Legendary Scion Peak. When it came to adventure there, Retina was up a lot.

This is the land where her salvation, the Six Heroes, drove the whole world to its credit. It is more impossible not to get excited.

"Here, here, here, here. Master Maxwell fought evil dragons, didn't he!

"Easy, Miss Retina. You're looking like a hen. Besides, this is just a crossing point. The Evil Dragon's Nest is closer to the summit."

"Then there it is! Let's go! Come on, come on!

"So calm down. The Fangwolf of purpose doesn't live that far in the highlands."

Usually, the higher the mountain altitude, the fewer animals live.

Whether there are animals that prefer the highlands as habitats or not, Fangwolf is a carnivore, and yet in nature he falls quite well into the category of the strong. So I don't bother to live near mountain peaks that are tough to survive in order to target limited prey.

That's why they're not even strong enough to survive in the lowlands with so many rivals who take their prey from each other.

And quite a strong man, so you can't be caught off guard with our strength.

"Fangwolf lives about this height. More or less tall enough for plants to decrease? I tend to think it's a good prospect because plants don't breed very well high up in the mountains, but they still have the ability to just hide and sneak up on their prey. So don't fail to be on perimeter alert."

When I came to this mountain on the Evil Dragon Crusade, I went through a battle with Fangwolf once.

I guess Maxwell chose this place as a hunting ground because he had that experience too.

Fur of the same color as the reddish stripped rock turns into a natural camouflage and deceives the eyes of this foe.

And the intent to kill for prey is to hide it to the extreme, so even with my sensibility, early detection is difficult.

I sneak a little distance from the Michelles and talk to Maxwell.

My grandfather had released the demon of use into the sky and had begun surveillance from above.

"Hey, how much of a defensive god's recommendation, Fangwolf, isn't it a little heavy on us?

Fangwolf's strength is an ambush that exploits its its secrecy. If you show up and fight, you're not so scared of enemies.

But in this natural world, taking the lead is too strong an advantage.

Especially in the un-bodied, vulnerable children, the first blow from the ambush could have taken their lives.

"Regardless, I guess the lords weren't the only ones in danger. Bye, Reid, your lord is here. Fangwolf is not an enemy so high in simple combat power per se. If the Lord senses his enemies ahead of time, will the struggle be so great?

"Fight from the front and you'll figure that out. But the other guy is a good monster in hiding. Sometimes, just in case, right?

"I have a weasel to prepare for that. Surveillance from above using user demons. Plus, I use the magic of life detection."

"Whoa, that's Grandpa. I can count on you."

Life Detection (Life Search), as its name suggests, is the magic of detecting a subject with life.

It's too convenient magic, but of course it has weaknesses. The only thing that senses is a subject with life. In other words, immortal (undead) monsters cannot be detected.

Relying on perimeter alert for this magic can also devour unintentional strikes by immortal (undead) monsters.

That and the narrowness of the detection range. The magic detection range is around 100 meters at best. It can only expand to such an extent as to prevent accidental strikes.

Furthermore, the amount of information becomes a problem.

This magically detected subject only knows about its size. You can't tell if it's a person or a wolf.

Moreover, life is overflowing throughout the city and so on, which can cause confusion on the contrary. Even in the woods could be dangerous.

It is the magic of exerting power in these rough mountains with few signs of life.

"... it's a tricky magic to use,"

Leave me alone.

Maxwell with a slightly more blunt look on his face, but I can tell you that I can count most on you in this situation.

Now Maxwell shows me the existence of life that I didn't even realize existed. Call for vigilance so that everyone can hear you.

"A slightly larger life response over there. Is that about a cat? You should avoid it just in case."

"Is there even Itachi?

"Unfortunately, it's not that much magic. I don't even know who I am."

"Well, I'll see how it goes"

I left the line and tried to get closer by erasing the signs to the little animal lurking in the vicinity.

Fangwolf is not the only one who is good at keeping secrets. I have a secret gift too, so I'm good at sneaking up on prey.

Lurking in the shadows of the rock was a lizard the size of a cat.

Slightly reddish brown skinned lizards with sharp fangs… a kind of monster called the Dusk Lizard.

Dusk lizards (das crizzards) are known for their skin colours, but they say they specialize in hiding in iron-rich mountainous areas.

Strength is about cats, not a big enemy to fight. Note, however, that the fangs are poisonous.

We have enough fangs to penetrate the college-designated boots we're wearing, so let's just say we get rid of them here for safety.

Without noticing me completely off the mark, Das Lizard was watching Maxwell and the others.

If there is a gap, it will be close, biting that foot and calculating to pour the poison into it.

But I can't overlook that either. It circles behind the dask lizard to convey the blind spot of the rock shadow and flies the yarn.

Mithril's yarn sealed the fangs, Dasquzard's biggest weapon, thus enclosing the movement wrapped around his mouth.

Das Lizard is suddenly stunned by the thread wrapped around his mouth and struggling to take it with his forefoot.

The trick also looked like the cat was washing her face, and she was really adorable.

But this is an enemy, and I can't afford to love that trick. Keep it close behind you, at the border between the torso and the neck muscle… that is, stick the katana up the medulla oblongata and attack it.

Dusk Lizard takes a blow from behind to the steeple and stops moving frighteningly to despair.

As it turns out, taking the lead, and ambushing, can bring tremendous advantages.

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