The trio went on to compete with the cloud, but they still couldn't make it to victory.

The tall, heavily shielded Cloud's defenses were robust and all attacks were blocked and sealed by that shield.

The cloud was in a slightly longer shape when it came to the role of tank, so it just seemed to get their respect right away because there was something sweetly watched.

Being the one person left to be seen sweetly by them, I did not participate in this confrontation.

This was because the threesomes were tired in the streak, so my strength became a trend to show in action.

In the first place, my powers are not something that I can showcase up my nose in places with lots of these people's eyes.

It is in my domain to pin down enemies, not to show strength and, in some cases, not even to let them know they exist.

That's why I moved on to the main point of preparation necessary for the next day's sampling - it turns out I'm not prepared for the suggestion, the busy preparation.

"First, what about Scop?

"Why do you have a mon like that?

"The target for this collection is ligas potatoes, right? It's a potato. It's in the dirt."

"Oh, I see!

My mood right now is exactly, 'No, this guy, we have to do something soon'.

The target breeding ground is out of the city, in the woods roughly two days away. It's nothing more than being in the woods and figuring out what happens.

At the very least, I wanted you to prepare nearly double the food for a week. Because it's not as safe as walking down the street.

"Besides, you're going to pick up potatoes, so do you have a bag to put in?

"Oh, is that there, too"

"Are these people okay?

For the first time not too defenseless, even Finia, who grew up somewhat boxed, leaks a voice of concern.

I shook my head silently at the question. If they were okay, the Alliance couldn't have asked for this. This situation is also an established route.

"It's dangerous in the woods. If you slip into Sawa and injure your leg, sometimes you have to endure there for days. So always carry extra food."

"I see. I'm convinced you're the leader."

"Oh, here we go. Here we go."

They were about seventeen years old, the same age as the cloud. I don't have a connection with Mr. Tsubaki from two older people, but it's trivial here, so I'll flush it out.

In the present situation, which has not shown strength, let's assume that for the time being this way but with respect, it has been better.

"I'd like an axe or an axe because I might have to row something else. And it's convenient to keep a knife everywhere you go"

"Hmm, you're gonna learn. That's the fourth level adventurer."

"I didn't want that 'just'......"

This is what even a runaway adventurer knows.

I guess the outfit that cut the temper diagonally so it wouldn't be licked kept even the advisor away from them.

Everything took them like this, and we stepped into a familiar grocery store.

Karakara and the doorbell ring, calling the aunt of the shopkeeper in the back.

I didn't wait for the shopkeeper to show up, I called out in the back of the store.

"Auntie, give them a week's worth of food for preservation"

"Huh. That means they finally have someone good for Nicole too - pi!?

If it comes out of the back of the store, an aunt reacts like she saw it somewhere.

Well, if there's a spiny shoulder pad Mohican in the store, a skinhead, or a tattoo, this kind of reaction is unavoidable.

My aunt leaned in my ear and herself skipped the warning with the intention of lurking her voice.

"Nicole, just what do you think of these people? Because if it was, my aunt would introduce you to someone better."

"No, because I don't mean it at all. I educate on request, because I'm a student, so to speak."

"I mean students, fanatics are a flair, but hey"

"I can't hear you, baba."

"How dare you talk to my aunt?"

Michelle slaps Sebastian in the head with a bow from behind with a rambling mouth.

From now on, grocery stores are always good customers.

Having a good relationship with someone like that is one of my advantages as an adventurer.

Michelle slapped me in the head wouldn't have hurt so much from the sound, but it was really hilarious to see a dressed gorilla who could also be taken as an executive of the Demon King's Army by a girl with big looking loli boobs, to be preached in a courtesy.

Together, I solve my aunt's misunderstanding and get food, and also buy bags, scoops, etc.

Then there will be a need to keep new weapons and protective equipment.

Long swords (long swords) are fine, but the matching spiny shoulder pads are not good.

When I point that out, they've been violently rebelling.

Apparently, in them, it's a pretty crazy fit.

"Okay? You don't know what happens if you go on an adventure. Maybe he'll be in a situation where he runs away in charge of his fallen companions. You think that's when your shoulders can take care of your people?


In a spiney shoulder pad, you will pierce that belly the moment you take charge of your mate.

You finally realize that, a threesome who looks at each other's faces like a bunch of them look bad.

"Plus there's all kinds of stuff tangled up in the woods. That shoulder's gonna be just the right touch."

"Damn, I thought it was cool"

"I don't know about that sensibility..."

Cloud was also disputing Francis' sincerely unfortunate words. Apparently they were more problematic children than I imagined.

Anyway, only this shoulder has to be new. Or it needs to be modified to take only thorns.

But they are asking for this education on a tight budget. New equipment will be difficult.

So I took him to Gaddles and asked him to modify his gear.

But he sees the three faces and cuts them in a nutshell and throws them away.

"Strongly say no"

"It's my decision dialogue... not! Why?"

"Even as a dwarf, the aesthetics of that equipment are unforgivable."

"So I'm talking about modifying it."

"I don't even want to touch you"

"... I don't even know what it feels like"

That's why I can't leave you alone.

I was in a bad mood for Gaddles and managed to get him to work on the shoulder pad prick.

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