The corner of Raum, the capital of the Raum Forest Kingdom. An Adventurer Guild envoy ran into Maxwell's mansion there.

But the moment you step onto the grounds, a net pops out of your feet and hangs the messenger.


"What, noisy"

Maxwell looked out of the mansion at the screaming messenger's voice.

Behind it was also the figure of his fiancée, Retina, and his escort, Mateus.

"Gi, it's an urgent word from the guild! So let me down."

"Hum, I think you forgot to untie one trap. There have been more suspicious people lately."

"I know how you feel, but I'm at work too..."

Maxwell is currently engaged to Retina, who became Duke.

Because of this, his power rose to a nagging climb, but also became more popular with Retina's folk, who now had a voice that even the royal family could not ignore.

At the same time, it also leads to more enemies. So Maxwell was further strengthening the mansion's defenses, but most of the traps had been disarmed because there were also visitors at noon.

Apparently this happened as a result of one of them being forgotten.

Maxwell receives the envelope offered from between the nets and opens it on the spot to read inside.

The messenger had his desperate gaze at him, 'Will you let me down,' but Maxwell didn't even care. For not checking the contents of the communication does not come with a judgment as to whether he is truly a messenger of the Alliance.

"Hmm...... hmm? Uhn!? How about this! Mateus, Miss Retina! We're going to the northern pioneering village."

"Ki, is it the village of the north? It's Nicole's hometown."

"Do you want to start now? It's already past noon, isn't it a little late to go hang out in time?

"I hear Fina was abducted by someone. Not even a moment of respite!

"Is Fina Nicole's sister's?

Retina had helped make that celebration when Fina was born.

Besides, I've seen her several times, so as an only child's girlfriend, she also felt like her own sister.

"Isn't Carbuncle about the escort?

"We were kidnapped on top of that. Guess how critical the situation is."

Mattheus and Retina understand the seriousness of the situation in the form of a serious Maxwell.

I had never seen his, more tense look, always floating.

That's why I think they'll do their best.

"I get it. You'll need manpower, won't you? I can't have a private regiment at the mansion because I don't have time, but I can take a few escorts. I'll call you right away, please wait."

"I'll bring Argus and Bauman, too. Now's the time to be in the guard's quarters, right?

"I'm sorry. Kidnapping can't be important, but you might want some manpower. Please."

Taking Maxwell's word for it, the two rush out in momentum.

I guess Matheus is going to accompany Retina's escort to the mansion and then come back via the guard stuffing.

Seeing it, Maxwell returned to the garden to paint the magic formations for a massive transfer.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Your Majesty, we have an urgent report.

Since her marriage to her former escort, Priscilla Raglan, a tea party had been held like a streak of days.

This was not a situation where even he enjoyed it, as most parties were to repair or reinforce relations with the great nobles in the country.

Such a restless tea party was finally over, and suddenly the decree called out from outside the private room when it was time to enjoy a lunch break with my wife.

"How dare you, at this time?"

"Yes, I am in an emergency report from Master Lyell. I would like to tell you directly because the situation is…"

Elliot glances at Priscilla for a moment at the appearance of a shitty transmission.

Priscilla also originally worked as an escort, so it is also understood that the circumstances are due to urgent requirements.

"I don't mind. Come in and talk to me directly."

Sometimes he was the king of newlyweds, and the decree was reluctant to talk through the door.

But then the content of the story will be wasted all around us.

Elliot, who understands the care, had dared to tell the decree that he would be allowed to enter the room.

"Excuse me!

Coming indoors was Count Raglan, Priscilla's father.

"I was contacted earlier by Lady Lyell and told here that your son, Lady Fina, has been abducted by someone"


"I wasn't asked for any help from Mr. Lyell... because you have so many enemies, it looks like you haven't narrowed them down."

"Hmm, have you taken this situation into account? Nevertheless, if you're Miss Nicole's sister, you can't leave her alone."

Even as Elliot, I have a consciousness that the one thing that pushed me to her as a young girl caused me trouble.

Besides, Reid has saved my life in the kidnapping involved in that one, and even made progress with Priscilla, so Nicole is even grateful for the trigger.

Nevertheless, it also involves hearsay that the state embarks on a kidnapping of a girl.

"Involving the outside world... but this is not a good opportunity to sell favors to Lord Lyell"

"Right. You can't send out regular troops, but if you're my private soldier, you can."

"That helps. The question is, Commander."

"You can't let me out. And of course His Majesty."

"Then Your Majesty, I will"


Elliot turns her bewildered gaze to Priscilla, who has abruptly spoken.

Though today's tea party is over, plans are still stuck after tomorrow.

Priscilla was also scheduled to attend to that. Throwing it out and then taking command of the Fina rescue almost bothered Elliot as well.

Surely there is room for her to move freely. But when it came to soaking up the tea party, there was also the possibility of making a bad impression.

"So let Priscilla lie ill for a while longer than today"

"Raglan, that's..."

"What, because she's not a better daughter than she was originally made to be. If you say that you are ill with the strenuous work of the day, you will also be suspicious. Private soldiers will also elect about ten people who seem to have no problem figuring out the circumstances."

"I see, it's going to be quite unscrupulous, but if you think it's going to connect with Lord Lyell, it's going to be a loss."

"was rather a good idea for the country"

Elliot smiles niggardly and badly at Count Raglan, who gives a deep salute.

He just says he doesn't need to talk any more, waves and urges him to leave.

If Priscilla leaves the land for a while, she must do what she can now.

This is also a royal responsibility.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Ashera, who had finished her evening duties, was bathing to sweat.

One of the cardinals who changed his blood phase there jumped in.

"Cardinal Bowen, you mustn't! Master Ashera is bathing!

"I know! Still, I have to tell you this story directly!

"I'll tell you. So please wait here!

"This is not a story that can be conveyed to a one-sided feminine style!

Of course the Cardinal was unable to enter the bathroom and was stopped by a woman on the side.

But still, things are different around not retreating.

"Paula, I don't mind if you come in."

"But Master Ashera!

"I don't mind. If you're a Bowen boy, you've been friends long enough to change your amulet for you, right? Now one or two naked."

"Dear Ashera... I need you to be a little more discreet"

"I don't think you'd be excited about an aunt like this naked?

The area not to say grandma is a subtle manifestation of her self-esteem.

"I looked in the mirror once. I don't care what you think. She's a little girl of her age."

"Yes, surprisingly, so do you..."

Shoulders drop to the words of a plain spicy side woman, but Cardinal Bowen just came aboard without even bothering to do so.

He is no longer an old man, too, having changed his temper more than fifty years ago.

But Ashela didn't show the bare gesture she cared about at all, and continued to bathe.

"Dear Ashera, I just heard from the Alliance that Master Fina has been abducted by someone -"

"What the hell!?

Without waiting for the report to end, Ashera looked back on the spot. Naked and Jen-royal. Cardinal Bowen also lowers his gaze on this just as well.

But Ashera doesn't even care about it, she stays naked and jumps out of the bathroom.

"I wonder what a fool you are to lay your hands on my baptized daughter! Hey there, man, form an elite unit from the Temple Knights. Within thirty minutes!

"Hey, underneath! I can't do thirty minutes - I don't know why I'm naked!?

The passing priest, who was stuck with unscrupulous demands, however, faithfully fulfilled the Pope's life and gathered the Knight of the Temple of the Handcuffs, forming a Fina Rescue Unit with penetration.

And with the same amount of time, the surrounding villages, which were sent soldiers from the Kingdom of Raum Forest, the Union of the Northern Troika and the Holy Tree of Forneus, were caught in a whirlpool of temporary confusion.

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