Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4908 - Ye instructor is amazing

Chapter 4908, the leaf instructor is amazing

At this point, she was a few tens of centimeters away from the original position. If she went down, she would completely deviate from the range of sights that Xia Jinjin had seen.

Xia Jinyuan can not find it, dazzling his wife on the road, dazzling, laughing, and trying to control the line of sight, do not look at Ye Jian from time to time.

The female soldiers are eccentric and cannot let them out.

The interest of the male soldier can be bigger than that of Xia Jinjin. As for why the problem of Xia Jinyuan is so familiar with Ye Jian, they are forgotten. After chasing Ye Jian, he laughed: “Yes, you can really compare with him.”

“We have a lot of people in our teachers, that is, without you so comprehensive. Each has its own strengths, and you, but concentrate on all their strengths, it is definitely wonderful!”

The male soldiers are still armed, the nature is natural, and the troops are talking about a place to fight for the first place. They have a natural admiration for the strong, even if Ye Jian is a female soldier, it does not affect their admiration for Ye Jian.

Although he hasn’t seen Ye Jian really reveal his hands, they are convinced of Xia Jinyuan’s words. The side can also explain that Xia Jinyuan’s leadership ability is very strong.

Deeply doubt or disbelieve, obey orders.

Ye Jian headache, but can not be removed from a man set up the platform, smirked: “If you have the opportunity, you must consult.”

It has been three months since the first half of the year, and then left the northwest in three months. How can there be a chance?

Xia Jinyuan sees this, and estimates also feel that he is dazzling his wife today, and he has taken over the topic slowly. “I have the opportunity to ask for advice. I have not seen the leaf instructor for a long time.”

A female soldier immediately answered, “I haven’t revealed both hands yet. We just came to the first day, and the instructor’s strength is crushed. Isn’t that the two hands?”

Xia Jinyuan laughed low, and the black squats slightly slanted. He smiled at the girlfriend with a tight headache at this time. The low voice was like the sound of the piano that bounced in the cold wind, and it floated into the ear of the leaf. “Not counting, not counting, There are too many wonderful things about your leaf instructors. Like a treasure, you never know what you will dig in the next second.”

The male soldiers suddenly excited to scream, hate can not immediately want to know how wonderful Ye Jian is.

Listening to the roar of the male soldiers, Ye Jian had only helplessness. She had never found out that the Xia team liked to take her out of the matter.

Do you want to talk about yourself?

“Captain Xia, don’t say it, I want to hide it after I say it.” The helpless Ye Jian faced only the compromise of the summer-style dazzling wife, and said to the male soldiers: “You want me to show both hands. It is not impossible, but there are conditions.”

“What conditions!” asked in unison.

Ye Jianxiao replied, “You have to lose, training is doubled. How?”

So what… haha, haha, forget it.

The Xia team was ferocious enough, and I did not expect the leaf instructor to be so ferocious.

The momentary and honest male soldiers let Xia Jinyuan laugh out loudly, lifted his foot and took a male soldier closest to him, smiling, “bear-like, not shameful.”

“Summer team, I don’t bear. Training is doubled! We only have five hours of rest every day in the training. If the training doubles… Is there still a break?”

That’s right, so let’s make it difficult for you to retreat. Ye Jian grinned.

Xia Jinyuan gave her a thumbs up and sighed, “The leaf instructor is amazing! You let my soldiers stop.”

Ye Jianqiu fist, “the summer team is modest.”

The tone is the most normal, but the relationship is the most clear, but no one can see what is wrong with the two.

(End of this chapter)

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