Back in Strahl, another week passed.

In the meantime, I kept it as a vacation, so the fatigue of the long expedition coincided when I completely fell out.

One, except me.

I wasn't feeling well that day and I was trying my best to stick up at the dining room table.

Michelle, Finia and three people in the cloud were on a long ride outside the city to take care of the horses.

If you stay trapped in the stable forever, you'll be stressed, and your muscles will lose strength.

With that circumstance, the horses frequently needed to put him on a long ride.

Finia seemed to want to take care of me, but she'd need three riders to run three horses.

We only have four of us, so Finia was supposed to have tears here.

"What's your period?"

"Shut up!

Gaddles spoke the truth with dawn and clarity as he carried water to me as I slammed down.

Male guests in the dining room reacting simultaneously to the words. Honestly, don't pull it.

"Because you can't take a long ride in this condition."

"Well, you don't like horses either. Don't let them moan on your own back."

"I thought about the area and left it to those three."

"But at that rate, I can't seem to get a new job"

"Job, did you look for me"

I've been on vacation for the past week, but it's also about time I wanted to get back on my adventure.

If I hadn't been ill, I would have felt that desire.

I can't help but have fun making something out of the four of us instead of Kim.

"What kind of work, by the way?

"Collection of pyrophosate. The collection itself is for beginners."

"Oh, that one"

Fire phosphor. It's like a stone with hardened red sand grains, but quite brittle as it looks.

And it had the property to ignite with a little heating.

In other words, when impacted, the stone crushes, the crushed stones rub against each other, causing friction heat and igniting it with that heat.

You may think you should keep it damp, but when you touch this stone, the water, it dissolves with tremendous momentum and even changes the nature of the water.

If it's a lot of water, it's fine, but if it's about one water barrel, it changes it to water that can be burned about the size of a fist, so it's bad in nature.

This phosphorous stone can be used as a magic catalyst, and demand is considerable. The difficulty of collecting is not high per se, but the difficulty of transporting is high.

Requesting this from a shallow beginner or something will almost certainly ignite him and cost him his life in the explosion.

"If you let Finia do the magic of extinguishing fire, can you handle it?

"It's a nasty substitute because even if it dissolves in water, it retains the properties to ignite it. You guys would be fine, wouldn't you?

"Well, we have Finia, and we have a carriage."

It is often thought that the magic of extinguishing fire is the magic of the water attribute, but it is actually the magic of the fire attribute. Retina works better than Finia, but even Finia can use it for once.

For that matter, I'm not concerned about her burden.

"The risk is huge when you fail..."

"I don't think you'd make that mistake."

"I'm a veteran, too."

"Then will you take it?

"Don't push me a lot. Are you in a hurry?

"Or a muscle you can't say no to. I'm getting my commission bounced, and I want to leave it to someone I trust."

This job, the difficulty itself, is fine. There is a difficulty in transporting it, but there is no problem if you also pay attention to this.

Michelle and the cloud might have a chance to get this kind of request in the future, and it's not a bad idea to let Michelle or the cloud go through it.

"Fine. I'll get the finers ready when they get back. So, is the picking place close?

"Right, three days on a horse from here? We'll cross the border a little bit, but there's a volcano in the northern county of Talkassir."

"Talkaseal...... another name I miss"

The King of the United Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms, the Earl who plotted the assassination of Elliot.

The person in question has already been captured and executed. The clan was also cut off and no longer exists on the tabular stage.

Now that territory should have another nobleman coming in and running there.

"As for you, it's the name of the cause, but now an unrelated nobleman is the lord. Don't give me too much of a rumble, okay?

"What about your successor's reputation?

"Not bad, not bad, you know. Rather, the reputation itself is better thanks to the over-arrested predecessors. Tariffs have dropped."

"That's good. Did you also lower your traffic taxes?

"You're down, about 30%. That's all the previous lords were exploiting."

Once inside each territory, there is a place of detention.

I had to pay a transit tax to get through there. This tends to be higher, especially in cities where transactions flourish, as this is the Lord's source of income.

I also remember Count Talkaseer's territory being set somewhat higher because of its dealings with Raum.

If that makes it cheaper, it's a thankful story for us rootless adventurers.

"That means I'll take it for once, so I'll give you this first. It's an official pass. With this, we're supposed to be exempt from toll taxes."

"You're ready."

"I don't have any other adventurers."

We have reached the fourth floor, which is a good force to say the first.

Even in this stral, he is one of the few adventurers to compete for the top and to have a carriage.

Those who can get the job of transporting large quantities of this kind of luggage will certainly have a small number. All the more so if you are a trustworthy mentor.

"No problem. Outbound can sleep in a carriage, just fine."

I'm still not feeling well.

Because I don't get scolded, I can be safe and anxious, but Michelle and the cloud are growing significantly for that matter.

If they're going to protect the carriage, there's got to be no turning me in unless there's more to it.

Then it wouldn't be a bad idea to enjoy the outbound trip in a slow, idyllic mood.

"Just now! Hey, hey, listen. Cloud-kun is a spring..."

I just summed up the Gaddles story, and Michelle and the others came home noisy and noisy.

Apparently he did something again on a long ride.

Before I left, I might have to ossiok to the cloud again.

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