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It was a small church at the foot of the world tree.

A small abandoned church that was strangely lonely and kept people's feet away, even though the main temple was by its side.

But on this day, there were signs of men in that church, even though they were few.

I'm not exposed to the most obvious signs of it.

"No matter how much noise you make here, there's no leaking your voice outside."

"I'm sorry, Ashela. You're annoying me with this."

"What are you talking about? You can't say no to Maria's favor. And it doesn't mean it's none of my business either."

It's in the basement of the church, a hidden room.

Cortina and Lyell, Maria, and Ashera were present on the spot, as were the two prisoners.

One loses his hands and legs and loses his sanity, the other has a broken nose pointing sideways.

They are both in terrible condition, but still a broken nose man...... the scoop seemed better.

Lyell pulls up the scoop and secures him to the restraint table with a tight trick.

"Oh, you're surprisingly handsome."

"Even if it looks like this, the battlefield is very experienced. This treatment of prisoners has also been experienced several times"

"Yeah, I'm glad it's not that kind of hobby."


Ashera looks at such an exchange between the two, smiling.

For her, her best friend Maria's friendly appearance is also a sight for her heart to heal.

But the truth is, this was not the right place for it.

Out of the darkness, the sight that emerged in the sparkle ends in one word: unusual.

Ten meters square stone basement. Huge magic formations are depicted throughout that room, with restraint tables positioned in the centre.

The magic formation was also portrayed with the sophistication that at first glance it was different from the object for metastasis, and the degree of difficulty of the procedure was discerned.

"Hey, what are you going to do..."

Nearly two aside, the scoods put on the restraint table are not the same thing.

The supreme leader of the existence known as the Six Heroes and of the religion that unites this world. What do those people do by sneaking eyes and isolating them for assassination?

I don't even need to hear that...... interrogation, no, torture.

I can't help but listen back, even if I know. I could see his fear there.

"You don't have to tell me that, do you?

"Right, torture clearly...... no, I'll show you hell you can't do that. If you don't like it, spit out your home base."

"Home? Not where Kufal is, huh?

Scood was stunned by Nicole and brought here, so he didn't know he had already been destroyed by Cortina.

Cortina finally communicated the fact to him here.

"Kufal would have let me take him down. If you know it's slime, there's as much to deal with."

"Is that, slime?

Until then, however, the scoop was not informed.

Cortina informs me of that fact and strips my eyes in amazement.

"Oh, you didn't know? I'm not lying. Lying to you like that doesn't benefit me."

"Ugh, that's a lie... then our ideals are..."

"I'm sorry, but it only works with manipulated objects."

"Lies, lies! We're here to improve the status of the Semi-Demons."

"I've told you many times, I'm sorry. I'm not willing to go along with your claim. Spit out your home base."

"Can you! I'll tell you what! It's a lie, it must be a lie! You guys are trying to trick me into getting information!

No longer even threw away a decent theory, and the scoop was a wake-up call.

A ritual of summons with rapidly increasing failures, running behind his brain. The appearance of the fellows who disappeared for it.

I come to the fact that Kufal was accompanying all those rituals, and I get to the truth. But I couldn't accept it.

"You don't have to believe me. Because I'm just going to repeat it until I believe it."

"By the way, it's a magic formation painted here, but this is' forbidden '?


Scood's consciousness, which was falling madly, reacts to the word 'forbidden'.

The biggest contraindication in world treeism is that it prevents the reincarnation of the circle of souls. This comes from the doctrine that everything in the world is born above the world tree, returns to the world tree, and repeats rebirth.

Then the magic formations painted on this land...

"No way... resuscitation!?"

"Correct. And the Pope's I understand the procedure, and I can use it. I need you to take the reward of Maria's hand."

"No, that's stupid -"

"It's a fact. 'Cause if you don't know the real thing, you can't be sure it's fake, can you? We in the World Tree must know the magic formations of truth in order to control resurrection. And you have to take advantage of it."

"I didn't know either?

"Naturally. This is a fact communicated only to the Pope and some Cardinals"

Where does Ashera blew the Malian protest?

We both had a pale grin, but that gaze remains cold.

Harder and more painful than death. But it's a story that ends when you die.

But on this occasion, the rationale does not work. Even if he actually dies, this Pope relentlessly resurrects him. That's what I was saying.

"Oh, even if you're crazy, I'll get you back to your sanity with proper sedation, right?


Maria has a grin worthy of the dust and the Virgin. Next to it, Lyell pulled out his sword silently.

There is no way to avoid this sword on a squad secured to a restraint table.

He had no choice but to drool the information he knew.

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