A few days after the resolution of the case on Methuselah territory, an odd meeting had been held in Raum.

That day Cortina was returning to Raum using the day off. It is the meeting of her proposal.

"That's why I opened it with Dawn. Adventurers Only Matchmaking -"

"Dear Cortina, um, this is a little troublesome!

A receptionist pinches her mouth with a troubled face at Cortina, who gathered adventurers in the hall and proclaimed them exalted.

This was the other day when I heard about the troubles of Ms Tricia and devised it. Her salvation is also a concurrent meeting.

But Cortina heard the receptionist complain and showed her a strange face. To hold a meeting here was because I had been given prior permission but I was given difficulty.

"Why? You said in advance you'd gather adventurers and open an event here, didn't you?

"I heard that! But the matchmaking event is troublesome!

"Nothing. I wouldn't tell you to join me, would I? I mean, I won't force you, I"

"Not so! I'm having trouble getting fewer adventurers!

"Oh, that way."

Those who marry if you make a pageant, of course, come out.

And if we get married, the retired adventurer, of course, gets out.

That could have resulted in lowering the level of Raum's adventurers.

The forested land of Raum is very suitable for monsters to live in.

The deterioration in the quality of adventurers could have been a sufficiently dead and alive issue.

"If I'd heard about these events, I wouldn't have allowed them"

"What, you're not gonna make us her -!

"Yes, yes, meet us too!

"Rather you hang out with me!

"Don't run away, it's up to you and me!

"Well, I'm with Master Cortina!

"Know as much as you are, you idiot!

In the words of the receptionist, the opposite voice boiled in unison. That too should be true, since monster exorcism will be the main job for adventurers near Raum, there is actually not much stuff called new encounters.

I sometimes meet women in related facilities, but all in all, people who work in such workplaces were strong.

And while my hands are hanging out, I'm no longer married in the workplace.

As a result, they were constantly turning into female sunshine, thirsty for the thing of new encounters.

"Ma, that's what everyone's saying, and I'm gonna give you a little big look here, right?

"You can't worship and show them cute like that"

"I don't know about that!

"What can't be..."

"Evil Dragon Scale, because I will deliver three"

"Well, if that's about it, there's nothing to look at."

A receptionist who hears of the scales of evil dragons and turns his palms into kurli and gorgeous. The Evil Dragon scales are worth more than her annual earnings on just one of them.

Having three of those delivered would mean giving the Alliance that much of a boon.

That was directly linked to her assessment jumping significantly. Returning a flat hand is not an imposition.

"That's why I'd like to introduce you to today's participants. First of all, I'm Tricia, the healing hua of the School of Magic!

Nice to meet you.

When Cortina pointed to the entrance, Tricia, dressed in a tight colored dress, came in while making a shiatsu.

Seeing it, the adventurers turned true at the same time.

"Yes, dissolve ~"

"You annoyed me."

"No, you got a good sweat today. It's cold sweat, though."

"Hey, what's the approximate reaction!?

An adventurer trying to get home through the sides of the slopes and Tricia. Tricia complained blindly about it.

"No, because..."

"Haetrigusa from the School of Magic."

"Eh, I heard Tricia the spoon who won't let go if she eats it"

"It's an awesome catfish thing, and you only use guys for small-time use, right?

"Why are you guys familiar with the faculty at the School of Magic?

"Because Nicole..."

"I heard from Michelle."

"I'm Retina."

Hearing this, Cortina had her head. Indeed, Nicole was a regular in the infirmary, and Michelle and Retina were also in and out frequently to accompany it.

There were also many uses of male students for running.

The problem was spreading the rumor in that it was Nicole, her guardian.

This takes the form of Cortina interfering with the socialization of a female Trician doctor.

"Wait, wait, there's something good about this kid, too, so just give him a chance"

"I don't care if they say that."

"It's not a bad look, but it's not adorable."

"Ten years of age or older isn't a defensive range."

Cortina nearly held her head to an adventurer who could say whatever she wanted. In the first place, the adventurer of Raum has a calm personality, on the other hand, a strong free temperament.

I guess some places instinctively got up with the act of trying to push a woman.

This could also be described as a misreading of Cortina.

But as it is, I get involved in a lot of things about my best friend's future.

One boy came into the guild when he was haunting his head about what was going on.

"Brother Kale, are you there?

"Oh my God, isn't that Keith? What's going on here?

Cale, the fifth-floor adventurer who boasts of his strongest strength in Raum, shows up in front of the boy.

The boy was a beautiful boy who was dragging his legs, and had a luxurious body that left him full of childhood, nothing like Kale. Is it somewhere a little below Nicole when I was a year old?

Ms Tricia was shaking herself, as she saw the boy and was struck by the current.



"What, what's wrong?

"Nice Shota"


Cortina nodded on the spot with her head only this time. A boy is a Trician woman doctor who sees her every day, but she's never seen a poor boy like him.

Because I no longer know how to respond to that reaction.

"Gohon. That kid, he's got worse legs than that?

"Ah? Oh, a monster attacked me quite a while ago."

"Apparently, the post-processing was bad. Let me see you for a second."

Either way, she's a professional doctor here, too. I was sincerely working on examining the injured before. I never wanted to touch Shota's raw feet.

In the end, the pageant for Ms Tricia ended in failure.

But after a keen examination of the Keith boy, he had succeeded in gaining his favor.

This later development settled into the very end that it was up to us.

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