Inspired by Ellie, who rose impulsively, the Vultures have launched a steep descent attack toward us.

Of course, Michelle's is good when the time comes.

But by the time you get here, Michelle won't have an ex or a kid to shoot it all off. Now I want to see how much Ellie can fight.

"In the meantime, Michelle just drop one. The cloud is in charge of one while protecting the horse with me. Can you take one down with Finia and Eli?


"I'll take care of it."

"If it's just one, I can handle it"

"I'll do my best!

Each returns a reply to my instructions.

The cloud sets up a large shield on the horse, Finia parks the carriage, speaks the activation language in a low voice and turns the dagger into a spear.

Even during those preparations, the distance from Vulture clogs.

Michelle continued to release her arrow twice the moment she took the position of sticking her nails down her head.

It pierces the base of one wings without madness and takes away its ability to fly.

"Yes, your job is good."

"No, because you can't normally pinpoint shooting at vultures that come down suddenly, right?

"Uh, even Nicole can do it, right?

"Oh my God, I can't!

This is why he's a genius.

Vultures descend rapidly at speeds exceeding 100 km/h. Even though three meters is a giant beyond if you spread the wings, it is only out of standard to pinpoint sniping at the base of that wing to inhibit movement.

Of course, you can't even imitate me like that.

"Shh, that's amazing. That's Bow Saint......"

"Well, because common sense doesn't apply to what Michelle does"

"Nicole, you suck!

"Look, here comes the sequel!

As a precaution, I avoid using yarn and pull out the katana.

Needless to say, Princess Eligor is a royal person. There is also so much information about the Six Heroes that it is not comparable with folk humans.

I have trouble using yarn weirdly and getting to me (Reid) from there.


That said, if I don't have yarn either, the range of attack is very much the same as that of the cloud.

So I jump up the pebble with a cut and aim at Vulture's head. Of course it's not Michelle. There's no way my throw would hit me that easily, and it would be avoided lightly.

But that's my calculation. The angle of attack shifted due to the effect one of the wings avoided, and the two successfully created a separate isolated situation.

"All right, the cloud is in charge of one of these, the finers, that way, please!


Of course, Finia, who parties with me for many years, has sensed my intentions and has already pointed her finger at you.

The tip protruding toward the torso, however, was dodged at the critical point and remained to scratch the scratch.

Eli has also begun his magical chant unbeaten, and this one can't be seen fearful of the actual battle. Apparently, it's going to be a force in times of need.

At the same time, if I thought Gotun and I sounded heavy, the cloud was bringing Vulture into the melee against his opponent.

He's shielding his nails from attack and, conversely, grabbing that foot and trying to pull it down to the ground. What happened to your sword?

"Cloud, where's the sword?

"I didn't pull it out because it doesn't make sense if I don't drop it on the ground anyway. Attack me faster than that! My legs are going to float."

With a taller cloud, Vulture can't lift that easily either. Nevertheless, it wasn't so much that I couldn't lift it, I was desperately winged and about to leave the cloud.

For this reason, Cloud's feet sometimes floated away from the universe, and each time he stuck with Elizabeth the horse, somehow enduring.

"Yes, yes. But this is how much the cloud needs to be able to take down on its own."

"You can take it down if you want to. Let go of your shield and let go of your sword."

"But if you do that, you're gonna get hurt for nothing."

"Yes, yes. I'm the one who hurts."

If you let go of the shield that's under nail attack right now and stick your sword in it ready to strike, the cloud will probably win.

But if we do that, we'll be wounded for nothing, and of course we can heal the wounds, but we'll be consuming magic for nothing.

That's why the cloud took the form of a protracted war and waited for me to join it.

It's an act of grasping this one's power, and this would rather be praiseworthy.

"That's why I don't compliment you. You'll be in good shape soon."


While I was telling you, I ran over to the cloud and jumped.

With the first step, he puts his foot on Elizabeth's ass, then dances the shoulders of the cloud into the air on the scaffold.

Surprised by this behavior, Vulture opened her eyes for a moment, but immediately stuck her mouth (beak) out here.

But it's also an act of giving me a weakness in the head.

I stuck out Katana for Vulture's eyeball. Vulture, who stuck his head out toward this one, has no way of avoiding this.

It penetrates the feel of soft meat and also breaks through the hard bones behind it.

Keep it up. I fell to the ground with Vulture down.

"Again, in this form."

Even when Vulture was attacking me on my way to Raum, I felt I fell to the ground in this position.

At the same time, I turned my gaze to Finia.

Finia is firmly sticking her spear out into small pieces, preventing Vulture from approaching.

Finia, who was on the defensive side at that time, but thanks to a weapon called a spear and subsequent workouts, Vulture opponents could afford to deal with it.

And while Finia was buying time, Eligor's magic was complete.

"Mr. Finia, back off!


Princess Eligor speaks up and informs the timing because she is not communicating as well as we are.

But Finia also jumps back, as if waiting for that voice.

Finia, who can be cared for in detail, is good at perceiving their feelings.

Even a tag with Princess Eligor, who works together for the first time, seemed capable of using her abilities to tailor her actions to her opponents.

The Princess Eligor confirms that Finia has taken a distance and starts the magic.

"- Blaze Sphere"


I had an unexpected strange voice in the magic Princess Eligor used.

The Blaze Sphere is an inductive, high-fire-fire attribute magic that used to be used by Maxwell.

Its power is enough to burn up the trees around it, even if it's just radiating heat.

If you use that in a forest like this, and how can you use it to track Vulture...

"Did you see, this is my strength!

"Asshole. Ahhhhh!?

I forgot my identity difference and put a scratch in the back of Princess Eligor's head.

In the meantime, the Blaze Sphere (Blaze Sphere), which chases the escaping Vulture, runs around just above the woods.

And the fire was also expanding in scale.

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