A bunch of needle beetles (needle beetles) lying dead.

Leaving the carcass unattended, I will look further into the woods.

This needle beetle is a kind of demon that exists only by summons. Individuals in the Labyrinth are also summoned by the World Tree. Then there is a good chance that this herd will have a summoning magic team or a messenger beside it.

Then I checked the area for about two hours, but found no trace of the summons or the shadow of the suspicious.

"You didn't come to this place? I don't know much about the demon god operation..."

I've come back to my original place for now, but no further exploration is likely to make any sense. You have to think about what to do with the carcass.

Needle Beetle carcasses can be used by crusts and horns as equipment material. Hard shells seem to be available as armor and sharp corners as weapons.

If you were to defeat this many and leave that material behind and go home, that might make you wonder something.

The presence of this flock is the first known information that Lyell has returned to.

All I know is that Lyell and a few people who were on the spot went hunting. And it's about us in the mansion.

But if the material was stripped, it should also be able to build a pre-building that it became a battle with passing adventurers.

When I thought about it, I just got a horn from my head as evidence.

The truth is that crustaceans are also sold as materials, but it just takes too long to recover that one.

By the time I had spent an hour stripping the corners, my clothes had dried up with returning blood.

This will require another bath.

"Will you bathe again when you get back? Trouble......"

The Gaddles Inn also has a bath, but the water is drained for cleaning at night.

But if I say so, you'll have it ready. Especially if Gaddles knows about my situation and is cooperating with me, I don't think he'll say no.

I can feel it coming into his person's goodness, but just wiping his body in this situation is a little disgusting.

I was sighing as the adventurers spread their small folding cloth bags and filled them with horns.

"So it drowned. Get me a bath."

Back at the Gaddles Inn in a bloody state, I demanded the most.

Gaddles looked sinister when he saw me and asked me to tell him what happened first.

"It takes awhile for the water to accumulate. Don't you want to talk about the situation by then, idiot?"

"Oh, wow."

In the meantime, I will report back to you that it was Lyell's mansion.

I can't abandon the possibility that Kufal is more involved than either summons is involved. I'll have to pass that information on to Maxwell.

"Hmm, that's definitely not too much information for me and the others. I'd like to let Cortina know if I can..."

"That's exactly what Lyell's gonna tell you, isn't it? But we can't afford it. It's like I'm an idiot."

"Can't you deny it?

"Why not?"

"Think about it. It's stranger to consider the material even though there are traces of your unique yarn in the woods."

"... ah"

Come to think of it, he traps in the woods and uses yarns to amputate his enemies.

The burden was also passed on to the forest trees that used it as the starting point for the trap, and traces of yarn should have remained in large quantities.

I just recovered the horns in disguise of an adventurer, and you can immediately guess what I did.

"How much shall we do?!?

"Don't let that look tatter you. There's a guy coming over because he's such a sweetheart."

"How do you know that!

"How many men here do you think swallowed yak liquor?

"You're a jerk, dickhead!

The people who do confess to us have an overwhelming number of guests here.

That's the end of not only the city's inhabitants, but even the outgoing travelers.

It's weirder that you didn't drink at this inn, the safest and most prestigious in the city.

"Anyway, it's about that serious Lyell. You should be contacting Maxwell soon anyway. Keep Maxwell in the loop, and he'll be right behind you."

I notice when they say it. Sure, Lyell said he'd head out to investigate tomorrow morning, but a report would make it possible even in the middle of the night.

I'm likely in touch with Maxwell by the end of the night using the Adventurer Guild liaison network.

"I see! If that's what you decide, get to the guild ASAP -"

"You boiled the bath because of it, so go ahead. I'll do the reporting."

"Oh well. Then please."

If I do push him to the guild in a drooling state in the middle of the night, that's all I get rumored about.

Let Gaddles' generosity sweeten you here.

When I lowered my chest, I just turned to the bathroom.

Slightly narrow for a large bath, but too luxurious a hot tub to go in alone.

Water boiled with demonic props that pump and heat water directly from the rivers that are flowing into the city will relieve your body of fatigue to stain, although not a natural hot spring.

As he removed the dirt and jumped into the hot tub and floated fluffy, Cortina's advice received during the day also came to mind.

Starting tomorrow, work is awaiting to cool off the men who are going to say it.

"Oh, it's so hard..."

Already, I want to hide in a secret that no one knows. I thought I understood a little Hastar God's feelings.

No, in my case, I don't even want God to be in the wheeling realm.

If you're floating with your hands and legs stretched out, it's even billion-dollar to think about it anymore.

Gaddles will come back for a peek at me anyway.

That's what I thought, I closed my eyes.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Nicole wasn't out of the bath yet when Gaddles came back in touch with Maxwell at the guild.

It is yet another story that Nicole drifted like a jellyfish around the water when he peered into the bathroom in suspicion.

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