As a result of repeated fruit (...) tests (...), the temperature adjustment has also been largely grasped.

So I'm finally going to hang the thermal insulation (warm) on Michelle's swimsuit, which is my destiny.

Carefully adjusted magic, carefully activated magic clung to her body and exercising its effects precisely.

"Oh, it's warm! Nicole, this magic is awesome!

"Apparently, you're a success. Good."

"But if you're going to do it anyway, shouldn't you have turned it into a one-piece swimsuit, not a bikini?

"Right. I think my stomach is cold."

That's what Finia insisted, but I get that opinion too.

Since the bathing suit is warmed up by thermal insulation (warmth), its effects do not extend to other areas.

Michelle, who has a lot of international exposure, seemed to benefit less from it. Especially around tight tummy looks cold.

"Daiji-bu, daiji-bu. Because I'm energetic, that's all I need."

"I'm jealous of its toughness"

It's a big difference from me not being in the water more than the other three but not being able to get away from the fire.

That said, I learned this magic with less sacrifice, so this must be something of a survival. That's what I decided, and I turned my gaze to the sacrifice.

There was the appearance of a cloud cramped with bicumbicum and lying down on the beach dressed like a scalpel, holding down his groin.

It is the result of multiple burns of the trunk with the magic of thermal insulation (warmth).

"Well, it's getting cold, so why don't we go back to the cottage? So he's holding down his groin and cramping into a dirty feeling, boy. Stand up?"

"Whose fault is it! I mean, a girl shouldn't say those words!

"Mm, looks great on you in the cloud."

"What are you doing in the cloud? That's what the orphanage sisters always say."

"Then there's no choice. Then I'll rephrase it. Cloud, just stand up. You don't have to wake me anywhere else."


I'm an ex-man too, so I have knowledge of the ecology around here.

But Michelle and Retina, who have little knowledge of men's ecology, didn't seem to understand what they were talking about. She looks adorable tilting her neck in alignment. I want you guys to stay put.

Maxwell is... kind of getting his inner crotch and distancing himself from me. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hang it on you.

"But isn't this magic actually dangerous magic?

That's what I've had in my experiments so far.

If you can heat up your swimsuit, it should be possible to heat up your pants. If you hang this magic on your opponent during battle or something, it should be possible to create large gaps and do damage?

Maxwell was twisting his neck a lot in my words, too.

"It's not supposed to be that much more magic. Besides, the magic already exists to heat the metal parts of the weapon and damage the enemy."

"What, so it's not like it's new magic"

"No, that magic only works on metal, so it's not new magic in a way, is it? There are other means to hang a fire (tinder) on the other person's clothes. But raising temperatures without burning them may be a new discovery."

"Haven't any of those failed people before... No, they weren't?

"Perhaps the amount of magic inside your Lord is affecting you..."

Now that I have other people, I can't use the same language as usual. I rarely talk to Maxwell in this mentz, so I'm not feeling very well.

However, I would like to discuss the magic sensation immediately. Because there is a feeling that you forget when time passes.

"How's it going when it comes to consuming magic?

"Hmm? I'm doing it at the base level of consumption, so much so...... but some kind of enhancement (enchant) feeling more than doubled?

"Is that with a degree of consumption of Zhu? Although the other magic settings are high since the intermediate level, there still seems to be L.A. out there somewhere. Is that what it feels like to be overheated?"

"Well, the damage this time is about the evil groin of the cloud, so it was just as good without it, let's do it."

"Not good!

Cloud flying complaints here while falling. Does not standing up yet mean it's surprisingly damaging?

I visit the cloud to see how I get hurt.

"Surprisingly injured? Let me see."

"Can I see it!

"You're not shy to look at something so crude now, are you?

"Shame on you there"

Cloud is only thirteen. From my point of view, you can still call me a child. I was a good adult in my life, and since I was born again, I've had Lyell take a bath. When I was a baby.

So, Mr. Elephant, there's no such thing as a level cloud, but he was shy a dozen years ago.

"I can't cure light without seeing it."

"You don't have to! 'Cause I'm going to ask you to be Master Maxwell."

"You think you annoy Maxwell's hand? Do you have any idea how magnificent you're talking about?

"Ugh!? That's...... then I'll be patient!

"I wish my people would heal me quietly"

"Let it be around there. You're a sexually harassing little girl."

Maxwell skips recovery (heel) just as he sees it. Maxwell is overwhelmingly more effective because my healing light (Cure Light) only cures the degree of feeling.

It wasn't even that deep a wound in the first place, the cloud quickly regained its original appearance and rose.

Damn, he is a man who worries in vain.

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