That evening, Maxwell took me back to Raum.

Of course Cortina has already returned to her home and is not in Maxwell's mansion.

Matheus was able to run errands, too, and I didn't see him in the mansion.

"Well, it's Reid."

"What the hell, change it..."

"As a matter of fact, yesterday..."

So Maxwell asked me about Cortina's situation.

I was surprised she was under a lot of stress. Due to her role as a military teacher, her patience is high by suppressing others. Because that was my perception.

"That Cortina... Elliot's not supposed to move."

I gave out Haumea's name and left her with Maxwell, also to pull Elliot out.

If you find out I'm involved, Elliot's bound to stick his neck in, and then it'll lead to state power intervening in this series of sacrifice cases.

If the state were to sit back and get involved in solving the case, no matter how many of them try to hide themselves, it's not something they can get away with.

If there's a problem, it's Cortina.

"It's no longer a limit to hide through, but it's too pathetic to give her salvation."

"I know I'm sorry too, but how can all this be...... hey, no way to master change (polymorph) quickly or anything?

"Do you ever have such a thing? And that magic has many drawbacks."

"I've never heard of faults or anything like that? No, speaking of which, your grandfather never used change (polymorph) in combat."

Instead of during the fight, I don't recall seeing where I used it in normal times.

Maybe the shortcomings he says affect him a little bit.

"That's right. First of all, this magic can only work for the operator. This is why I'm so happy with this magic."

'Cause I'm supposed to do my best.'

"And... isn't that magic that forcefully transforms your body? If you do it badly, you're going to lose your mind."

"So much!?

"Oh, then I can't use it very much during the fight. It's more dangerous to pass out in the middle of a fight. Even if it is normal, it can cause a lot of pain and anguish that I would like to use further. I'm not gonna bother using it."

"Seriously...... no, but I would definitely put up with it"

"I hope so. Mastery is better for the moment."

"That being said, it's an even better classification among the advanced, that magic"

Now I just finally got my hands on intermediate. Not enough strength to master advanced change (polymorph).

Regardless, I ran up to intermediate at the age of eleven, so I am a full genius from around me.

Still not keeping up with the urgency of things.

"No... seriously?

"What is it, Reid? Did you come up with something?

"Oh. See, a magician who can't use metastatic magic or something uses magic formations to metastasize. Likewise, with the aid of external factors, we can use change (polymorphs)?

"External factors… of…"

"Look, you found a vein or something during this time, right? Can't we do something about using magic over there?

"I buried it over there."

"You could dig a hole."


Even I don't think magic can be used in such an easy way. But it is also up to this grandfather to derive a solution from this kind of information.

Sometimes I do my hand on a beard, and I get upset and think about it. Maxwell finally looked up and brought me some advice.

"You don't expect your lord to be that easy to use, do you?

"Of course."

"Well, I hope it inspires you"

"That's the place"

"I don't know about change (polymorph) … but I have a similar situation in mind. It's not about Deng."

Maxwell pointed me out and I remembered Deng.

An orga that has built a nest over the ground vein, but therefore has evolved abnormally to become highly intelligent.

He's in my safe house now, and he's supposed to live a lot.

Certainly because of the influence of the terrestrial vein, it cannot be said that it is a new species that has changed its appearance from a monster named Auga.

"Surely with the help of the terrain, it could be an aid to magic. Then it's only a matter of making up for the lack of magic."

"Shouldn't that be it?

"As you seem to forget, in your Lord's case, there is nothing wrong with the amount of magic itself. There are two things that are preventing the growth of the Lord's skill: liberation and control."

"That's right. So the terrain doesn't help at all?

"Not so far. Then I've come up with something that's going to open up."

"Opening measures...... do you have any hands?

Looks like Maxwell came up with something. I also turn my gaze to Grandpa, who is full of expectations.

Hopefully, we can clear up Cortina's troubles.

"Oh, for example, light (light) magic props. You don't have to be a magician to use that."

"Otherwise, it won't be popular with the public."

"Yes, I mean, I can even use magic without it. If it's magic, it's possible."

"Demonic props...... Ast!

Magic Items Specialist. The owner of deep knowledge and the technology to make it happen.

Indeed, he might be able to develop magic tools with the formula of change (polymorph).

"I see he knows about my situation, too. If you want me to help you, I have no more opponents!

"Well? And superb when it comes to making magic props. If it's a case like this one, you can count on Jen most."

"Right. If that's the case, let's just..."

"Wait, where are you going?

"Where, at Ast's?"

"Your Lord has not just returned to Raum. First, show your face to the guardian Cortina and reassure her. No!

"Oh, I was"

Cortina would be worried too if she didn't hear from me and I didn't come back late at night.

Say Maxwell's on, I'm just a kid. The curfew must be observed.

"Show Cortina your face first, and we'll report you to Fina. That's a little distracting."

"Oh, I will"

"And then - right. Come to the mansion again at night. Tell me you have to come to the night at the convenience of the stars to study ritual magic and say no."

"Do something professional again..."

A star is a tour of a star. When performing ritual magic, the arrangement of the stars of that time may also be involved in the procedure.

And the fact that the arrangement of the stars is involved means that the procedure has to be performed at night.

It's also an excuse for me to leave the house at night.

"I'll write you a brush. There's no problem leaving the house."

"But what if I say Cortina will accompany you? We're leaving the house in the middle of the night, so that could happen."

"Hmm, then you can ask Miss Finia to escort you. She is also a disciple of the eagle, so let her come to the mansion with the Lord's escort and there will be no problem."

"So, if we put Finia in the mansion, now we'll have to deceive Finia, right?

"Let her do the cleaning of the mansion. In the meantime, you can leave the mansion by saying you're going to the right place."

"Does that work?

"If things go well and you get back to Reid, your Lord will go to Cortina with his feet. Miss Finia will keep you in the mansion."

"Thank you for doing so, but we didn't decide we could fix it right away."

"Not then."

Maxwell with a belly-black grin.

That's how I got to visit Ast again.

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