Jones, who went underground from the storeroom, gave Troy the luggage he had bought out.

For now, because the situation is glued, we decided to have the essentials, etc., ready while we can.

Lanterns for lighting and sleeping bags for people are required. Food and drinking water, plus changing clothes, etc.

This was an important preparation because laundry is unlikely to be done.

"Jones, how'd it go out there?

"That was already a hard time even getting in here. Soldiers headed to seal off the outer perimeter of the village, but still a few remained in the mansion."

"Has vigilance increased further?"

"But there's no way this place is going to find out. That means you hit the lady's reading."

Maxwell's use of Goods Exploration (SEARCH) was within his expectations if he was a fina with Maxwell since birth.

That's why I chose to hide near the mansion instead of just saying it was in the woods if I were to hide the trees.

At this stage, let us say that the decision was correct.

Just by being able to make that decision, I can see that Fina is not a concurrent three-year-old.

"What if I was out of the village in a hurry?

"Maybe you couldn't get away with it. Whatever it was just Lyell and Maria, it was unexpected they even came to Maxwell"

"Think about it, it's obvious. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Maybe that's what happens when you commit a crime. They're cornered, and that's all they seem to have."

Jones blurred as he removed the lantern from the shopping bag.

I glanced over my shoulder as I gave it to Zell.

"Look, with this, you don't need the magic of light."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It'll help."

Since hiding underground, the inner lights had been covered by the magic used by Zell.

But that, on the contrary, always leads to the depletion of Zell's magic. I also sell stone places with the magic of light (lights), but the value is a little tight, so it was difficult to get my hands on in this situation that I couldn't read earlier.

On the run, it was also conceived that money would be needed.

"Where's the lady?

"He's asleep now. If you're a child of this age, you can't help it."

Troy answers Jones' question. He himself, just had a daughter of similar age, seemed to be thoughtful for a moment.

He watched Fina dive in with Carbuncle in her sleeping bag with such a gentle face that she didn't think she was a kidnapper.

Zell lights a lantern as she watches such a Trojan. The moment he tried to hang it on the wall, the lantern burst suddenly and at the same time the magic of the light (lights) he was maintaining was lifted.

Apparently a pebble flew in from nowhere and destroyed the lantern.

"Hey, what!?

"I don't know! And magic."

In a panic, Zell tried to chant to use magic again. At its throat, a thin thread is entangled.

"It's the magic of magic erase. Interference."

"So who... Grr!!

I heard some voice out of the darkness, who was Zell trying to do something, but it didn't come true.

Because the thread wrapped around his neck tightened rapidly and was pulled back at the same time.

And on Zell's back, he hits someone else's back. The mistletoe and the thread of the neck tighten as if it were to be carried.

"Ah, guh!

"Zell, where!? but heh!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

As if to react to Troy's voice, Zell's throat was released and at the same time he heard Troy scream.

A freed zel, but not the other way around, a knife fell on the neck of the zel, which devoured the air as it gasped, and he fainted lightly.

Trojans, too, have been kicked in by all of them and are stuffy.

Apparently, the intruder shot Zell in the kick or no and then stunned Zell.

"Zell, Troy! What's the matter with you!?

In the sudden darkness, a scream that sounds abrupt. Jones, left alone, shouts the name of his companion as if seeking salvation.

Without knowing that would inform the intruder - Reid - of his location.

Confused, he turns from the front of defenseless Jones who keeps screaming and slaps a kick in the neck, stunning him.

And in the darkness where no one's voice could be heard, Reid's voice sounded.

"Ka-chan, the light"


Time was short, but this was all the noise and rampage, so Carbuncle should be awake.

That was Reid, who judged and spoke up, but as that presumption suggests, Carbuncle was awake.

On the contrary, Fina had not yet woken up. The child's sleep is deep.

In the brightened basement, three fallen men and Reid. And there was Carbuncle and Fina, who remained in the sleeping bag.

The falling men are all together unconscious, but they breathe well and find that they are not dead.

"Okay, okay, you're not dead. I looked at Fina and I thought there was something going on, so I didn't even have to kill her."


Carbuncle is shaking his head all the time saying 'too much', but from Reid's point of view, it is mercy that has done so to this extent.

If it had been Lyell who had come to this occasion, they would have turned into flesh pieces by now.

What's more, if it was Maria, she would have been experiencing terrible pain by some means I'm not sure.

Reid ignores the sighing carbuncle and fishes the luggage Jones bought.

"Oh, you have a sleeping bag for a number of people. Tie up the killer, stick him in there, and then float."

Quick to say, or I used a spare piano wire to tie the three up quickly, sticking them from their heads into their sleeping bags and closing their tease mouths.

This way the three of them get their sights blocked, so they don't understand where they are carried and they get a sense of fear.

And that anxiety can be used to carry the interrogation in your favor.

"All right, then we're going home. Look, you need to get out of your sleeping bag, too."


Pull Fina out of her sleeping bag and hold her up with one arm.

At the same time draw the magic formation with the remaining arms and float the sleeping bags filled with men into the universe.

I threaded them and pulled them and headed for the exit.

The kidnapping, which had thus unfolded involving the three countries, had been resolved lightly, with no room for the majority of the people involved.

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