Classes began at a stage when the classroom regained its composure.

The first lesson was in alchemy. It's a class to make potions and stuff.

"Now let's start with this previous continuation. The first type of plant that becomes a herb… Answer me, Mr. Maximiliano"

"is, uh... done mixing mild leaf powder mixed with kihada sap to sterilize?

"Mild powder is for anti-inflammatory action. You're missing the medicine that will help with the cut at the heart. Answer me, Mr. Yowi."

A boy called Sullivan was apparently Maximiliano. He stood up and answered a lot, but apparently it was an incomplete answer.

A female teacher who asks Retina for that supplement.

Retina pulls the chair without sound and rises refreshed. This is how she grew up to be a beautiful girl, too. She is also a beautiful girl of a different lineage than Michelle and Finia.

Though he doesn't seem to grow as good as his chest.

"Immerse the potency of gamma pollen in the auxiliary medicine and remove it, mix it with the two earlier seeds and pour magic into it, making it more immediate and it will be complete"

"Yes, correct. Maximiliano, make sure you have a little more proper review."


"It would be nice to mix other nuts that have analgesic and strong effects. But mixing them is hard to add or subtract, so you should make them according to the textbook at first."

From then on, the female teacher will teach the students about common wound medications and prescriptions for poisoning.

I whispered to Retina as I wrote it down in my notebook.

"I want to check Cain's room at class time, so is there any way we can get out of here?

"Oh, that's hard. It is the role of the teacher to make the students study, so the eyes of the surveillance can be very tight."

"Do something there. Finia and Michelle are hard to hide."

"Michelle and Cloud, the Ukkali, are difficult to investigate. Not in Mr. Finia?

"Finia is also a maid of honor. I find it hard to dive into a locked room"

"You have unlock magic."

"It's the magic of the interference system. I can't use it on Finia."

Finia, who specializes in four attributes with the help of the Spirit, but unlike me, she can't use the magic of the interfering system.

Her magic is certainly versatile, but it's just impossible to do an intrusion investigation with magic alone.

Such skill is my exclusive patent. When I look indoors in Finia alone, I'm just anxious, so I'll have to go.

"Sure, Mr. Nicole would make it easy to break in and investigate... right"

To put it that far, Retina thought about it.

I have to go to class more than be a student. That's the same for the upper classes, and Cain should have taken classes by now.

And the extracurricular hours that teachers can't see will be the same as Cain's. I mean, the time without him was a situation where I'd be held captive, too.

"Mr. Nicole, if it's a stun you're good at, you can get out on the pretext of going to the infirmary."

"Stun isn't something you can freely do?

"I understand that, but isn't it Nicole who can do it so often?"

"That perception is very different"

As a student I did pass out frequently. But my health improved, and as a result of the dawn of training, I stopped fainting so easily right now.

I guess Retina's perception has stopped as it used to be.

"I've been working out as an adventurer three years since then, so that's not true."

"Really? It doesn't change the essence, does it?

While we were talking about that, the first class was over.

And a break to the next class. Perhaps I could get another crowd around me as a transfer student usually, but my next class was actually one on the dispensing.

Pharmacy classes need to be moved to special classes.

Because if it's not a well-ventilated place, you can get addicted to the pharmaceutically effective ingredients that evaporate in the air.

Retina will show me to the dispensary, too.

And I was preparing for a class that made a wound potion that I took in class earlier.

In potion it is necessary to use magic to compress and extract the drug effect.

There was also a need to prepare a demonic crystal stone to be used for this purpose.

The other students weren't exactly fooling around with me.

Each of them takes a seat and prepares dried herbs and demonic crystal stones for class.

Me and Retina were also preparing for the same.

And I'll have the bell for my next class. Almost at the same time teachers come into the room.

Teachers who stood at the table and checked that they were all in, just started their dispensing classes.

"Last time we made mild powder, today learn how to remove the drug effect from gamma pollen and penetrate the auxiliary drugs"

Teachers in this class seem mindless male teaching. Explained the preparation procedure administratively and went into work.

"The sap in Kihada is in the drug warehouse. Enter the formulation of the potion for the wound from the person who extracted the drug effect of Gamma. Nicole wasn't there last time, so have the mild powder divided by Yowi"

"Okay. Retina, do you have any extra?

"I'm glad I made more. I have about three bottles."

I got a spare powder from Retina and started extracting gamma.

Scrape the surface pollen off the gamma ear, shaped like a bar-shaped treat, into a small plate.

The powder drifts through the air and is sucked out of the hole for ventilation.

"Keho, you're going up unexpectedly."

"They're going to stink up my uniform."

Use the hella to soak the shredded pollen in the auxiliary fluid and pass magic through it.

Doing so will stain the auxiliary liquid with the pharmaceutically effective ingredient and become the foundation medicine for the potion.

But while I was passing through magic, I remembered a mild dizziness.


My magic power is far greater than people's. At this level of magic consumption, you shouldn't even be freaking out.

Yet my vision is distorted and my feet flutter.

That's when I realized.

I collected the pollen and poured it straight into the auxiliary fluid. The pollen scattered at that time is reacting to my unleashed magic.

That means I was sucking in a lot.

He was inhaling magic, inhaling large quantities of pollen that had begun to release large quantities of the drug effect, and was addicted.

That's why you can't stop breathing. I don't even remember holding my mouth down.

"Mr. Nicole?

That's how you notice me, Retina, trying to support your body.

But growing up, I wasn't the kind of weight she could support with her arms.

We try to get together and fall in.

This is how we managed to get out of class.

I wasn't conscious...

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