How much time has passed before Kufal regained consciousness?

At least there was no longer any light to be inserted through the entrance, so I can determine that half a day had passed.

Apparently, a battle broke out near the nucleus, and the bloodshed flowed into him at that time, slightly repairing the nucleus and bringing back the body of the slime's liquid.

"Now... come..."

The restoration of the body of the liquid had finally made it possible to speak.

By crawling around with no cheating and force as it is, it absorbs dust on the side of the road and so on.

There is still plenty of garbage and other stuff in the corners of the labyrinth, so I managed to regain the volume to just move freely.

"Damn, it's a terrible thing."

Leaking stupidity, I look in the direction of the entrance from a slightly further corner.

The appearance of Bahamut does not exist now, but I may have noticed this presence from the fact that it appeared in front of me just the last time I tried to take a step forward.

I would be just too optimistic to think that it's okay because it's night, etc.

"This is impossible to get out of there..."

Nevertheless, it did not exist in Kfar's knowledge, such as other entrances and exits.

No, I only have one idea. This world tree is broken in half. I mean, from there on out.

It is unknown whether the dragon god is watching over the sky, but it is more likely than trying to get out of a further entrance like this.

Besides, climbing would not have been possible when there was a hierarchy of over a thousand, but now that it's broken in half, that might be possible as well.

Not to mention slime with excellent covert abilities, if I had the intelligence of a person, I could have done something about it.

With that in mind, Kufal decided to go further into the back.

Using pseudomorphisms to absorb monster bodies and the like managed to get back to their original size.

However, the sudden increase in volume had diluted the ingredients and reduced the toxins.

In this state, Kufal will only be able to demonstrate his ability to be much the same as normal slime.

"You're only going to be able to strike me by accident for a while."

From directly in front, even the adventurer, rather than the Kobold opponent, may be in danger. Kufal's power was so weak.

That's why I can't sit in this labyrinth forever.

But the only way out is that dragon god is watching, and maybe he's watching the other exits as well.

Kufal, who thought he could do something if he climbed to the top, but if he climbed to the upper levels, his enemies' abilities would also increase and it would be difficult to survive.

"Damn, you're so blocked. Other good hands..."

So I realized.

I am an intelligent slime. I was wondering if I could make use of that trait.

For example, an amorphous body can pass through as long as it passes through the nucleus. And the size of its nucleus is only earlier in the finger, so you should be able to dive in pretty freely.

For example…

"This, in the pipes of the world tree or something?

The world-tree pipe is quite thick as it deserves to be its giant. When it also becomes the main road pipe, it thickens the more people can dive.

That was known when we examined the dead roots as a way out of the city.

Exactly. It may be difficult to find a pipe of that size within this labyrinth, but if you have enough pipes to go through the nucleus, you may find them.

"No, for a second, maybe we can do it if we manage to make a hole in it"

In eroding things, Slime has one of the world's leading abilities.

The world tree at the root of this world and not completely indispensable. Destroyed by the God of Discipline is the proof left of it.

It may not be possible for Kufal to drill a hole in the outer wall of this world tree, but it might have been possible if he had just drilled a hole through the nucleus into a thin pipe.

"Try things... No, it's more like a situation where you only have hands"

Prepared, Kufal mounted on the wall of the labyrinth and began erosion.

I can't imitate drilling a hole in an instant, just like that. While twitching and melting the walls, other monsters may attack you.

Still, there was a far greater chance of survival than climbing this labyrinth helplessly.

"Kuck, you're still stiff. Erosion won't progress."

The walls made of twist, twist, and wood are melted and taken in.

I managed to drill enough holes in the wall for the nucleus to pass through, but there was no pipe ahead.

Only a tightly packed tree wall continued, and there seemed to be no pipes nearby.

"Hassle. But it doesn't necessarily mean it's not somewhere else, and we just keep going until we get a hit."

As such, we head elsewhere and drill holes again and again.

When I was beginning to wonder how much time had passed and how many holes I had drilled, I finally discovered where the sap had erupted from the hole.

"We did it! And this pipe, it's pretty thick!

The water momentum that erupts is strong. That too should have happened, and the space that was spread across the wall was likely to be dozens of centimeters. thick enough to pass through the nucleus of Kfar.

Let the nucleus slide in to screw in so as not to lose water momentum. I was to throw away the majority of my regenerated body at that time, but if I took in the sap in the pipe, I would be able to make it up to you right away.

Later all he had to do was run up toward the upper levels, leaving himself to the water pressure.

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