With Retina's guide we walk inside the royal castle. The gaze of curiosity that pierces it makes me feel like a rare beast.

That seems to be the same for me as well as Michelle and Cloud, who rarely shrunk themselves and walked about after me.

The only thing Finia didn't seem to care about at all, like Retina, was walking down the hallway of the royal castle with floating (hippos).

"Finia's not nervous or anything?

"Compared to taking care of the six heroes, this nobility is an elephant gathering."

"No, I suppose so."

Certainly no comparison can be made with the six heroes, such as nobles and soldiers, who are so different in this corridor. I was frequently given the service of those people's banquets, so my nerves would get thicker.

"Finia's right. Who can direct Mr. Nicole, daughter of a hero, to the nobility and royalty here?"

"Mainly Retina."

"Please stop taking those fried feet!

"Look, right?

The light wolf thing like this is very much like her.

When we got back on track, we finally got in front of one room.

There were massive but sturdy doors provided there, and thick doors seemed soundproof to see.

Retina slams the knockers placed at the door without hesitation. Then the door opened slightly and Maxwell appeared from inside.

"Dear Eligor, I am Retina - Winne Yowi. We have brought Nicole."

"Good luck, come in"

I didn't name the door until it opened because the door was too thick for my voice to reach indoors.

We walked indoors prompted and were greeted there by one woman.

Typical blonde blue-eyed elf. Luxurious and abundant hair stretches as it ripples to the waist.

His face is slipping through and neat, making him feel like a sun-like charisma to Retina, as opposed to what I'm described as some deep-window lady style.

"Uh, nice to meet you, Nicole."

"Welcome aboard, Mr. Nicole. No rumors. My name is Eligor III. That was Michelle and Finia... and Mr. Cloud."

"Oh, yes!

"Nice to meet you..."

Cloud with a faint voice sweating like a waterfall with Michelle, who is called directly to the next candidate for Queen and responds with upright immobility.

Finia did not reply in particular and kept it for a moment of silence only. This may be a more robust response, as some people disrespect the direct statement.

"Good, with seemingly kind people. I can make a request with confidence, too."

"Look, stay stiff there, but don't hesitate to call me. Yes."

Maxwell, who was serving next to the princess, urges her to a seat set in the center of the room.

In front of the princess of one country, we take our seats in a strained foothold.

Princess Eligor cut out the conversation after watching us take our seats.

"Well, first of all... tell me about when Mr. Nicole helped Lady Ashera"

"Dear Eligor, it's not there. Let's talk about work first."

"Maxwell is tough, isn't he? A little bit, I hope."

"The opening is the most derailed, because the eagle also has to be just as twitchy"

It feels like it's been a long time since I've seen Maxwell swing somehow.

Anyway, the noted Princess Eligor, while coughing, corrected the topic.

"Cohon, Maxwell is loud, so let me tell you something from the request. Have you heard Mr. Fina's story yet?

"Yeah, it's about my sister, so first"

"Nicole told me!

"Oh, me... no, me too"

"Gaddles and I are on our way to the site."

Each responds to Princess Eligor. Hi, this princess seems to have a pretty my-paced personality.

In a way, it can also be said that Maxwell's blood ties.

"Good. As you know, the case has already been solved, so rest assured there. But there are problems that don't just end there."

"Semi-demon discrimination consciousness,"

"Yeah. Did Maxwell tell you that, too?

"No, from Gaddles"

"Oh, you were telling me as part of the request. That would be quick."

The content thus told was almost a thing that remained explained by Gaddles.

The point is, in order not to lose any more of the status of a semidemon, Eligor, a royal family popular with citizens, travels to Strahl with Cloud, a semidemon.

It is about taking the lead in alleviating disgust towards the semidemons by showing it to the citizens.

"That's why we can't attach a regular escort. We would love to ask that you have a top-level track record of being trustworthy and a small group of semidemons participating."

"Yes, we have heard the details too, so don't worry about it. If you're not willing to take it, you're not here."

Eligor put his hand on his chest like a relief to my answer.

She has a gorgeous aesthetic, but the friendliness seeps out from the end of such a trick.

"Good. Then I would like to travel before more information on the kidnapping spreads to the citizens. It hasn't worked since rumors spread and bad feelings. Are you sure about that?

"Yeah. I came because I meant to. You can leave whenever you want."

"I'm relieved to hear that. I'll see you in half an hour."

"Yes y?

"Thirty minutes later"

I thought for a moment I'd heard the wrong question mark, Your Highness, and I repeat it as if to press my precautions.

No, it would be too soon for anything!?

"It's okay. I've already done the journey support. Besides, Maxwell taught me how to travel long."

"No, no, it's really okay!? It's gonna take more than a week from here to Strahl!

"When you have to, I'll send you at the portal gate."

"If I do that, I don't have an ex or a kid!

I need to show myself, but what about the transfer? Maxwell apparently is also confused by the pace of this princess.

Either way, if we're leaving in half an hour, we have to keep up with that intent.

Even though I could leave right away, as far as I'm concerned, I assumed after lunch or something like that, but suddenly I didn't think I'd say half an hour later.

The lead on the journey is adventurous. I'm used to it. Though we're supposed to hold it, the opponents are royalty. We should compromise as much as possible where we can compromise.

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