After consulting with Maxwell, I returned to Mr. Temru to convey my appreciation.

The person I tell most is Michelle, so I only greet Mr. Temru to a certain extent.

When I told Michelle that I could go back to the city, she was happy to jump up on your stand.

"Really!? Yay!

"Shit, it's dangerous, Michelle!

"Oh, I'm sorry."

The sudden jump caused your platform to shake heavily, and the finer sitting next to you screams.

I was blinded by another shaky object. I ask you to forgive the man for his sex. It doesn't come with it.

But I don't feel good about it touching other men's eyes.

I had my gaze in the same direction silently. Keep my fist in the side of the cloud. The flank of the one on the horse is higher than my head, so I have to jump lightly to put the bush in.

"Except Mr. Thamr's only business is to replenish the water, so you can only stay the night for a long time, right?

"Yeah, that's enough! Yes, I have to thank Mr. Temru."

"I was originally planning on stopping by, so I don't think that's a good idea... but rather thank Maxwell"

When she finds out in advance to stop by, she should need rooting and traction accordingly.

Given that effort, I feel pretty compelled by that grandfather.

"Yeah, but if it wasn't for Mr. Temru's work, he wouldn't have come back."

"Well, you can go. I'll take care of the watch."

"Yeah, thanks!

He jumps off your platform like a pion and rushes out to the rear.

Finia looked at it and smiled even as she turned a frightened eye.

Michelle's words and actions are cheating or helpful because there are some aspects of being a little selfish, but that's not hateful at all...

Her figure approached the second carriage and Finia called out to me, deciding she couldn't reach her voice.

"But is that okay?

"Hmm, what?

"There are still a lot of nobles after Michelle, aren't there?

"Well, of course. Shooting is too powerful a gift."

It's the ability to correct every attack you project. From stone throwing to bow to castle breaking bow (barista).

On top of that, many aristocrats would think that if they even had a large silver bow (third eye) with an extraordinary range, even through some impotence.

Even with Maxwell's protection, it doesn't necessarily mean that the second or third Rittenberg doesn't show up.

The past three years have cooled down somewhat, but the impact of the goblin raid is still intense.

"Well, based on that, Maxwell says it's a good idea, doesn't he?

"And we're on it!

"Well, be careful not to lose sight of the cloud."

"Let it go."

"However, Nozoki is strictly forbidden"

"Let it go..."

Not at all likely to be left to me. Well, I don't know what else to do. Because Michelle has also become attractive in the last three years.

Finia pointed forward as I sighed and clasped my shoulders.

"Dear Nicole, I can see Raum!

Even for her, Raum hasn't been around for a long time.

Unlike me, who's back once a month, Michelle and Finia can't go back to Raum unless they have business.

In fact, because they haven't returned once in the last three years, it's actually the first homecoming for them in three years... No, their hometown is a pioneering village in the north.

"Ah, Nicole. Can I get a little rest, too?

"Hmm...? Oh, yeah. Fine."

Me and Michelle are leaving Mr. Temru's place, so I just wanted him to stay in the cloud, but this guy's gonna want to show his face in the orphanage, too.

Guess how that feels, I'll give you permission.

It's bad for Finia, but let's just say Ms. Temru's escort is up to her.

The city of Raum is getting bigger and bigger.

The characteristic spire and the royal castle visible beyond it.

We walked through the gates of the city, even impressed by the landscape, which we now feel even nostalgic.

Cortina's house, which will shake for two weeks and a few days.

But Nicole only shows her face about once a year. It's been a long time since I've seen Cortina like this.

Keep an eye on that area, or you might get a blur out.

"Cortina, I'm home"

It was after evening that the carriage arrived in Raum. Cortina should be home already, so I was on my way to say hello.

Michelle rushes to her house just because she can't wait, and the cloud is headed to the orphanage too.

Phinea is bad, but Mr. Temru was escorting him.

I think Mark and the others are fine, but there's something a little worrying about.

"Uh, it's not Nicole. Long time no see!"

"Yeah, about a year swing?

"Your back, you've grown. Not as much as I am anymore."

Coming to the front door with patties and light footsteps, Cortina raises her surprise at how I've grown.

That's supposed to happen, too, and my body grew up gushing and now growing as tall as Cortina.

The fact that the face I used to look up to has the same gaze as myself also added a kind of emotional depth to my taste.

'Cause I'm growing up, too.

Phew, I show you with my chest up all the time. The swell is already beyond Cortina.

Cortina subtly got a wrinkled look between her eyebrows, coughed one up, and fought back.

"And breasts... if Elliot sees this, there 'll be another marital commotion."

"Because you're quenching the fire, stop throwing in the spark"

"Haha, he said I know"

He laughs happily and invites me inside.

Finia's missing Cortina's house feels somewhat rough, but that's not so much to worry about either.

Thanks to my once-monthly visit, it looks like she's cleaning too.

She also seemed to be growing in that respect.

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