It was me who would lose my scaffold and crash, but I wasn't particularly in a hurry.

In the first place, this Lyell body boasts a tough endurance, even if it didn't benefit from a gift.

It's not hard to imagine that crashing like this and crashing into the floor wouldn't go after a lot of damage.

I would have skipped the yarn and avoided the crisis, but this is where I chose to get in shape and land.

Because you can't expose the unnaturalness of Lyell's appearance here more than Cloud woke up.

Zun and one knee with the shock echoing in his belly, absorbing the shock.

Support your body with your hands on the ground - the rubble is pouring over me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!?

Me falling into a collapse without a shingle, underneath the rubble.

My men downstairs surround me for a moment or so, but I can't move anymore.

Everyone can see that their eyes are already running blood and they are taking the example couscous. Some of them had begun to deviate from a person's body, and signs of overdose could be scattered.

White clothes are also mostly worn out, and I can see how the feud with Deng is going.

To intercept, I push the rubble and try to get up. But a moment earlier than that, my men bounced straight up.

Beyond it stood Deng, who wore out his butler's clothes again.

"Dear Ryer...... No, is that Nicole?

"Yeah, you got it."

"Lady Lyell is here in a place like this because it's just weird"

"Is that true, too? Where's your tail?

"I thought you saw it."

I fly my gaze around when I'm told. That was turning into a desolate state that could not be described as a warehouse.

The partition walls had been broken down, no stacked crates had been left and the liquid in them had spilled.

This won't put new drugs on the market.

While you're talking to me, my men are going to beat up on Deng.

Take it with one hand over your head, and at the same time you get a crack in the floor. That's all I know about how much force I got beat up.

But Deng, who takes it flat, is also considerable.

On the contrary, he waves his arm unconstitutionally and punches his back fist into the side of his hitting men.

It dances in the universe like a leaf of a tree, drawing a circle and a spiral and blowing it away as it rotates.

My men are hovering around the ground, taking damage that should be close to immediate death if they are human. They not only block the pain, but also considerably enhance its vitality.

If that's all it takes, I can't say it's great, but the power of people is capped.

The fact that we are exerting so much power here is also proof that so much of the mess is coming somewhere.

Shortly afterwards, the three of them are hit at the same time, and Deng beats them up and bounces them back.

But one of the others punches me in the chest and takes a step back. Instead, it was more damaging to his men to beat him up.

The beaten arm is broken between the elbows and his fingers are bent in all directions.

Still, my men don't get a painful look. I didn't stop attacking, as if I was possessed by something.

"Den, like this all the time?

"Yes. It's hard to say goodbye. Because it's pathetic to kill you."

It does seem to exert an august power, as Cain said. But Deng had evolved so much that it was not even an object.

But he seems hesitant to murder a servant or servant who was just being used.

"I see. Well, let it be."

I stretch out all ten threads and tie my men up one after the other.

Of course, the opponent resists violently, but my yarn exerts its power in response to the user's power.

I mean, now, it's not Nicole's power, it's Reid's power, it's going to be tied up with Lyell's power. Even with the power of an august, this was not something that could be countered.

A few seconds after the thread was stretched, all the men who were on the ground floor were tied up close to the shrimp opposite.

"Why are you in this position...?

Deng asks me as he turns his sympathetic gaze to his feathers, who expose themselves to a little disguise.

"No, 'cause they'll come at you even if your hands and feet are ripped off. That's why I tied him up in a difficult position."

My arms are twisted up behind my back like a chicken, and my legs are deflected to the back of my hips.

The thread tied to my leg is connected to my back, and if I try to stretch my leg, it's the way I tie my back upside down to maintain my posture.

The only difficulty is that it looks endlessly bad.

"I can't keep doing this, so I need to call my guard."

"Okay, that's me"

"In that outfit?

Deng's butler's clothes have been left unbroken as a result of the fierce fighting.

Just because he looks like a beautiful boy, he dresses like he could have treacherous delusions if he sees what he sees. It is headed by a woman who was at the inn reception.

"It's the only way. I'll call it in. You keep an eye on your men here."

"Um, are you okay?

"It's okay, I look like Lyell now. Better keep your cover so you don't get caught, too, okay? Let the cloud and Michelle upstairs take the antidote."

"Yes, sir."

"Thing is... right, the three watchmen up there are the ones who turned on us. It would help if you kept your mouth shut, as you aptly put it to them."

"Back of mouth, is it?

"I gave you Nicole's name. And they've seen it transform into something. I'll have Maxwell's grandfather take care of it, so I need you to stab me in the nail so I don't leak any extra stuff until then."

"I see. What's the best way to seal your mouth?

Deng's claim is certainly efficient. If you seal your mouth, it won't even leak that Nicole is changing or a series of circumstances.

But I was wondering if that would be more ruthless than there was a promise.

"Because I promised to give you a mouthful of extenuating circumstances. Exactly. That hurts my heart."

"That's right, Dear Nicole, you seem ruthless and kind"

"Is that ironic?

"No way."

I threw a vial of antidote at Deng while giving him detailed instructions.

If we call it in, the guards will push us here.

Suppose there was one boy standing there in worn out clothes, I suspect that.

Both me and Deng have dark backgrounds, so I don't want to have as much involvement with the guards as possible.

While I'm on my way to the police station, I'll give Michelle and the others pills, give the three of them a pause, and disappear without the guards finding me.

Wouldn't Den rather have more to do?

Anyway, if we call it in, the horse will push it. If we don't get the guards to seal off the perimeter, there will be people out there who will suck in the pills for nothing.

Come on, the transformed figure holds for twenty-four hours.

It's enough time to head to the jar now and have the soldiers sent to explain the situation.

If passers-by or something saw my face along the way, it would make a scene, so I wrapped the cloth cuts that were there around my face, and I popped out of the warehouse.

When I stuffed him, he was the guard who treated me as a suspicious man who had first hidden his face, but the moment he showed his face, he showed off his palm back until he was stunning.

I'll leave it up to you to tell me the big mess and have the soldiers sent.

There seemed to be a lot I wanted to ask, but that's where I keep the power of the face called Lyell. Nor could the guard question Lyell, so he reluctantly went to the warehouse to process it.

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