Looking down at the demon god who had fallen to the ground, I exhaled heavily.

He's a struggling opponent in Berito, but this time there was Gaddles and he was showing off the mix-up.

Poking enemy surprises in that was my specialty.

That's why I was able to carry the war situation to my advantage and overwhelm it.

But other than that... I just realized that my curiosity gaze was being directed.

"Now that girl is Reid..."

"No way, those six heroes?

"No, but he's dead, isn't he?

"There are rumors of rebirth."

"I, Nicole, use yarn, I've seen it..."

"Are you serious!?

I hear voices like that coming from around me. Finia's confusion earlier had taken place quite loudly.

The fact that they were in battle probably meant that the adventurers didn't force their consciousness off the battle, but when that was over, they couldn't care less.

"Ray... it's Nicole?

"I don't know, Gaddles. There was only one."

We brought Finia where this enemy is, so this development should have been assumed.

It is possible that the track record of being able to defeat the only one in Verito had forced Finia to bear the impossible.

The gaze that flies from the surroundings is all that is perplexed. It's the word that came out of Finia's mouth that knows me so well that even incredible things become more reliable.

This is no longer a bad excuse, but it won't escape me.

"I wonder if this city is this far too..."

"Mmmm... are you going to leave?

"Isn't that what you have to do?

Doubt is no longer seen in the eyes of certainty. The six-hero does not seem to be a disgusting gaze, but the confusion of how to respond appeared in his gaze with or without.

Of course, there would be no such thing as persecution if you sat there like this. But it is inevitable that stories are passed from the people of the city to Maria, Lyell and Cortina.

That would make it harder for me to get back to Lyell's mansion.

People's favorites Lyell and Maria, but I don't think they'll treat me the way they've always been, even if they know I fooled them.

"Go on a journey... we may never be able to go back"

But what happens to Finia and Michelle anyway?

Cloud was from an orphanage, and now he's running away. It doesn't matter if you follow me.

But Michelle has a place to go and a family. You can't go on a journey you can't guess with me.

Same goes for Finia. She doesn't have a place to go back either, but all the time with me, there's a physically worrying side to it.

Finia, who has been an adventurer with us for the past three years, is still somewhat inferior to that of humans because of the peculiarity of the species Elf.

Even so, it's better than me, so it might take something.

"Anyway, it's bad ass to be here like this. Let the innkeeper go back. Let the room know if anything happens."

"Oh, okay. But if you're leaving, just leave your contact details. I won't be able to contact you again."

"Oh, sure."

I understand so well in my life how sad my people have been without me.

So this time, I won't leave my people behind. So determined.

But then, don't leave Michelle alone against that determination.

It seems like they still need to make their own decisions.

When I was thinking about that, I was sensing signs of me rushing over to this place. Of course I'm not willing to kill, so I won't set up a katana even if I'm on guard.

It was the officials of the Adventurer's Guild, always seen at the reception, who showed up after a while.

"Mr. Nicole, I finally found you!

"You said you were coming here."

"Yes, but with all these people, it's not easy to find them!

Screaming like a half-reverse gilet would be evidence of a rushing Alliance official.

Does that mean there's a lot of panic going on?

"What's the matter, so hasty"

"Master Lyell's pioneering village is in trouble. According to the information that came in earlier, demons have pushed over there as well -"

"Even the demon god!?

We just crusaded the Twin Swords Demon God earlier. Even in the village where Lyell is, the demon gods attacked him?

"At this time...... isn't that strange?

"Yeah, but the fact that you've attacked me is true. Besides, it seems that there are more than one, and that the struggle seems to be imperative only with Lady Lyell and Maria."

"Well, even though you're comparable to one army alone, you're more of a person. Whatever Maxwell is, can't we deal with the number of violence"

"Yes, so I was hoping to contact your son Nicole as well."

"Contact...... well, thanks"

When I heard about the contact, I remembered riding the wrong horse on my way to the city.

Perhaps that horseback rider is a conductor. Even though the Alliance has established a means of communication for information, that alone is not sufficient, as has been proven during the Goblin raids.

When a demon attack occurs, the information must be definitively delivered to the king's capital. So besides the guild, it would also mean that the classic means of a conductor was used to fly information.

"Okay. Me - No, I'm going to Pioneering Village, too. Will Gaddles come with me?

"But when Master Gaddles is with us, the defense of this city is -!?"

"Michelle and Cloud will be back soon. If you let the cloud guard the gates and make Michelle a turret on the walls, most enemies will be able to repel them."

I've never fought that demon god, but Michelle's abilities are already beyond top notch.

It's not even Dada who's called a new hero or a bow saint.

The cloud is plain too, but its defense is approaching the Gaddles.

The combination of these two makes a breakthrough no matter how easy it is to be the demon god of the two swords.

And the other adventurers, after one fierce battle, should be learning how to deal with it.

Even with me and Gaddles out here, you must be able to do something about it. To the point of being so trustworthy, I trust my friends today and the adventurers of this city.

"Wait, me too... take me too!


"I don't want to leave you again. Please!

"Even so..."

I'll turn my gaze to Gaddles.

Finia's magical versatility should help defend this city as well.

But even in the pioneering village, where we need to deal with multiple manifested demons, her powers are useful.

"Don't worry about it. If I have to, I'll protect you."

"That would help if you said so. Finia with me, then."

"Thank you!

To Finia like that I nodded back small and looked back at the guild staff.

"That's why I... the three of us are headed for reinforcements. I'll be back soon to protect you, Michelle. I'll leave you to it."

"Wow, I get it"

I will activate the magic of the transfer (teleport) after confirming that the official snorted.

Thus the three of us headed to Pioneering Village.

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