thinking about how to get the technical authorization from Heiyun. In the eyes of the French, technology, especially military technology, is still in the hands of their own people.

Not only the permanent members of the United Nations, but there are still many countries in the world where people are stupid and rich. And the most important thing is that they are at war with each other, how can they not be moved when they see such a powerful assault performance of the ground effect aircraft. If you buy it back, it will not suffer as a transport assault force of special forces; not to mention that there are several places where weapon systems can be installed, which makes both sides of the war very eager. They all want to get this weapon as soon as possible. There is nothing else in the two countries. There is really no shortage of oil.

Bao Zixuan did not expect that a ground-effect aircraft could actually stir most of the world's countries, but it was too late to say anything now. Even if the project is stopped at this moment, it is estimated that the British side will not agree, and can only bite the bullet and move forward; no matter what the outcome is, it is the path of one's own choice, and there can be no complaints.

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