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Raum Forest Kingdom. Two men and women were in close contact within that royal palace.

Nevertheless, there is no such thing as gloss. That is certainly true of sneaking eyes, but the colourful atmosphere and the like there were no fine dust present either.

"So, Uncle Maxwell. Did you solve every trouble?

"Of course not. No more lag than I thought. Reid is still a man who can use it. I'm not a woman now."

"Are you a reborn hero? I'd like to see you once."

"I have a living hero in front of me... no, I'm still alive, aren't I?

'relatively' narrow indoors for the royal palace. At best it would be about the size of Cortina's house.

A girl who places a table set in the center of it and gracefully carries tea to her mouth.

There are no other people indoors. Of course, I have a handbell for calling servants.

"Nevertheless, by virtue of...... that's the place. I didn't know you were going after Mr. Fina."

"With Pope Ashera's dedication, semidemonic discrimination has become relatively moderate. Honestly, my liver's cold. No."

"If we put our hands on Lord Lyell and Maria's children, if we did poorly, everything in the world would be dumped on the anti-semidemons at once. Well done."

"Thank you for your words. Dear Eligor,"

Maxwell shows the girl the courtesy of her subordinates on purpose. There was a pranky light in its eyes.

In contrast, the girl called Eligor also snorts uncomfortably.

As a lady, it is a strange attitude.

"Could you properly call me Eligor III? Because we haven't done as much as the first generation."

"You were a patron of Lord 'Transcendent' who once contributed to the development of restorative magic. No disrespect."

"With familiarity, Erigor the Third. Or Elizo."

"It's a long time, so don't."

The name of the queen who once existed in this country. As its successor, she was the girl who gained her name as III, but somehow she was a devious girl.

Moreover, the girl is the first heir to the throne of this country. How hard is it to work under your command?

Maxwell, who speaks to such an eligor with affection. Bloodline is my uncle and niece, but after I had already descended from the royal family to my ministry, I refrained to the point of sneaking into each other like this.

The current king is his brother, but the king didn't feel very comfortable making contact with the royal family.

Even so, Maxwell is undoubtedly a competent minister, so we often call him when things happen.

For this reason Maxwell had been able to meet Eligor, a subordinate but royal figure, on a free pass.

"Is it possible to hide things through?

"I've already laid down my password. Most people can't stand a door in their mouth."

"Is it inevitable that it will be rumored?"

"Come on, it's what happened in other countries, but also on the border. It'll be a while before it gets here."

If this one thing spreads, once again the half demons will be made the object of discrimination. It was a question of fear.

The King was less interested in the issue, but as for her admiring the Six Heroes, it is a rumor she doesn't want it to spread very widely.

"Will it be a problem in the north?

"Because there was a case where King Elliot himself was helped by Reid. If that's not the border, it won't be so much of a problem. Rather -"

"Sounds like Raum sounds bigger."

"If His Majesty were a little more generous... no, you've lost your word"

"You'll be guilty of disrespect. Be careful in public, uncle."

"In front of the Lord, you're really going to loosen your mind. It's good to be friendly."

"If it's not dignified enough, be honest with me. Would it be better to keep this issue, any hands on it?

Asked by Eligor, Maxwell did his hand to his beard. It is a habit when he thinks.

After a lot of silence, he opens his mouth heavily.

"Honestly, it's not good to go back to the highly discriminating past here again. I'm not sure you should keep your hands on it."

"So how?

"Right. We can only make the people feel familiar before the rumors get here."

"Get acquainted with the half devil, huh?

"For example, there's a half demon in a popular royal friend, or something?

"To me? Unfortunately I am not in acquaintance...... since you can introduce me to Lady Reid!?

"If you imitate like that, you'll get me killed by Cortina. No! And he's not a woman now."

"I'm nothing. Still. That sounds like fun..."

"Go back to your sanity, my niece."

Maxwell sighs at his diagonally runaway niece.

But I was also thinking that this would be a good opportunity.

"Lyell's apprentice has a promising semidemon boy in the future."

"Master Lyell's...... is that one of Nicole's people?

"Mm-hmm. I'm currently an adventurer in the city of Strahl. The other fellow has a slightly nasty ability."

"It's the Bow Saint that was wiped out by the goblin riots, right?

"Well, yeah. It's got two big names."

Michelle, who ravaged a large part of Goblin's invasion and disturbance, is now even known and feared as Bow Saint in Raum.

Nobles trying to capture so much fighting power at the same time have not been left behind.

"Fortunately, I'm a former companion of my pardon. If she officially succeeds to the Duke, it will be possible to return to Raum with her asylum."

"That's better... Speaking of which, I needed to go to Strahl."

"That's convenient"

"It was an alternative there, too, because I was a little bit grumpy. It's my belly to hustle for trust by sending the royal family out and entertaining them."

"Is that your Majesty's idea? Well, that's not bad, either."

"So why don't you keep in touch with those adventurers? I'm excited to see Nicole!

"That's going to be the seed of his heart's work. Then that's good!

Two thumbs up with a pranky face. This uncle and niece were alike, no matter how they saw it.

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