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Nicole was to stay at her parents' house, so Maxwell was to return to Raum alone.

Pulling young children away from their parents is also a mental burden, even if they know that her contents are former companions.

It's not a bad idea to treat your family and show them at these opportunities, that's what I was thinking.

I am aware that I am self-satisfied, but still Maxwell somehow immerses herself in the mood of doing good and opens the gates of her home.

At its doorstep...... Cortina was waiting to be royal.

"Whoo!? What is it, Cortina? Don't be surprised."

"Oh, no, it's not. The report has arrived. I left it in the study."


I almost leaned my neck in surprise for a moment, but realizing that was the story about the demon god summons the other day, I rushed into the study.

A report instructed by a woman named Haumea to deliver it to Maxwell. That's just not good enough to touch Cortina's eyes.

Run into the study, lock the room and open the seal.

The documents that were inside contained a list of slave traders who had dealings with the man of the summoner.

"Hmm... have you prepared sacrifices from multiple slave traders? Seems to have captured some…"

"Maxwell, I need to talk to you?


Maxwell literally jumped up to Cortina's voice, which sounded abrupt.

The suspicion boils over that I should have locked the room. But Cortina and some magic can be used.

If it's about the keys to this room, it won't matter with the magic of unlocking. That magic belonged between the elementary and intermediate levels, and Cortina had mastered it as well.

"What a sudden. Don't surprise me, my life expectancy will shrink."

"There's no remnants now, is there? You heard more from the messenger than that, didn't you?


In the guild messenger, you shouldn't know the details. But I can even tell who sent out this message.

Information received to Maxwell via Haumea. It's who Cortina suspects Reid is.

"I knew you were still connected to a woman named Haumea, right?

"Oh, the..."

"Tell me one thing. Is she Reid's rebirth?


Maxwell got bored. If you consider Cortina's mood first, you say no here because you thought it was too pitiful.

Besides, Haumea is Nicole's disguise, which means that the presumption of Reid's rebirth is going to be a hit.

But if you affirm it, her thoughts will be raised further. The status quo you can't name, that was pathetic.

"Well... I can say it's there, I can say it's not there"

"I'm not stupid either. I understand as much as Reid is convenient. As weak as being reborn into a woman in the first place as the reason I can't see her."


"You know what? He looked at people's breasts and said," There's no obstacle to movement without meat like that. "

"Uh, I'm sure that's my opinion as an adventurer."

"I know that. There are no shards of Delicacy in the first place. Can you imagine that he can't be named after a woman like that?

"Well, how about that?

If that was all in the first place, I could agree with Maxwell. But reality has an omelet named Lyell and Maria's daughter.

Reid's unnameable mood was also greatly understood.

I thought he had an idea.

"I don't care about that!

This cortina punches the cancer and the wall that was next to it. Suddenly and furiously, Maxwell wandered unexpectedly.

"What's gonna happen to my feelings! I've been waiting a long time."

From her face I lay low, something glowing streams down. Seeing that, Maxwell also decides to be somewhat prepared.

"... I can't tell you the details right now. Guess what. But other than that... let's just say the Lord guesses"

"So what about Reid...?

"I am reborn, and I am by your side as the Lord has seen me. It's not his business to be famous."

"You're still in touch with you, aren't you?

"Is it something that lets go of such competent talent? He seems to have low self-esteem, but he thinks he's capable of doing everything from scouts to assassinations."

"I know that with my own hands."

Before formerly forming as six heroes, they were each other's enemies.

Cortina, who leads the army in particular, is a tumor above the eyes for the kingdom of the Alekmar sword. In some cases Reid was requested and headed for that assassination.

And Cortina perceived the danger, and has many experiences of using substitutes, shadow fighters, etc., to escape difficulties.

"But... sorry. I got a little confused."

"No, I can't say I know how you feel, but, well, what? Don't give up hope."

"I know. Something that I know he's alive, but doesn't make me feel creepy. I'm not moving on. I'm just frustrated with the status quo."

"That's what I'm going to do. All right, here's the new information."

That's what Maxwell said, showing Cortina the letter at hand.

There is no more information in this letter to hide than Haumea's involvement was known.

"Slaver? Besides...... demon god summons!?

"For the Lord, let's not be for everyone else?

"Yeah, and there's another half demon involved. Just like then."

"It doesn't mean the half devil himself is bad, but he can't do it."

"I know you're a man, but I know you're a beast, but I know you're a half demon... but sacrificing a child isn't a good reason."

"Right. I'll keep investigating this one."

"And then... a question from Elliot about where Haumea is? I want to know that."

"Unfortunately, I don't even know. It's not nominally deportation."

"Do you think I like your authority when I go first?

"Ugh, um. Well, I don't think so..."

"Easy stuff, isn't it, that idiot"

In Cortina's imagination, Reid is reborn into a woman and travels effortlessly through the Northern Trinity Alliance.

Actually Reid is a peripheral village, showing his newborn sister an uncluttered, wandering face, but that was beyond Cortina's knowledge.

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