"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Time's up, so stay in bed."

What lovingly came to the stuffing was a man no less tall than Maxwell and meaty on the contrary.

He has a medal down on his chest and a well-decorated sword on his hips. It doesn't look like a practical piece of gear, so it's probably just the head of the guard by name.

But the public seemed good, so the conversation seemed plausible.

"No, never mind. I couldn't spare the time because you've all been so good to me."

I'm the one who's talking first. This is because when Maxwell spoke, there was also a chance that he would find out who he was with his voice. I have also spoken to the guards of this town several times during the Evil Dragon Crusade.

I'm going to sit across from me and tell the head guard who took out the paperwork.

"Then, if you were climbing the Scion in search of Fangwolf's fangs, you said you had witnessed a suspicious bunch?

"Yes. At that time I thought it was a bunch of people going for prey the same way, but at first glance there were a lot of kids, and they didn't come down at night, so I was curious"

"So, I went after him, and he said he ran into the scene of the demon god summons"

"Yes. And the child is apparently made obedient by drugs. Fortunately, he's a skilled magician. - Yeah, Ast protected him."


I couldn't just introduce Maxwell, and I decided to borrow Ast's name.

I heard that, and I leaked my voice in disgust, Maxwell, but I slapped my elbow punch all over me and kept it quiet.

It may seem like an intangible imitation of an old body, but there's no way this grandfather can handle it to this extent. As much as I'm publicly saying I don't like melee, I'm pretty hard hit.


"Hmm, what's wrong?

"Yes, no, the tea is in the trachea."

"Oh, it's hot when it's brewed. Take care."

My hand fills out the paperwork, even as I speak to this one.

It's amazing, in a way, to say that you're not pointing your gaze at the writing, but to fill in the fields properly.

He may have been elected captain for the results of his paperwork. It is also a testament to the continued plain but solid results.

"I'm talking about a child being drugged, do you know what that type is?

"I thought it was probably a living doll. There was no response when this one spoke, and his eyesight and attitude were like puppets."

"Living Doll… it's forbidden too"

"Yeah. So I didn't think I could leave you alone."

She leans her neck with her hands on her cheeks just to say she's in mild trouble.

The young guard who was beside him was sighing more.

It will be creepy and colorful. If I hang in my lady mode, I'm a young man like you.

... I'm getting sad when I say it myself.

"The Ast magically detoxifies (antidote), so I don't think it's harmful anymore."

"Right. I'm sure one would have appreciated to have left behind to confirm his guilt... but it would be pathetic to say that the child remains poisoned."

"I'm glad you understand."

Living Doll is not a life-threatening medicine.

It is true that perhaps we should have brought him in with about one person left poisoned in order to uncover the men's guilt.

But the chief guard didn't blame us for detoxifying them all, and he showed understanding.

"You should just listen to that guy around there. Apparently, he was interrogated very intensely."

The men have been taken so far, with their lower body stripped out.

This also means that my thermal insulation (warm) failed version exposes me to local burns.

With that in my eyes, I couldn't even imagine what had happened.

"As such, well, is that, uh, youthful..., the end of a fool who unleashed sexual remarks on a raucous young maiden"

"That means you're the one?

"Ugh... well... yes"

When I dig a grave, I make him sneer in disgrace.

Of course this is an act. Now that I've burned down a man's alley or his body, I'm not feeling embarrassed.

But if it's a girl of her age, I've tried acting, assuming this would be a disgraceful occasion.

The young guard, who was by his side, was holding his nose and turning away.

The face is so red that I worry that it will be okay. He also had a little nosebleed from between his pressed fingers.

The modus operandi of the maiden, flaunting her shoulders and embarrassing her, seemed a little too irritating for the young man.

"Ha, you there. I'll give you about half an hour, so chill your head."

"What, that's... that, too, I'm sorry!

He seemed somewhat unfortunate, but the young guard jumped out of the room after a gratuity.

Apparently there was too much blood on his head. This figure is also a sinful thing.

"I'm sorry. Young people are not used to beautiful women."

"I can't believe it's beautiful... it's an honor."

"It's a border, so it's like everyone in town knows each other. Beautiful people like you must be too irritating for young people."

"Is there that few people in this town?

"Yeah, the fact that this is near where the evil dragon appeared won't go away when the Korkis crisis leaves. Again, when that happens, there will be fewer people approaching..."

"I hope more people go to see it."

"Looks...... you didn't have that idea. Hmm, it sounds interesting to put on an escort and hold a tour of the Evil Dragon's Nest."

"Oh, my God, that's a terrible story."

I didn't think I'd fly to the idea of making the Evil Dragon's Nest a spectacle, either.

As far as I'm concerned, I just kind of said it, but the people in this town just get nervous.

"Oh, speaking of which, your name hasn't come yet,"

"Oh, my name is Haumea, and my contact information is..."

I'll give you the proper name of the inn and make you fill out the papers.

Regardless, I am not staying at the inn, so it will be difficult to keep in touch.

But it is also a matter of being called over and over again. And it's those men that matter, not me.

Besides, if my name gets to the heart of this country, there's a chance that more troublesome people will fly in. You should disperse here early.

"I know exactly what's going on. I'll look into it in detail here. I'll get back to you with the details later, so I'd be grateful if you could stay in this town for a while?

"I'm sorry. It's on you in a hurry, so that's a little... I'll leave a registration number for an acquaintance's guild, so could you turn it over there? This is the number of the person who is giving me my hindsight. I'm wandering all over the place with no roots, so it's who I'll be sure to hear from."

"Really? With that said, you came to get Fangwolf's fangs at the request. Okay, let's get the details to that number. On the contrary, could you possibly come back?

"If it's convenient, I'll rush as fast as I can."

"I'd appreciate it if you would."

This registration number belongs to Maxwell, not me. It won't reach Nicole from now on.

Haumea herself, a setting called Maxwell's Secret Service, so getting to Maxwell from here on out wouldn't seem suspicious.

Besides, I have feelings for giving this number to me.

That's how we decided to go back to the mountains with the rest of our investigation thrown at the guards.

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