Back from Raum, I only told Deng the test results and decided to go straight to bed.

This is because Finia and Retina were already asleep.

Finia will have Deng the next morning, and Retina will have no problem if I tell her on the way to school.

Because there was no information to contest for a moment.

And the next morning, Retina, who had been told of it, was overwhelmed.

If she has a strong sense of justice, it can be taken as a natural reaction.

"The banned drug says it's a spore of a monster!? I wonder what you think people are!

"Relax, Retina. That's not something you can talk about in public."

"I know that, but I still can't hide my frustrations from people in unexpected places."

"Yeah, you can tell if you watch"

But that is why she herself is in danger if she is outspoken in a situation where she does not know who is listening.

I also understand Retina, and since my attention, I have been trying not to divulge details.

"Nevertheless, where have you gotten such 'rare materials'?

"It's originally a crusade designation, and it's not something you normally get, is it? Hire an Adventurer to get special… No, is that likely to get you legs?"

Unless you're a dedicated adventurer, you should get a job other than the Cains.

I don't necessarily have to smooth my mouth then. More importantly, in people who have no trust, they can be blackmailed based on it.

No matter how aristocratic Bombon is, there can't be any wisdom going around there.

"Oh, so you're using the academy"

"Do you have a sorcery school?

"Look, off-campus internship. Aren't you purchasing 'prey' then? I originally live in the woods, and spores - hey, if it's just powder, I can hide it anywhere and bring it back."

"But could you find it that convenient?

"Right. Is that... hmm?

Speaking of which, fan gas parasitizes both animals and humans.

Parasized for about five days, it becomes a latency period, but beyond that, people's consciousness disappears, turning them into monsters that strike as if they were instincts.

What if the spores underlying that infection are already in your hands?

"No way, you're making it yourself and harvesting it yourself?


"If they keep their parasitic lords trapped and infected in some sturdy cage, in a few days..."

"No -!?"

If you are a fan gas trapped in a cage and unable to move, it is easy to stop.

And from the corpses that have been laid down, spores can be obtained at any time without labor.

Besides, as long as we have new parasites, we can infect them as many times as we want. That doesn't have to be an animal.

Because fan gas infects animals and humans alike.

"And for them, it's likely that the parasite has already secured some"

"Those are the adventurers I sent in..."

"I'm just guessing, if you were treating people like shiitake logs, you wouldn't forgive me."

There is no certainty. Even to reveal it, I was driven by the urge to find out their Negijo quickly.

If my predecessors are feeding on me, it's because I wanted to free them quickly.

"Retina. I'm sorry, but today I'm sick."

"I get it. I'll tell him so."

You felt the same way about me, and Retina agrees to a light break.

And I decided to go back to my dorm to avoid people using secret gifts.

Again, to check Cain's room.

Once back in the dorm, I headed to Cain's private room at first sight. Of course, not from the front, but from the back yard wall.

Peeing inside through the window while sticking to the wall, making sure no one was inside, I unlocked the key and, like last time, succeeded in sneaking in lightly.

And now it's time to go around thinking about it, but I still didn't get any suspicious physical evidence.

"Damn, he's a prudent guy, so he's got to be hiding some evidence"

Because they are prudent, they do not leave evidence to others and leave it to them to disposition or control.

Yeah, he's the kind of guy who always wants to keep an eye on what makes him weak.

That's why I thought this room was the most prominent candidate for the stash.

"Are you securing a place that's not here...? Even so, a place out of your sight should make you anxious. Must be somewhere..."

I'll find you even in the wild, such determination creates a rush and makes exploration unnecessarily cluttered.

But this time it played a role.

Accidentally hits the back on the wall coat hanging, which hits the wall with the gotun.

Dull and heavy sound. Mixed there, a collision sound that echoed like a drum.

That was usually slightly different from the sound of shooting at the wall.

"What, over here...?

His room is the south corner room. I mean, it should be outside over here. Does that mean it's going to echo?

"Hidden room!

Stand at the south wall, measure steps from there to the window, and then face out the window.

I didn't realize it when I saw it from the outside, but it certainly doesn't match the number of steps and the thickness of the wall.

If this feels like it, there will be more than two meters of walls on the south side.

Even when I first came here, I thought about the hidden room.

But at that time, they overlooked the thickness of this wall because they focused on seeing if there were any concealed room switches, etc.

"But there was no such entrance or exit in this room. No, maybe it's not in the room."

The entrance to the hidden room need not be in a separate room. Three directions outside the dorm are also possible, but we don't know who will find them there.

He can't be relieved where anyone is free to deal with him.

Then somewhere else. If it is a possibility other than the tripartite facing the southern wall......

"The penetration of the hallway, huh?

Cain's room is on the south end. I mean, it's situated at the edge of the hallway.

And across the street is the servant's room, just like the rest of the students.

In other words, the only person who comes all the way through the hallway is Kain or a servant.

"Finally got my tail, you kizzard"

I lifted the edge of my mouth and smiled like a hound.

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