I cut through Cain's room and went back to Retina's waiting infirmary.

There was Retina, who had turned into me, up high on the sleeping table, and she was interested in taking a nap.

"This, easy lady..."

I want to preach to you to be aware that you are in a position where you could be targeted for your life. That's enough.

But I don't have that time right now.

I gently put my index finger on its cheek to wake up Retina... and it stuck out of place.


"Wake up?

"I'll wake up!?

With the pain of being pounded so vigorously that he was choosen on his cheek, Retina jumped like a spring trick.

To the point of putting a scratch in my words with ease, I seem awake.

"Look, I've been looking into it, so I'm going back to class."

"No, more about how I woke you earlier than that...... well fine. Wouldn't you like to report that on this occasion?

"Not in a place like this where you don't know who's listening"

The all-stone school building makes the noise sound high.

But that's a limited story in the school building, and this is the infirmary facing the school yard. Moreover, it has a curtain that blocks sight.

Outside the dirt and lawn windows, it is difficult to rely on footsteps to detect people's proximity.

Not suitable for long and dangerous conversations.

"You don't know who's listening, and you're on lunch break now, right? Class kids might come and see how it goes."

"Is that already the time? I totally fell asleep."

"You're pretty thick sleeping without a watch in this situation."

"I had a little talk with Finia last night."

"With Finia?

Retina is of course familiar with Finia. but since Finia joined the party instead of her, there really shouldn't have been much conversation.

Talking to those two until they fall asleep is a less imaginable sight.

"We've been talking about Nicole's work for the last three years."

"I feel something disturbing about the content, so forget it now?

Finia knows everything behind me and what's on my watch. She's like that, but I don't think she'll divulge secrets to anyone else, so I trust her there.

But I'm also a sad, funny episode who can talk to people. Of course Finia knows that.

It wasn't strange to tell those anecdotes to my buddy Retina over the last three years.

Lettina puts her hand on her mouth and smiles back at me, advising her with a loose face.

"What, did you say something about that face?

"No, what?

"Mostly -"

The infirmary door was knocked so as to block my words trying to recruit more.

Without waiting for a reply, the door was pulled open just a little, and several classmate girls glanced at her face from the hallway.

"Mr. Nicole, are you okay?

"Oh, Mr. Salica. It's okay, Nicole's been used to passing out for a long time."

"I didn't."

Against me, I control Retina, who wields rumours that are not true, and I return the favor with my gaze.

It's the baroness of one of my classmates who came into the room. I didn't even remember his name, but Retina seemed to remember him transferring first.

I missed my classmate who worried about me and pushed me, and I finished the class that afternoon fine.

After that, go back to the dorm to bathe and dinner. This time is taken considerably longer because some people carry out club activities.

We decided to take a pretty early bath, and Finia was in the bathroom.

There's only one thing Deng can't do together, but here we can detect the proximity of the people around us, and the sound of the running water cancels the conversation.

People themselves are rarely around this early in the day. There were no other people in the bathroom than us.

In the meantime, I was reporting my daytime findings to Finia and Retina.

"So the search was interrupted by Cain's return at noon, but there's probably nothing in that room."

"Maybe not necessarily? If nothing happens, you don't have to go back at noon."

"I also agree with Mr Retina. I thought you were back because there must be something."

Retina disagrees with my judgment and Finia follows suit.

But I was sure of all this, and I was saying it.

"Of course that possibility is not necessarily zero. But noble private rooms are surprisingly crowded. Retina rarely cleans her room herself, does she?

"Speaking of which, most of the time, the servants will clean it. Of course, I'll do the paperwork around the desk myself."

"Yes. Cain's guy didn't leak into the example either. The indoor was well cleaned. I think that means the servant is in and out of that room. Do you want me to leave something in a room like that that that's going to prove evil?

"Mmm... that's impossible."

"Probably somewhere else. You must be hiding something like that somewhere invisible."

"But there wasn't a place like that in the dorm, was there?

"We didn't look into everything in detail, so it's possible we're overlooking it. It's more likely."

Speaking of what I did, I walked around the dorm hallway and strolled around.

If there's a hidden passage or hidden room somewhere, of course there's a chance I'm overlooking it.

Besides, I'm not necessarily doing those, darker acts in the dorm.

"Or outside the dorm... I can't even throw away the possibility that I'm going in the city"

"When you do, does that mean you were a bad guy to be here?

"Which Michi Retina needs an escort, and I don't think it was for nothing. But you are. Maybe even the city should investigate."

"Then Mr. Michelle and Mr. Cloud are waiting for you in the city."

"Yes... what, are those two going to be okay?

Two pure, simple and simple, for better or worse. I don't want you to investigate bad guys or anything if you can.

"Wouldn't Michelle be fooled and drugged and become a geeky development or something?

"Kuh, Cloud, it's about you too, and I was wondering if you're okay... it's okay... should I stop?

"Finia, don't be weak there."

"Because it's Michelle! Even though I get caught light with sweets!

Finia's words about taking party meals in one hand are really heavy.

It seemed better to stop involving Michelle in the investigation.

"Anyway, it looks like you should get in touch with the two of them outside once."

"We still have time, and should we go outside once we call it a buyout?

"Don't you need an outing report or something?

"This dorm is a dorm with a lot of nobles in and out, isn't it? I thought those people who were wagga moms were getting permission or something?

"I don't think at all"

That's what got us into that vice, too.

Come on. We just moved in. Speaking of not having everything you need, you won't be turned down first.

"Dear Nicole, by the way. Smell Bag (Populi), you still wore it."

"So you're aligned with Finia? It's hard to throw away."

The smell bag disappears after a month. So I was collecting and adding grasshoppers when I saw the fold.

This is not just one side of being a woman.

Now I'm wearing Elixir fragments to combat Kufal. This also gives off a pretty tough, blue-smelling smell.

I don't leak the smell because I put it in amulet, but in case I think about it, it is the form on the back that I wore instead of perfume to deceive.

When I told Retina secretly and sneakingly Finia what was going on around there, she was visibly red tided.

Speaking of which, she was the one who knitted the case that put in the elixir worn by the six heroes besides me. When I become a Reid, I use the same thing.

I guess I'm being praised for what I'm wearing and it's lit up.

"Thanks to this, I'm helping you."

"Yes. I'm more than helpful."

Shoulder contouring and twitching finials.

Though the same woman, I think it's very cheating to get that trick done naked in the bathroom.

Patience made me want to play a prank and I slipped my gaze.

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