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A World Tree Church in a Village in the Northern Trinity Alliance.

Several men were gathered in the basement.

A mere meeting of modest candle lights, as if sneaking eyes. Obviously, just the unrighteous ones.

On such a dim floor, the men were reporting on each other's achievements.

"Three from the east. Two of them confirmed" material training ", so they are turning to education. Let's just say we dedicate one of our remaining men when we should."

"Only two confirmed? Then it's a bit suspicious if it's going to be a thing."

"There is only one. We can't just stand up and move."

"Four from the center. These two also had 'Materials'. But since two students died, the total number didn't change."

"Instead, you have to educate me from scratch, and I can tell you I'm backing down."

Each of them looks at the material they have taken out and reports on personnel transitions.

The situation is one after another. There are many deaths due to new subscriptions, so if there is no increase, there is no decrease.

"And the talent from the West is interrupted? And the southern movement is dull."

"It seems the personnel were in an accidental accident over there, and the activity is temporarily interrupted"

"Accidental accident?

"You think the meteorite fell? We must organize from scratch because we have been involved in every collaborator"

"Hmm? Can't the South and West Expect Future Results"

"Let's try to revitalize northern activity instead. The six heroes who were now blindfolded are away."

"Five heroes now, though. Abominable assassins have managed to disappear, but we want to reduce one more."

"Better to stop being such a bad handler than the Gentiles have been devastated"

"There are other organizations that undertake assassinations...... but you do. Do you need a period of time to almost wake up?"

"That's right. Let's move on to the next agenda. As for the fact that the achievements of" Education "have not progressed as much as I think..."

The men move on to yet another topic.

In the end, this secret meeting lasted until the morning.

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Six months have passed since Maria's bomb statement.

The time of six months may feel short, but still a lot is happening.

Firstly, the return of the tax certificate to Donovan on the pretext that Maxwell had discovered it from a tavern in the capital.

This made Donovan's innocence a public thing, and he became Lord of Stra territory, both in fame and in fame.

I heard from Maxwell at a later date that part of Crain's body was adrift on the beach, and his death is almost certain.

Donovan was very grateful, and now he respects me like a Virgin. Appreciate it, plainly depressing.

Elliot left the college about three months later.

He was originally a part-time lecturer with a deadline of six months, but seems to have been cut off from vacation by up to half in the raid.

I was about to regret it with me, but there was also information that Raum had no Haumea, and he snuck back home with the hope that he would be in his country. Regardless, the escort Priscilla is with us.

When will that Park Min-Jen realize Priscilla's thoughts?

I've grown steadily in college, too, and now I'm even in a position to learn intermediate interferometric magic.

At this pace, I think I'll be able to remember about flying (flight) by graduation.

Six months after the discovery of Maria's pregnancy, that belly is just getting noticeable too.

Unlike due to fat, the swelling was swollen to a stiff, clogged feel. It was clearly something that made you feel the power of life that existed inside.

And in the meantime, I was celebrating my eleventh birthday, too.

Over the course of six months, he also grew about three centimeters tall and seemed to grow a foot behind Michelle.

At the same time, the problems that plague my mind have become apparent.

It is...... the growth of opium.

At first I thought it had just been a little plump, but it remained as thin as usual around the waist, so I could grasp my growth as a woman. I can do it.

More recently, this should be seen as the beginning of a genuine secondary trait, as the buttocks have also been rounded.

Of course, Michelle was growing well during that time.

As much as I've been looking forward to taking a bath with you in the summer. I think there are more people who shouldn't find out who they are again.

Conversely, Retina has shown no femininity at all, and should this be seen as a racial difference? Elves grow just like humans, but they still have a lot of luxury.

"That said, I may have gotten a little out of the way in waving my sword"

Setting the sword with both hands will cause the chest to swell between your arms.

Feel of meat I don't remember on the inside of my arm. This is a feeling of inexperience throughout life.

It reminds me of subtle discomfort in the movement of my arms because of a feeling I have never experienced before.

"Nicole's still better. I've recently been hit by a bow string that hurts and hurts."

"It's uncomfortable when you're lying on your back."


"I wish I could. Because at all, humans get pukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpukpu

"Retina's thin and flattering."

"Are you a jerk!? You're a jerk, for sure!

"Um... can you talk about that in a place without a man?

The three of them send a white gaze to the cloud, which creeps into our Girls Talk.

It is now in the midst of a routine food earner. No wonder there's a cloud.

But such circumstances have nothing to do with women of their age.

"Hey, what is it, you have to. I'm part of the training."


"Cloud, eh"

"Don't you have a delicacy to pretend you can't hear me?

"Don't be impotent!

Cloud and I'm nearly thirteen. It is time to know the colours.

I can't help but overhear these conversations within a party full of beautiful girls like Michelle and Retina.

"Leave the sketchy cloud alone -"

"Don't leave me!?

"As I leave it! It's time my mom couldn't move, so I want to take home some nutritious ingredients."

"Good luck hunting today, then."

"If it's for Maria, you'll be gambled."

"When I...?

"Do you want to hear it?

"No, that's fine"

The momentum of cloud objection shrivels in cold retina's gaze.

Cloud, you know what? There are people in the Adventurer Alliance who can't help but get that gaze.

There are other people who want Michelle to turn her swell, or send me a scornful gaze, so Raum's Adventurer Guild may not work anymore.

And his jealousy of the cloud, which was taking that desire in one hand, was unknown to the ceiling.

Even now, they look adored by other adventurers in their spare time.

"But when I say nourishing ingredients, what do you want?

"That's meat, meat!

To Retina's doubts, Michelle waves her hands up and insists.

Carnivorous women are the same.

"Could it be a buffalo again?

"There's no such thing as a big guy. This neighborhood is well watched by adventurers."

"Snakes and lizards aren't worth eating."

"If you say nourishing, isn't it Carbuncle?


When I glance overhead, it conveys a frightening atmosphere.

There was a look at Ka that was getting harder to size up and get on my head than it was six months ago.

Cuckoo seems to have been an even bigger child among the carbuncles, and has grown even bigger over the past six months.

I used to be about the size of a cat, but now I grew up about the size of a small dog. Moreover, its body shape accumulates a whole lot of fat and you can see the fullness of your diet.

"Ka, it's time for you to exercise, 'cause you're not gonna put it on my head, are you?

"Cu, cu ~"

Take my warning, Ka, and start exercising like you panicked. But I want you to stop exercising over my head.

My head shakes like a jerk and it's very disgusting.

"Well, Carbuncle jokes, because if I don't really get my mom nourished, she'll be a frail child like me"

"I know that's cute..."

"But I can keep you worried, so it's not good."

"I think Nicole's the only move to pass out the moment you take your eyes off her, though?

"Oh, come on, remember later."

I gave back my vain gaze at a string of worthless statements from my friends.

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