Me and Deng were headed straight for the dorm in our own room.

The package was sent first, so it is not handheld now.

The high department of the School of Magic, where there are many aristocrats, meant that the student dormitories provided were correspondingly huge.

To be honest, it could be bigger than the school building at Raum's School of Magic. I also feel that the nobility's glory is hidden in these places.

I greeted my dorm mother, who was waiting on the front porch like a palace, and headed to the room where she was taught.

Our room was set up on the third floor and we needed to climb the stairs quite a bit. This is the result of a freshman being driven to a high position, far from a bath or dining room.

Exceptionally, a small number of rooms on the fourth floor were private rooms of high nobility, and baths and other amenities were provided in each room.

I guess there is still something about the environment where when you become a high nobleman, you live below other students.

"Mr. Nicole, I've been waiting for you!

"Retina, what's wrong with the class?

As I tried to climb the stairs, Letina's energetic voice was hung from the upper floor.

If she skipped class and spoke to me in a place like this, which was her role in moving forward and drawing attention, I'd be the other way around.

Retina excuses herself for panicking about my thoughts like that on her face.

"Wow, it's already a well-known fact that me and Nicole know each other, and I didn't think it would be unnatural to keep our intimacy warm from the start!


"Lady Retina was waiting for Nicole to arrive, wasn't she?

"Mr. Finia!?

Finia shows her face from behind Retina.

She usually wears work clothes arranged with personal clothes, but here she wore completely black based maid clothes.

Its cute outfit invites a luxurious mismatch between her body and her soft expression, creating a strange appeal.

"Yeah, Finia's cute. I want to play a prank."

"Yeah, definitely. I'll be waiting."

"What, you admit it there?

"Mr. Finia is bold!

Finia came aboard my joke rarely.

Retina, who really took it, is waving at it. Seeing this, Finia had a rare, unyielding grin.

"I'm sorry. Lady Retina's reaction was interesting, followed. You're an honest person, apart from Michelle."

"Retina is a boxed girl. Don't dye it with a bad joke."

"I got it."

Knowing that me and Finia just made fun of me, Retina was turning her face bright red.

Fist stiffened in front of chest, tight eyes closed and angry.

This trick hasn't changed since I was a child. The sight made me feel a nostalgia similar to home.

"It's already terrible for both of us! I didn't mean to bother you!

"Is that what bothers you?

"I seriously thought about whether we should celebrate or be angry?

"I think it's different to celebrate there."

"Dear Nicole, it's time for your room"

Den interrupts my conversation with Retina.

Sure, this is a dorm staircase hall, and even though it's in class, it doesn't have any eyes.

There are also people in today's dormitories, such as those who are ill and servants, including dormitory mothers.

"Oh, yeah. Let's go to your room before it bothers you."

"Then I'll show you. This way."

"No, because I know how to climb stairs"

Running down the stairs, taking my hand. No, I'm pulling forcefully up.

As Retina was already feeling better, I climbed the stairs to relax.

I kind of miss this schematic too. Even when I first met her, this is how I was dragged away by her.

I was also ashamed to be enlightened by that sentiment, so I leaned down and ran up the stairs.

I was more than happy that Retina hadn't changed.

When I was packing in my room, Retina just asked me to leave.

I'm sorry, but there are a lot of items in my luggage that lead to Reid.

I might have been able to hide it if it was just the armor, but the man's costume on the spare misrill yarn is going to be a problem when I find it just fine.

Especially the black-crushed garments, due to Retina's temperament, may be unmistakably suspicious.

On the day it was passed on to Maria or Lyell, things would go blind.

"Dear Nicole, what about this package?

"It's got underwear in it, so it's in your costume case. That one's in a uniform or something, so leave it in the closet."

"Yes, sir."

When it comes to organizing luggage, all you have to do is put the clothes and luggage brought in into the storage of the room.

With all the basic furniture, I should have carried only my personal belongings.

The problem is the materials and magic tools.

This one may also be used for magic experiments and classes, so it must be strictly managed.

This management was also left to the differentiation of students as part of their education.

"Oh, there's a safe or something in my room for once?

"It seems so. Many magic tools are expensive, so I appreciate this consideration."

"You don't have to let Deng manage it. But at this level of locking, I'm a little worried."

It seems that the small safe installed in the room is meant to hold valuables and dangerous tools.

But from what I can tell, how easy it is to break this dialed key. At least I could have trusted the cylinder tablets if they were made to be used together.

Ignore Deng, who doesn't understand my words, and sit in front of the safe.

Place your right hand by the dial and turn carefully with your left hand. RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT...... I was able to determine the required number from the feel of my right hand after turning it several times.

"Three to the right, two to the right again, six to the left, four to the right"

When I turn the circle and dial, it unlocks lightly and the door opens.

When he saw it, Deng was surprised to see his eyes round.

"Dear Nicole, weren't you sure you hadn't been given the number yet?

"With this hand key, you can disarm it in a couple of minutes. Even when you look like this, you're a six-hero, responsible for scouts."

Most of all, I don't really need the technology to unlock it. Either that or this is a move I learned in relation to running an assassination business.

We not only kill our enemies, we reveal their sins.

To do this, I needed to break one or two of the vaults. So I just remembered.

"Excellent, that's my Lord. So it's not even an obstacle, like this kind of safe."

"Well, I don't think any student other than me can open it, and leave your valuables in there."

"I understand... Dear Nicole, which way?

I gave Den instructions, and I was walking straight out of the room.

I have trouble being followed by Deng for all this.

"Toilet! I hope you pay a little attention to that area"

"Also, sorry!

"Then I'll also look into building a dorm, so Den can keep packing?

"Yes, take your time"

"No, let's forget that?

All I had to do was warn Serious Den, and I left the room.

At least I want to know about Cain's room location while I'm at it. In order to do that, I thought about getting a little help from Retina and headed to her room.

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