Maxwell tells the grownups what happened when everyone went to bed.

I would have to wake up at night and be vigilant all night, but Maxwell forced Finia and the kids to sleep... magically.

"Heh, strange people on this?

"I'm retired now, and I'd like you to give me a break for any trouble?

"I got a solid job because of you..."

Inspired by curiosity, Matheus of Norinoli contrasts with Argus with his laid-back expressions.

But this time, you can't take Matheus.

Instead, if you fall out to Matheus, you will remain anxious about the mentions to protect.

"Matheus is leaving a message, isn't he? If you let Michelle and the others get hurt, I won't forgive you."

"Well, with a no-injury range of flirting...?

"I knew we'd kill him on this spot."

"Well, wait. Matheus doesn't make extra tea either."

With Maxwell intervening, Matheus stops putting tea in. Since his life depends on Maxwell's mood, I'm also tempted to turn to his teeth.

I was trying to get into a combat position, too, once I regained my composure and sat back down.

"So our job is to protect the ladies, right?

"The magic of sleeping (sleeping) hung by the eagle is set to last longer. I just need to keep an eye on him till morning."

"Is Miss Nicole the only one who doesn't have a frame?

"You know you have the strength to do it."

"... sort of"

Matheus has a sinister look and snorts. Maybe he remembered what I did to him, and the battle with Lyell that followed.

"How come you're educating the hero to raise his daughter as a hero?

"Not in that place. Magic is important, not theory, but practice. That's why I'm taking Nicole for later school."

"Can't I be the escort?

"Your lord? Even though he might be slashed from behind?

"You can't imitate me like that, you don't have my life."

It is forbidden for Matheus, who is bound to act by compulsion (Geass), to leave the capital without permission or to harm six heroes.

With Maxwell taking him out this time, he's just spared the compulsion (gear) from activating.

"With the life of one of your lords, the other two will not be free. There's something wrong with being on guard."

"You don't wanna die for people, do you? Not to mention for these guys..."

"That sounds like Hideye, Matheus' husband!

Argus was disputing it, but Matheus was silencing it.

Just in case, we put the demon away for surveillance, and we were supposed to travel to the top of the mountain. If you have Ka at a time like this, it will add up somewhat... because Maria is on the moon, the presence of Ka who can use magic is precious. Cortina doesn't feel comfortable alone, so she left it for nursing.

Before leaving, Maxwell had carved the landmark transfer point indoors. This is the same metastatic magic Ast used. That's a magical genius, quickly making it his own.

In the unlikely event of that, this abandoned house does not have a mechanism to inhibit metastasis, so it will only take a moment to come back. It would also help to escape.

After I left the abandoned house, I went up to the sky with Maxwell's magic of flying (flight).

I flew in the sky without walking, also because I was already exhausted in the day march.

Dancing in the sky is unobstructed. In this neighborhood, it involves the danger of being discovered first, but there was a need to hurry ahead, just taking the back of nearly half a day.

To reduce the danger of discovery to a minimum, take altitude to elevate and observe the ground. There are no lights in the mountains at night, only dark rocks spread.

The fire must have been burned inside the abandoned house, but as far as the sky can tell, the light hasn't leaked. The cloud that blocked the roof seemed to be doing a good job.

"Isn't the cloud better suited to carpenters?

That's how I praised the cloud for blocking the gap.

There is no light on the ground. Darkness is spreading. This would put us at less risk of being attacked by something from above.

But at the same time, it's strange. Maxwell was aware of it.

"Wait, Reid. Anyway, it's weird that you can't see the burning fire, and you can't even see the stuff from the guys that preceded you?


If you ask me, there are few plants ahead. There's no such thing as an abandoned house as we used.

That means to them that they don't have the means to hide the fire against surveillance from above.

And yet, seeing no lights from above is a strange thing.

"Like there's an abandoned house we don't know about?

"Or do you use earth walls to prevent light… or…"

"... you're entering the Corkis nest,"

The Evil Dragon's Nest is being fished for by us. There shouldn't be a single dragon scale left over there.

The Dragons also had numerous treasures there because of the nature of collecting light objects, but it has been restored to the Union of Three Kingdoms.

I mean, there shouldn't be any blind potatoes left in that nest as it stands.

"There's got to be nothing left... maybe there's something"

"Do you want to jump?

Of course there was Maxwell on that battlefield. You can also jump into the nest in a breath with a metastasis (teleport).

But I shook my head back to Maxwell's suggestion.

"No, it's also possible that the other person is hostile. I mean, that's more likely if they sneak into a place like this. If you're in the nest, there's a good chance you'll pop up in front of them, and there's a good chance you'll be hostile to us for coming out that way. I want to avoid danger if I can."

"It is. So why don't you just skip your sight for a little while?"

"Fly your sight?

"It's a kind of sensory magic. Apart from the user demon, I can only fly my sight and peek. The problem is, in the meantime, I lose my eyesight."

"If you can use it while flying, do it"

What a convenient grandfather. This is why I'm counting on you.

In response to my request, Maxwell deployed a magic team to use the magic.

"Zhu's Five, Mountain Blow's Six, Jade's Six - Magician's View (Magicite)"

As far as spells go, it sounds like a pretty challenging technique. Between intermediate and advanced?

A black sphere emerged at Maxwell's disposal after finishing the chant. It eventually leaves my hand and flies around me - moving to my feet and trying to peek inside my skirt.

I hold my hem tight and slap Maxwell in the back of the head.

"Stop it, you color-boggling grandpa. No!

"I said it was a little tea eye..."

"Just scout away."

"Are there any words mixed with intent to kill?

"Just go."

Maxwell shrugged his shoulder and flew a black sphere (Magicite) towards the Evil Dragon's Nest.

The black sphere is lost in the dark at night and quickly becomes invisible. In this darkness, you'd be more suited to the enemy than I am.


After a while Maxwell leaked his voice low.

I react to that voice.

"Did you find anything?

"There is one man in front of the Corkis nest. Apparently, they're inside."

"I don't know what's happening in such a place right now, but is that what I expected? Anyway, I'll have to go check it out."

"I guess not."

Maxwell lifted the surgery once and regained his vision.

And we flew toward the land of cause.

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