Two demon gods roaring. Even the vibration accompanied the roar, my feet clatter.

The end of the previous life is too far past the back of my brain, and hopelessness crawls up from my feet.

He twisted down that battle and tried to capture Kufal, his immediate enemy, into his sight.

But the act ends in vain.

The flash gap I showed you, that means he wasn't dumb enough to miss it either.

Already Kufal is out of my sight. No, I may be there, but I can't recognize that.

That's what he's capable of in this world, a fiction.

You hate the flesh of this world, and you make the most of its abilities.

He was like a chunk of contradiction.

Besides, I don't have time to look for him.

In front of you are two demon gods, which are also approaching the finest enemies.

"This looks strong. Can you win?

"You -!"

At some point next door, there was a boy named Mr. Barr.

It's not a rush to help, but then you could have helped me out sooner, but you don't have to.

"Whoa, don't get me wrong, okay? It was only the service that informed him of his survival. You basically don't have the in-laws to help you."

"Oh, you did!

"And that slime just now. Does that mean we're back this far, and the operating range of the split isn't that wide? Maybe a dozen meters at best."

"Now that's such a thought, I don't care!

Leaps to the sidelines with screams.

The sword over two meters was lowered so that it would slash and tear apart the remnants of me.

The cobblestone is crushed and the sword body is filled to half.

And as you follow me leaping, the other sword looms. Mr. Barr was in a slippery motion, distancing himself from the demon god. Stick tight.

"Get out of the way. Yeah, yeah!

As a woman, I shook up my legs along with a hanging voice that didn't seem to make sense. The kicking leg slaps the belly of the sword body that follows me.

To that extent, we know that this demon god's sword muscle cannot be disturbed.

In this case, it's my body that gets sloppy orbits.

The recoil changes the direction downwards and rolls over the cobblestone.

I dared not stay on the spot, but on the contrary jumped farther by kicking the floor.

A second demon god attack descends there. If you were trying to stay on the spot or just roll, you would have been slashed in two.

"So, what do we do?

"That's all I have to do to make a debt from you!

Enemies that ended up in a confrontation in a previous life. That's two of them. My body is instinctively frightened, but I can't help it.

But this guy, like Kufal, is the enemy I have to get over. If I don't cross it one day, I won't be able to stand in front of this guy in the future.

"Come on...... now it's time to put on the black and white exactly -!"


As if riding a provocation, we both scream together. The voice contained a sense of intimidation that would make the listener disgust himself.

I know it's to blunt my movements, but it's convenient as far as now is concerned.

Intimidation doesn't work on me, and I'm having trouble hearing noise here and the average person stepping in.

The average person who hears the sound will be intimidated and will not be disturbed.

Demons moving to pinch me.

I run backwards between them and try to take a position that won't get pinched.

Of course, it can't just be different, and the slaughter comes down from left to right.

I slipped through that between them with a piece of paper, spinning the ground one turn before looking back.

Shortly afterwards, the sword to be swung down and the sword to be swung away. They have two swords at a time, so they must have put them in the offensive before me.

Jump over the sword of the horizontal giraffe, which reaches only slightly faster, and fly thread on that sword.

I was pulled by a thread tangled in my sword, and my body soaked to the side. With that motion, I now lay down a sword that slashes down vertically.

This is a square in front of the church, with no place to tangle yarns on the terrain.

Conversely, the enemy can wave his sword freely up, down, left and right. The situation is even worse than in previous life.

And two. If it was probably me as it was in my previous life, I wouldn't have been able to fathom it or anything.

But now, besides the skill I have forged, there is also the power of magic.

Furthermore, the hand armor that Hastar God had attached to me had a structure that would follow the intense movements.

My burden is considerably less than in my previous life.

And just because you don't have a shield doesn't mean you can't thread it at all.

It will be the starting point for their giants to hang the yarn intact.

Furthermore, with the effect of the [Enhancement Grant (Enchant)] activated by the armor, my mobility was as enhanced as that of the Demon God.

Regardless of the time limit, it shouldn't be an inferior thing to deal with two.

"If you prolong it, you can get poked like Kufal did!

It's not my field that fights from the front this way.

It's my style to set a trap, poke an accident, and decide how to compete at the source of a blow with an ambush.

Fighting like this is still not meant to be.

You perceived the signs of my offense, the demon god's offense stops for a moment.

Poke that gap, back step small trying to get distance. Seeing it, the demon gods have made a huge poke.

Lie back and poke, at the same time tangling yarn in the sword, then flying yarn in the neck of the demon god.

It was a measure to mow his neck with the power of the demon god, but this had been cut off.

They pay for the yarn before it wraps around their neck, and vice versa, only their bodies are blown away by the yarn momentum.

They roll it far away and the distance opens up quite a bit.

When I tried to wake myself up to regain my posture, there was a voice that had interrupted me on the spot.

"He said it was a demon!?

That voice made me sound familiar.

I could hear it from birth. It definitely belonged to Lyell.

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