Wearing my eyelids, I decided to head over to my parents.

He received reports of my injuries and came from a far (far) northern village, so I have no words of gratitude.

At least you have to look healthy and reassure me.

"Morning, Mother, Father"

Enter the room across from where my parents took it and say hello for now.

Indoors, there were two people wandering around softly and looking at Hastar who could mock it.

Maria and Lyell solidified for a moment when they saw me coming in, and then hugged me with fierce momentum.

I accept Maria's embrace, put a kick in Lyell's face and let it go.

"Nicole, you're feeling better!

"Yeah. You worried about me, Mom"

"Wait, Nicole, I'm not convinced of this trick! Give me a hug, too! I demand an inspiring embrace for my father and daughter!

Lyell shouts a sad voice, holding his face against my soles and unable to get any closer.

But it is, and this is this. Even though I'm sick, I'd like to beg a pardon for a man to hold me. I think it's bad for Lyell.

"Rather than that, what about those eyelids? Didn't you get your one-eyed vision back?

"Yeah. It seems like it comes with extra abilities, and it's something to contain it."

"Yeah, I'd love that."

"Not good! Maria can't believe that, I want to hug Nicole too! All the best!"

"Stop him because he's going to die"

Maria cuts and discards Lyell's claims in a nutshell. Should I still see her as a better one or should I see him laying on his ass?

Though, I just feel sorry for her, so I'll untie Maria and then let Lyell bow her head and give her a gentle hug.

It felt good to be wrapped up in Maria's busty limbs, but you can't just drown in that feeling forever.

"My father, too. You're worried."

"Oh, Nicole... you're okay now, aren't you?

"Yeah. Because the white there is no better master than Maxwell when it comes to witchcraft"

"Right, great... I'm so glad!

I'm gonna turn my shitty arm around my back and hold it back tight.

I felt damp on my chest, so I'm probably in tears. Trembling words prove it as it is.

"Uh, bad in the middle of an emotional embrace, but how's that eye band?

"Oh, yeah. Not surprisingly bad. It looks like it won't deviate even if it moves hard because it fits snugly. I find it difficult to restrict my vision."

"Think of the sight limitations as part of your training. No headaches or dizziness? Are there any strains on the optic nerve?

"No, it's no problem. It's no different than wearing a normal eyelid."

"Right. It may be burdensome because it seals the blessing (gift). Give me an immediate call if you feel anything. Maxwell would jump right to my house."

"Oh... now I can use metastatic magic too"

I almost accidentally said 'me', but there's both Maria and Lyell here. That language is just not good.

"You may not be able to fly because of dizziness or headaches. He says don't push it."

"Oh, well, okay."

"Dear Lyell, Dear Maria. I brought you breakfast."

When I nodded one, Finia came into the room with a tray of breakfast.

Even though I brought it, she didn't make it.

Because this is an inn, so she can't use the kitchen without permission.

Probably told the innkeeper and brought him the meal he had prepared.

At last I'm reading the names of Lyell and Maria, but I have breakfast for everyone. There's no drain on Finia around here.

"Thank you, Finia. You're as good as ever."

"No, I don't"

With a little shame, I'm going to serve meals to the indoor table.

If you take it to Finia, it's been a long time since I've seen the Lyells. So I guess I'm being praised and feeling glowing.

"Will you talk more than that? Who, how and why did you have to suffer such an injury?"

Maria's claim is good, too.

Besides, I think I need to talk to you about Kufal.

Because I'm not the only one, it extends to Cortina.

Three years ago, he was clearly aiming for Cortina. Although you escaped the difficulties because you met me before Cortina, your spine freezes if you didn't.

And now it's Michelle and Finia.

When they target them, I just can't protect them all by myself.

Plus the presence of a split that can act even away from the nucleus. Lyell would be in danger if he was struck by surprise with that.

Unlike me, this guy isn't very good at dodging. Maintaining the front line with the strength of that blow is the crux of him.

Because of the need to make everyone listen, I went around to wake them up when Michelle and the others woke up and spoke.

And in front of everyone who's been up, I told them what happened.

That he's a Dizzy's Slime. Being able to manipulate a split away from the nucleus. That I once aimed for Cortina, and now I've come into contact with the cloud, etc.

I skipped my information and gave you as much information as I could.

"He hurt Nicole like that..."

Lyle eats her teeth off so badly that she makes a giddy noise.

Maria has her usual soft grin, but her eyes aren't laughing.

But more than that...

"Lyell, I can get to him first. This is all I can't give in."

Cortina uncommonly increases her killer temper and insists so. But Lyell argued against this.

"It's my daughter. I can't give up."

"Then the sooner the better."

"Let's take that fight."

Surprisingly, the cloud stunned the three of them.

"Master Lyell, I'm sorry, but I'll take you down before anyone else does."


"He aimed at me, and he hurt my people. This is not forgivable."

Lyell often turns a blind eye to a cloud that can't contain his genuine intent to kill.

That's already, not the face where he was his apprentice.

"Fine. Then you're my competition, too."

"You can't lose!

Cloud smashing his own fist into Ryell's fist that protruded.

Thus Kufal turned those who should not turn to his enemies.

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