After a moment, I was back near the inn.

There is also a boy by his side who calls himself Mr. Barr. After making sure there were no other shadows around him, I unhallucinated and went back to where I was.

"You took care of me tonight."

"Because you're her favorite. Well, this much."

In that sense, I have to thank that white god.

"Oh well. I can't thank you directly because I'm leaving tomorrow, but tell her I said hello."

Copy that.

The only thing I can give her right now is words. That's not a bit painful.

But if we don't get back to the inn soon, we'll find out we're out and Maria and Lyell will question us. Though I had a change of balls ready, it wouldn't be too long to deceive me.

If you find out you're out at this time, it should be easy to get to who I am.

"I'm sorry, but I have to get back soon"

"I understand that. She doesn't have the personality to feel bad about this either, so you should be relieved. It might be the most troublesome thing to do."

"That looks kind of scarier."

I waved one hand and tried to jump the thread upstairs in the inn, and I noticed.

It was deadly and made a serious mistake.

"Oh, I didn't collect the katana..."

I remember the delicious place clearly. But I don't have time to run back and get it.

'Cause there's a chance Lyell will come back and check my room.

I activated the magic of metastasis (teleport) with some sadness and went back to the square to pick it up.

It drained my magic in vain, but I was able to retrieve the evidence katana before it became a commotion.

After that, if you go back to your room and switch with Fabneal and pretend you slept, things will subside.

Lyell seemed to believe me, but still the suspicion should remain. But if there was evidence that I'd slept in the room the whole time, the suspicion would also be foggy.

A slightly angry look finer stood in front of him as he jumped a thread in the window and snuck into the room.

I leaned back and almost slipped my foot through the window frame.

I'm sitting right next to it... not the figure of Dinobot Fabnir imitating what I look like.


"Where have you been, Lady Reid?"

"Yes, no..."

I cling to the window frame to prevent it from falling, and I come a long way and lift my brow.

I manage to get in the room, close the window in the back hand, and then I control Finia by hand.

"Wait, wait, this is an errand I can't take off, or a man's pride, like that -"

"Lady Reid is a woman now."

"Yes, but I'm not."

Somehow I got to sit down in front of Finia and listen to a sermon.

No, she didn't make you sit down, but naturally. When I was angry, when I took this stance, I was scattered around Maria.

"I'm glad I was the one who discovered I was out of it, but if Maria or Lyell had found it, it would have been a fuss."

"I put a replacement for that."

"You're determined to spot a change (polymorph) to the extent that I can spot it."

"Why did you find out?

He had a tail.


Finia told me. When I gaze at the side fab Neil, I bow my head and shrink.

"Well, I accidentally fell asleep for real and my tail came out"

"Are you pompous like the owner!? But it doesn't mean the magic cut off on its own, does it?

"Well, our change is a little different than magic."

Waving and excusing yourself is white and melon.

Because ancient dragons are the nature in the first place, their giants also deserve it. When the magic is lifted, the inn blows up.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't be qualified to strongly contest this.

It's all my personal convenience to get out and ask for a replacement.

And white, I owe you a ton. To this extent, it's the wrong door.

"No, fine. Because I was the cause, the cause belongs to me. That's why you don't have to apologize."

"Uh, okay?

"Oh. So you can go home now. Thank you for today."

"Oh well. Yeah, I'll see you later."

Fabneal said so, spreading his wings at the window and popping out.

This would be because if we stayed on the spot, we decided that Finia's sermon would continue.

The speed of the escape was fast enough to be considered a white concession.

"So, Master Reid?

"No, I'm sorry. But look, I heard Kufal's guy survived."


"That's okay, because I've been trapped inside the labyrinth. There's a watchman, and he'll never come out again."

"Well, I hope so..."

Finia seemed to stroke her chest down when she heard that Kufal had been rendered powerless.

More than that, I had to go to her.

"Finia, by the way. Lyell didn't find out I got out, did he?

"Yes. A while after Lady Reid got out, there was a roar with intimidation, so I went to your investigation. But Maria came to see how Nicole was doing."

When I heard Finia's report, I snapped my neck.

Maria is so sharp that she can't compare to Finia. I'm more sensitive than Cortina in some cases.

If that Maria witnessed a change of balls, there is a good chance that she was also nursed.

"Well, didn't you find out?

"Yes, because I didn't seem to be sleeping yet by then. So, who is she? He had a tail."

"Haha, well, do you know the white one?

If I say it's a kind of ancient dragon here, Finia might lose her hips.

Stay here to laugh and deceive.

"More than that, the roar is the work of the demon god that Kufal summoned. Because you and me and Lyell ended up together."

"What, with Master Lyell?

"I haven't found out who I am because I was lucky enough to get a disguise in time. If Maria testified that I was here, she wouldn't have suspected me."

"Really, good"

"I didn't expect that two-sword demon god to come out, though."


That's just stunning, Finia. That demon god is also a causal opponent for her.

"So, but if Master Lyell and I were together, I'm sure we could afford it, right?

"That's two opponents too. Well, me and Lyell did it one by one."


"Me and Lyell have been raising our arms quite a bit since then. I've had a rough time."

Fight that demon god, I'm not so damaged.

The sword attack was also sparingly visible. The problem is after that. Enhancement grant (enchant) and physical strengthening by manipulation yarn.

The simultaneous use of this allowed me to gain the motor ability to overwhelm that demon god.

Of course, the price is huge.

My body still hurts so much that I can lift it up. Strengthened motor skills don't come with endurance.

If you do poorly, your bones and joints can be shattered by the shock you ran out of.

"Will it be a trump card?"

"Trump card?"

"Yeah. Kind of."

Trump card that could break your body. When I hear that there is such a thing, Finia absolutely forbids its use.

But in the future, if we get cornered, we'll have a chance to use it. Then you should keep this to yourself.

"Well, that's why I want you to keep your mouth shut. Finia was in this room the whole time, watching me. There's Maria's testimony, and if you say so, there's no chance you'll suspect it."

"If that's the case, I don't mind..."

But Finia had some catchy look on her face.

"Something bothering you?

"No! That, Kufal Master...... no, Kufal was also a parent of my upbringing, and that means he's a feud of Laid, which makes me feel a little subtle. I don't know."

"Oh well. I thought you were an unsaveable man, but I have to thank you for raising Finia."

"Yeah, subtle, though."

"Really, it's subtle"

That's how Finia and I exchanged our gazes and laughed at each other.

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