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When Finia returned to Maria, she told her of Nicole's condition and was trying to reassure her.

"Master Nicole has had a good night. I let him change his clothes and wipe his sweat, so I thought I'd need it for a while."

"Yes... you put a lot of work into it. Thank you, Finia."

"No, because it was my fault."

Having Nicole go after the unsub by herself. That still reminds her of guilt.

At the same time, he felt unprecedented hatred for the boy he named Kufal.

It was an impulse to live thirty years and say it was the first time I was conscious.

And in the same way, there were others who had a fierce hatred of Kfar.

"That bastard, next time I see him, it's not for free."

"Yeah, 'cause the next time I see you, it's a third-eye sentence, with or without you!

"That clearly means' colos', doesn't it?

A trician doctor can't hide the war from Michelle and the cloud, who don't hide their anger.

Unlike the two people who declare murder without question, she is an ordinary person whose life is in distant danger.

Some agreed with the two innocent tones but increased their willingness to kill.

"I know how you feel, but I'm the first to kill you. We need to find a way to cure Nicole's eyes."

Suggest, as Lyell scratches his head.

As it stands, Maria's healing magic cannot heal Nicole's eyes.

"Nicole is now close to being injured. It doesn't mean anything to heal the wounds you've already suffered."

"You mean you can't get rid of the fragments of parasitic slime in your eye without somehow eliminating them"

"The problem is the slime shards. Normally, if you destroy the nucleus, it's supposed to turn into just mucus, but shards that don't even hold the nucleus continue to live"

To Cortina's words, Maria thinks by trying to pinch the tip of her jaw.

"So you're not like regular slime. Parasitic shards are also difficult to pin down because they don't have nuclei. If you can't remove it, you can't cure your eyes."

"Can't you do something about Maxwell's magic?

"That's hard. That old man, he didn't like fine tuning or anything."

It would be possible for him to root and blow up a nuclear-free slime, if he had excelled in witchcraft.

But the enemy is a small shard that nests within the eye.

If you were to accurately shoot through just a few shards without causing damage to your surroundings, that might be an area beyond the limits of a person.

"If you can't be that grandfather..."

Understanding its meaning, the separate rooms are enveloped in silence. As signs of despair began to drift, the door of the room was slammed open with momentum.

"To you like that! THE God, please, Mi!

It was the white girl who opened the door and came in. Behind it are some tall, magnificent men.

When I did it, I slapped a handknife in the back of the high tension girl's head, and then a man spoke in a calm voice.

"Can you understand with such an explanation? No, I've been listening to you. I was wondering if I could help."

Lyell looked familiar to the man's face.

Three years ago, he was the blacksmith man who was in charge of Nicole's gear.

I do hear Maxwell's acquaintance.

"Are you sure... Ast?"

"Oh, well, like that"

"Like that...? No, more than that, can you do something about it!?

Ast with a disappointing hand - Lyell grabbing Hastar's shoulder.

As if, he put his hands on the chest barn and was so impetuous that he could attract them.

"That's not my area of expertise. It's his job."

Put your hands on Pong and the girl's head in front of you.

The white girl put her hands on her hips and showed them with her nose rough and her chest deflected.

"It's up to you. If a member of your family was harmed by the slime, it would involve a coupon from God!

That's how Zukazuka steps into Nicole's sleeping room.

Maria and Ms Tricia rushed after it.

Despite the commotion, Nicole has no sign of waking up. Apparently, after Finia left, she was fainting again.

The white girl, arrayed by the bed as early as possible, does not even look back, but visits the container.

"What's the situation?

"Ah? Uh, there's a nucle-free slime parasitic in my eyeball, and I can't hang my healing magic. Because they eat it from the edge of healing."

"And it only grows for what I eat, so I can't help it."

When asked, the woman doctor Tricia informed her of the situation and Maria succeeded her.

Hearing that, the white girl peered into Nicole's face with interest.

Remove the bandage wrapped around your eyes and peel out the burnt scar.

"Hmm. Is that it?"

So small and twinkly, pussy and little finger ringing. When I saw the light coming small from my fingertips, I might have used some kind of magic.

And looking back at Kurli, it took Maria and the others to push them out of the room.

"Look, from here on out, you'll be in the way of secret treatment, so get out!

"Oh, hey, hey! I'm a healing magic specialist."

"It doesn't matter."

I try to push them all out, but with a little girlfriend, that doesn't come true. Hastar moved everyone outdoors instead.

And the breaking god bites off the tip of his own finger, and drips a drop of blood, on the scar.

The blood that has fallen into her eyes, which has not yet regained consciousness, stains her scars as if it were stained.

"The magic of the earlier collapse wiped out the slime shards, just in case."

Discipline God and Nicole are connected in blood and soul.

That is why, by receiving and regenerating her blood, she used the immortality of the Disciplined God to reconstitute her eyeballs.

If this were something with other blood veins, I would have had a rejection.

"But are you okay?

The only Hastar left indoors asks anxiously.

Besides, the God of Discipline returned the answer with confidence.

"Of course it is. But maybe you'll inherit the power of my charm or something?

"That would rather be a curse. You have no choice."

"But it's just a little bit. It shouldn't be strong enough to destroy the commandments of reason."

"Well, just in case."

That said, Hastar took his eyelids out of his nostrils and engraved magic there.

"This guy would be able to contain that power."

"But why the eyelid? Why don't you just glasses like me? Besides, why are you carrying your eyelids?

"... a hobby"

Wind god Hastar.

He was also about fourteen years old by dealing with the youths.

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