Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Vol 2 Chapter 1459: Popularization of 5D stereoscopic

Just when Angela reported the relevant situation to the old Rothschild, the richest man Bao also came to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It should have come a long time ago, but who made it famous; no matter which country it goes to, I hope that the Black Cloud Group can increase the scale of investment. In addition, the richest man in Bao also wanted to have a good relationship with the Middle East countries, so he delayed his trip.

This time I came to Saudi Arabia without much fanfare. In recent times, it has been high-profile enough. Moreover, in the Middle East countries, the cooperation with Saudi Arabia is close; the relationship is relatively special. There is no need to do superficial work, it is better to be practical!

But the reception, or the reception. Even if the relationship is good, it can't be too casual.

Israel is very close to Saudi Arabia, and the time on the plane is very short. There was no problem of rest, so he went directly to Prince Sultan's office. Saying it is an office is no different from a home. The third person in Saudi Arabia has many similar places!

As the richest man in the bag and the cheap old husband, coupled with his own influence in Saudi Arabia, it is worth the Sultan family to be like a duck to water in the recent period. However, the Sultan family currently has no investment in Saudi Arabia. Mainly following the advice of Bao's richest man, he mobilized a lot of money in China, Japan, and East Germany.

Although it is still unclear why, Prince Sultan definitely believes in the vision of the richest man. After all, the Heiyun Group invested more, and if something went wrong, no one would lose as much as him. The Sultan family's funds may not even be a fraction of Bao Zixuan's.

But he didn't see Aisha; Bao Zixuan understood that this situation was not very convenient. It has been known on the phone that he will be waiting for him at the villa.

Now the richest man in Bao is still quite contradictory. There are several women, and it is estimated that Zhang Youran also knows the existence of some people. How to coordinate the relationship, but a troublesome. But now we can only live with it, after all, I haven't fully thought about it. Aisha and Sarah, although more of an interest relationship in everything. But it's not that you have no feelings at all, but a woman can always follow you without a name. Bao Zixuan really can't do it, maybe it's okay now; if there is a child, how to explain it to the child.

An illegitimate child without a title, even if his parents are noble, what can he do? Growing up, there are bound to be many mistakes. If you can't take care of your children well, as a father, you will fail a bit.

But some things, how to explain to Zhang Youran. The more I think about it, the more headaches, it seems that I can only use time to dilute everything.

When Bao Zixuan came over, Prince Sultan was very happy. The fact that Saudi Arabia can have today's situation has a lot to do with the Black Cloud Group. Now that we have some industrial bases, we only need to invest in research and development; I believe that catching up with developed countries is not an unattainable dream.

Because of oil, Saudi Arabia is not short of funds. Before it was just squandered and bought other countries' national debt. Now it is found that it may be more meaningful to use it to develop the domestic economy and improve the infrastructure construction. As long as it follows this line of thinking, it should not be a big problem for Saudi Arabia to become a relatively technologically advanced country.

Prince Sultan said with a smile, "You won't be angry if you didn't pick you up at the airport!"

It is said that it is the relationship between Weng and son-in-law, but many times, Prince Sultan really dare not think about this aspect. Bao Zixuan's identity is too special. And its own strength may not be much worse than the entire Saudi royal family.

Saudi Arabia is not recognized for anything other than its own oil. But no one knows how much wealth Bao Zixuan holds. Most importantly, it is impossible to count how many new technologies have been mastered. Just ask such a person, who dares to act as a senior and play a sense of existence in front of him! It is easy to cause unnecessary disgust, and it is an act of looking for trouble.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Don't say that, we don't have to be like this. This time I came to Saudi Arabia, and it gave me a very different feeling. Seeing that the whole country is engaged in infrastructure construction shows that the royal family is very determined. "

In fact, Bao Zixuan knows that Saudi Arabia is reducing its purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds. Although Americans have opinions, they do not dare to be too obvious. But once the Soviet Union disintegrated, things changed immediately. Blacksmithing also needs to be **** its own. Whether Saudi Arabia can support the banner of the Middle East at that time is still very important.

This is the moment to unite all nations and at the same time strengthen them. If you don't have something in your hand, you will definitely be frightened when facing a strong enemy.

Prince Sultan: "Americans have a lot of opinions, but they don't dare to be too obvious. Some time ago, the US Secretary of State came to the Middle East for a visit. What I didn't expect was that he expressed apology. Moreover, the White House and the military The side has made it clear that there is no problem with the Saudi side wanting to buy any conventional weapons and equipment."

"The sincerity is great. It seems that the Soviet Union has put a lot of pressure on them. However, the Saudi side has not given a clear attitude. The current weapons and equipment are basically sufficient. There is no war, and the military expenditure is too large, which will affect the normal progress of other domestic projects. "

"His Majesty the King knows that you are coming, so I want to hear your opinion. Or what kind of weapons and equipment in the United States, the Soviets can't produce; and Saudi Arabia is in urgent need. My current thinking can no longer keep up with the development of the times, especially In the field of high-end military weapons. Suddenly I feel very outdated, and I don’t even understand my major.”

Bao's richest man has now become a Saudi consultant, and he still does not receive a salary. It can be said that the Saudi royal family has basically gained the trust now, at least the other side will listen to his words.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I don't know much about Saudi Arabia's military power, so I can only give a simple opinion. However, the future war must be a five-dimensional three-dimensional war."

"In modern warfare, the first battlefield: the sea; the second battlefield: land; the third battlefield: the sky; the fourth battlefield: space. The fifth battlefield: information confrontation."

"The war at sea includes the confrontation between naval aviation, surface warships, and submarines. As for land, it is well understood, ground combat, and ultra-low altitude operations from zero to 300 meters. The sky is mainly air force fighters competing for, of course, bombers can be in thousands of Launching missiles from kilometers away; for countries with relatively weak air forces, it is also a very troublesome thing.”

"Space operations are better understood. The United States and the Soviet Union are fighting against any country. You can use military satellites in the sky to conduct all-weather reconnaissance of the combat area. You can also use satellites to guide missiles; the accuracy is very high, and the error may not be less than one meter."

"As for the last item, information confrontation; many countries are now developing it. Although it is relatively primitive, the effect is very obvious. Using strong electronic interference, the enemy's communication and command systems are completely paralyzed."

"And one more thing, it will paralyze all the enemy's systems through network operations. In future operations, information confrontation is the top priority. This kind of war without gunpowder smoke is the most terrifying."

"Although it sounds vague, it feels very reasonable. I used to think that Saudi Arabia's military strength is not weak. Now I hear this kid's five-dimensional three-dimensional combat concept, and I suddenly feel that Saudi Arabia is still far behind."

Prince Sultan: "You still have an idea. Saudi Arabia not only needs to buy advanced weapons and equipment; more importantly, it needs to have advanced tactical ideas. You can stay for a few more days. I will call senior officers; indoctrinate them."

"It always feels like buying two advanced weapons is a big deal; that kind of thinking must be and should never be seen in the Saudi military."

"The country looks rich, but if there is no oil; or the status of oil declines, then what do we have. Saudi Arabia must plan ahead, or it will inevitably be ruthlessly abandoned in the end."

Bao Zixuan knew very well that Prince Sultan still had a great idea. It's just that he passed away before he could take the throne. There was no way in the previous life, but in this life, I was caught up by myself, so I must do something. If it is not vigorous, I am sorry for the identity of the transmigrator.

At the same time, Bao Zixuan has already thought about it. When he goes to the Middle East next time, he must start with the treasure of Solomon. I'm still curious about this legendary artifact. And the Rothschild family must have a bigger conspiracy. It will never be purely for the treasure, but it is unknown to outsiders.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Since you have already said so, what else can I say. But I am not a professional military personnel after all. If there is any inadequacy in the explanation, please forgive me!"

Hearing this kid agree, Prince Sultan was very happy; but he didn't let Bao Zixuan stay for dinner, he still wanted to give the young man some time to get along!


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