Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1194 - Meeting in the narrow road

Chapter 1194 meets in a narrow way

“Ye Jian, here here!” An Jiaxin, standing next to Zhang Bin, jumped like a rabbit and waved at Ye Jian. “They hope that you are all looking forward to becoming a giraffe.”

When she finished, the tall and tall Zhang Bin smiled and said to her classmates: “You should think about whether you want to take a photo with the leaves, or you will be taken away by other students after taking a photo.”

“If you want it, you must! After the leaf is famous, I can take out the photo to blow the cow to the wife!”

“You want to be really long-term, and your girlfriend doesn’t want to marry.”

“Come here, let me see if my hair is messed up!”

“Mother! Don’t mess with you and see you long.”

“It’s so tight, I can take photos with the first person in the province… I have a sweat in my palm.”

Listening to the sounds of the boys, Ye Jian, who has a good relationship, came and smiled.

“1.2.3, eggplant!” As the camera snorted, a young and unsmiling smile settled, becoming the most beautiful memory in the years to come.

At 6 o’clock in the evening, when the golden sunset fell, there was a low crying in the laughter. The students who went to study began to go home with their empty bags. The students who did not take the exams at the school also packed their bags, the nearest to the examination room. Hotel stay.

The figures of the parents also appeared on the campus. Like the baggage that was just starting school, the baggage of the big bag and the small bag rushed to and from the school. The same figure, the same pace, the direction of walking became parting.

Ye Jian, holding the camera in his hand, stood in the shade of the tree, gazing at his familiar campus little by little, unknowingly making a long sigh.

Two years in high school, it is over.

“Is the principal together with the shadow?” An Jiaxin, who was looking for it, interrupted Ye Jian’s thoughts. Her voice was not crisp when she took a group photo. It was a bit heavy. “I feel that the school has been quiet for a while.”

It was indeed quiet, and even the faint sunsets put away the last afterglow, leaving a piece of blue and white color to cover the entire campus.

The usual bustling hustle and bustle disappeared, laughter, and the sound of reading was gone. It seems that even the screams that were known were much smaller, and only a few old, weak, sick and screaming.

Ye Jane licked her shoulder and smiled and said: “If there is a meeting, there is a parting. I look forward to meeting again next time.” Parting has always been a sad topic. Ye simply smiled and shifted. “You have all collected well? Now Can you move?”

“All collected, the whole bedroom is empty.” An Jiaxin was so sad that it would not be able to go out for a while. She and Ye Jian were both in the school exam. Let the parents come and wait, Ye simple proposal simply moved out of school to live with her for a few days.

The college entrance examination is on schedule. The front and back doors of the school have police guards to open the way for the students. The hot days of the parents hold the umbrella and keep talking on the face of the school with a smile on the face, but they are even more nervous than the candidates.

The bus stopped at both sides of the school road. The traffic police led the way to **** every student to the school. The teacher who followed the car once again checked in and confirmed that all the students had got off the bus before leaving.

Yesterday, the students from the foreign school who came to the provincial one exam were already familiar with the examination room. They knew their position and went straight to the corresponding examination room after entering the school.

Ye Ying, wearing the second middle school uniform, stood at the entrance of the provincial one school. She was standing at the door of the provincial one again in the past two years. In the next few days, she had to regret that she had to persuade her. !

(End of this chapter)

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