Chapter 1192 Friendship lasts forever

“Gap, gap, treatment, treatment…”

“It should be taken away in advance for the next senior high school students to worship and look up!”

“…no, no test papers left? I want to grab a set for my sister. The teacher is too embarrassed, and the set is not reserved for our students.”

In the bursts of laughter and laughter, the monotonous and repeated high school career began to draw a full stop, time went so casually, and then looked back, the original time has come.

“Hey, where is my message book? Who else has not left the ink treasure and remember to stay, only three days, don’t let me leave regrets.”

“Yang, what is your contact information? Why didn’t you fill it out? How to find it later?”

The most popular communication method in 1999 was a home phone, one is MSN, and there is a little penguin QICQ that just came out. Ye Jian is a bit exceptional, and there are no three contact methods.

An Jiaxin was angry. “I rely on it. Do I have to find you afterwards to find a person to find out?” After the anger, at noon, Ye Jian left the back door, and the emperor entered the Internet cafe like a turtle crawling. Ye Jian applied for a QQ number.

“What is your name? The score is sweeping the invincible in the province? Email? There is always one. Self-portraits have to be chosen, how about blondes?”

Opened the 99-year QICQ application, Ye Jian did not fill it down slowly. Now the little penguin is not as popular as MSN, but it is very popular among the student groups. After entering 2000, the little penguin became the main contact method for students. It can be said that each student is one person.

Waiting for Ye Jian to write the name in the name column, An Jiaxin becomes a questioning face, “Green helmet? What is the name? Shouldn’t it be more aggressive? Also, the helmet is a hat, can I understand it as a green hat? ”


In the face of a friend who can understand the normal name distortion as another meaning, the leaf that is used to it is calm: “Green means hope, helmet represents protection, you can use normal thinking to understand “the hope of protecting green”. Do you feel a lot of domineering?”

“…” An Jiaxin silently bite his fingernails, and he hurts a bit: “It is really domineering.”

It turns out that the green hat can be understood as such, and the good understanding of good students is much higher than theirs.

As for the registration of the mobile phone and the pager number, Ye Jian directly omitted it. She has neither a mobile phone nor a paging number.

The application was quite fast. After a while, Ye Jian had a six-digit QQ number, and An Jiaxin became the first QQ friend. She saw her net name Ye Jian could not help bute her forehead. “Please call me Queen Empress, Really domineering, look at the Gege film to see more.”

A Qing Dynasty Gege film is popular throughout the north and south of the Yangtze River. Even when she never watches TV, she will take a look when she occasionally makes a headache.

The actor is very familiar, one 丫鬟, two Gege later became a big star, but at that time they have passed Tao Li Nianhua.

“The queen is more domineering, I like it!” An Jiaxin said, taking out a graduation message book from the bag. “Come and come, first add a few students’ QICQ number. Then I will go to the stationery store to buy a graduation album. There are one classmates, I have not seen you ready.”

“Jane classmates, sometimes you have to follow the crowd.”

The former Ye Jian was born into a cold, quiet temper, but she did not participate in any group activities.

(End of this chapter)

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