Reborn as the Hero's Daughter! Time to Become the Hero Once More!

Episode 476: Fire Phosphor Stone's Client

We stayed put and decided to take Retina back to Strahl's city.

Of course, as it is, I'll leave her with a chaser, so I'll tell the people at the mansion what's going on.

They were also people who worked for the Yowi family for years, so they already knew my face.

I mean, the people who got shot in the leg by Michelle, they got shot and lost. If you showed me my face, there wouldn't have been a fight.

"So in the future, I'm going to talk to Gaddles and Maxwell, because I've managed to explore the drops. Until then, will you let us keep Retina's figure?

"That's... if Master Maxwell can strike me in the hand, neither can I. However, I know that the decision will be made by your stall..."

"Yeah. That's why she keeps it at the Gaddles Inn for now. I think you can guarantee me the safety of the six heroes until I get that permission, maybe. So you should go back to Raum in peace."

"I understand. I can't thank Nicole enough for her generosity. We will also report this to your model."

Apparently, they also agreed with my somewhat forceful persuasion that they weren't motivated by this story, with little disagreement.

For a while now, Retina's safety was ensured.

Then I healed the wounds of an injured servant. If it's restorative magic, Finia is better, but she can't help it because she can't get her hands off me.

"I'm sorry. I'm not very good at healing magic. I'm better at Finia, because I can't get my hands off you right now."

"No, I'm aware of the circumstances. Instead, thank you for taking the time to heal me, while it's not strange to be left alone"

"When you say that, it's easy to feel this way."

"Yes, you can be proud of other servants for letting Nicole heal you!


Did the servant feel better, he told me about Perapella and the current state of the mansion?

Apparently, Retina and I, and Michelle, the three of us, were made into servants' idols from where we went to college.

Not to mention the beauty we all see. It would make sense to applaud its popularity when it grows.

In that, you said you had me curing magic out of my hands, and you're sure other servants would envy you?

"As, well, as it doesn't matter. That's why I'm glad you could leave Retina a little more alone, isn't it?

That said, I took my hand to gently envelop the servant's hand and pleaded with the upper hand.

It's my favor to drop Elliot in one blow. There's no way it won't work.

By the way, in Lyell's case, just the ascendancy works well enough.

"I understand! I will persuade you to take your place!

"No, because you don't have to risk your life that far"

That's how we got back to Strahl.

Retina had a registration card for the Adventurer Guild, and they also had Yowi family IDs so they could get into the city without any problems.

On the contrary, it would have been in the interest of Michelle to be able to return with considerable force because they took over the task alternately.

I would have assumed the return journey would be three days, but what a day and a half it could have taken to break through, so it goes without saying the favor.

"Ya, I didn't know you'd be back in less than two days"

"That's human sea tactics is power, right?"

"Mr. Nicole, you still can't handle the carriage?

"There's so much else to remember."

I'm interested in such a futile tale as I wander around the gates of Strahl.

But we have to get back to working mode properly from here.

"Then let Retina go to the Inn of Gaddles, as we will gather our guests. Because the place is exactly what I told you before."

"Okay, I get it."

"The servants will escort you to Raum later, so until then, hold on to Retina's escort, okay?

"I'll take care of it"

Over one of Berito's cases, my magic seems to have risen even further, and now I can transfer up to two people at the same time besides myself.

That means you can transfer up to three people, except yourself.

Metastases (teleports) do not have to be targeted, so putting them together and putting them back in Raum is critical.

Problem is, I can return home so early that I can walk home.

We then straddled the city to the delivery of the fire phosphor stone and came by the south gate.

I'm supposed to have a client here this time...

"Yikes hoo!

"It's you."

"What an incorrigible word. I took care of you in Berito, didn't I?

"No, I really sincerely appreciate it when it comes to that. Somehow, there's nothing to be thankful for anymore."

What came there was a girl with white hair. It was Yuri, the God of Discipline.

"You would have mined it sparingly, why did you ask us to do it?

"No, I want you to think about chronological order. You didn't make that request until you got back here, did you?

"So it's a coincidence?

"Yes, because I had a little work to do in the south in the meantime"

Speaking of which, were they traveling south by the time I was cured?

"So, what are you going to use Fire Phosphor Stone for?

"Well, of course, a lot? The details are secret, but guns, internal combustion engines?

I don't know what kind of word popped up, but I didn't understand.

Well, the opponent is a defensive god who has left a variety of magic and magic props in the world. It would also make sense for me not to understand a word outside the specialty.

The point is, I just don't want it to be used for crime or anything, and I can trust this god around here because he should know too.

"Well, here's your reward."

"Oh, then let it be for the three of us. I was looking out for you last time."

"Fine. That's not enough money."

"Gu, that's right, but I don't know what you mean by mind..."

"So if you fall into extreme poverty, I will be resented by those parents, won't I? Whatever Mr. Lyell is, I honestly don't want Maria to hate him. Because I'm scared."

"I know."

I accidentally leaked my consent.

But, well, now we're talking about rewards.

Certainly, the gratitude I have received is not compensable. Then you'll need to prepare something else.

"Oh well. Then I'll be quiet this time. Thank you again sometime."

"Hehe, I'll be expecting you."

That said, waving gently, the fire phosphorus stone disappeared lightly.

I don't know what I've done, either way, with metastatic magic or storage in different spaces.

"See you later. Soon."

"Oh, again"

And when I turned my back on us, I was lost in the mess and instantly invisible.

That godforsaken God of Discipline will surely show up again, as the Word says.

In that case, the loneliness of the parting is also halved. That kind of ruin really seemed like her.

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