Training grounds in guilds are usually present underground.

This is because the sounds of adventurers fighting, magic explosions, etc. annoy neighborhoods in urban areas.

In the most economically incapable of being built underground, etc., the suburban vacant land is rented as is, and training is sometimes conducted there.

In that regard, the city here in Strahl had a luxurious operating fund, so a fairly robust underground training ground had been built.

Walking down those guild corridors, the sight of the staff pierces us.

This wasn't our usual gaze at the outside, it was our gaze for vigilance.

This is due to the tightening of surveillance eyes within the Alliance since Maxwell was thwarted by Kufal, who turned into an official in the Northern Trinity.

And another factor that makes our gaze harder on us... was the appearance of the newcomers.

Apparently, I've been dressed in a temper so that I can't lick you for being a newbie, but that direction was way too diagonal.

Even if this is mistaken for some rogue, it's not strange.

That's the thing about sharpening your gaze because such a human being is walking through a vigilant guild.

Most of all, there are people out here who aren't looking at each other like that.

"To, Nicole, are you okay?

"N, I'm perfectly fine. They're amateurs in the first place, so we can't lose, can we?

"Well, Nicole and Cloud are strong, so maybe they'll be fine."

"I seem to have forgotten, but the most lethal of us is Michelle."

Anyway, when she was seven, she had a big hand here in the scene where she had staged an assault pig (strike bore), shot a mountain snake at the age of ten, and then ravaged a group of goblins.

The magnitude of its achievements does not allow for other followers, and that is about the equivalent of six heroes.

Exactly nothing like our Six Heroes, but Mountain Snake Crusade and so on is a feat enough to name the country and honor its name.

I gave the honor to Priscilla the most, but I think it's a good thing that she was tied to Elliot.

"You'll tell me. You think we're gonna lose to girls and kids like you?"

"Even if it looks like this, it's my home town. My name was sold."

"Yes, yes. If I saw our faces, the villagers would give way."

"With that face, I think I'll give way. I will, too. I don't want to get involved."

I don't care how you look at a threesome of Mohican spiny shoulder pats, it only smells like trouble.

Even in my previous life, I don't want to get involved with these people. I still don't want to be, but there's only one thing that has.

That's how you get to the training ground, and the other adventurers turn their gaze at something.

Most notable is the usual, so I ignored this place as usual and stepped into the training ground.

"So what do we do?

"What are you gonna do?

"Deal with one person at a time or three together"

"Hey, lick it."

"I'll tell you what, Michelle, if it's the three of you, she's got an arm to wrap it up with."

"Uh-huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah!?

You were the first to snort at my words, but on the way, you know that's what you do, and you sound stunned, Michelle.

Damn, this kid is either unconscious or has a cute reaction.

"Michelle's the one who got fooled, so isn't it natural for Michelle to deal with him?

"No, no, no, no, no. Isn't that Nicole the leader's job there?

"Let me skip you once in a while."

"Don't be lazy and gutsy at a time like this. Ooh!

Nevertheless, she didn't even have the courage to go straight to her teeth in my opinion.

I mean, for her, it's also a sign that I'm more scared than this threesome. I feel a little subtle though.

She was pushed forward to be pushed back by me, trembling with both hands with her hunting bow.

Me proclaiming to stab her with a todome like that.

"It's troublesome to deal with one person at a time, so why don't you put the three together?"

"Then don't be silly!?

"You can't even lick us!

"I'm kidding, I'm gonna show you my painful eyes"

"No, no, no, no. Tell him more."

Three people who disagree with me mouth-to-mouth and Michelle riding that ass horse. Which side are you on?

"Nicole says you're always going to be impotent, so I need you to take this opportunity to reflect!

"If I win, I'll give you Michelle's all-you-can-milk ticket"

"Alright, let's do it!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's getting exciting!

"Do it, I got a little nosebleed."

"Hinaaaah!! What are you talking about?

"Wait, then me too!

"Me and me!

"When this happens, it'll have to take all of us!

These people are quiet enough to admit it even if they lose, it's hard to imitate.

Seriously from the start, and if you don't get it hung up as hard as you can with no excuses, it's possible to pull a tail later.

So I tried to hang the bait they were most likely to eat, but thank goodness a statement of participation had popped up from a tourist other than them.

Apparently the medicine worked too well.

"Well, if I win, Nicole's all-you-can-eat ticket."

"Whoa, whoa!

"Wait, why does that happen!?

The words that popped out of Michelle echoed so much cheer that the underground arena wobbled.

Michelle's victory in the first place is the default route, so it's the end of the line.

At the dawn of Michelle's victory after my desperate negotiations, Michelle and Finia were to rub my chest.

I'm not sure how this happened either. And Finia, why are you getting mixed up at some point?

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