I had Maxwell sneak me back to my room on a flight. If I could use a metastasis (teleport), I'd be glad to, but Maxwell's never been in my room.

This time you snuck into my room, you should be able to transfer (teleport) from now on.

If you retrieve the ka-chan who was disguised as me and dive into the futon in the first place, your eyelids will come down as soon as possible. I still seemed more tired than I imagined.


Looks like Ka-chan peeked in worried about me, but I couldn't afford to cover her up.

As I was trying to sink into the swamp of sleep lightly, Ka-chan rode over my chest.

"Cut, it's hot"


At a time when summer is just beginning, the temperature of this carbuncle is just too tight. I use it as a pillow instead of heating in the winter, but I want you to refrain from this season.

Later, Finia, who undertakes the laundry, gets angry with the hair loss. I don't blatantly get angry, but I find out because I look at the sheets full of hair loss from Kacchan and express my displeasure with a smile on my brow.

That's where I want Hokahoka and all of them to be missed at this price.

Whatever it is, I keep my cup on my chest and fall asleep without even being able to push it over.

This fatigue is the aftermath of last night's battle. She still had symptoms close to anaemia.

Close your eyes, and you'll hear a knock.

"Good morning. Dear Nicole, are you awake?

"Mm, I got it. Good morning, Finia."

I felt as if I ran out of time for the night. Deep sleep, as if you had passed out.

Looking at the clock on the wall, it's already morning.

I felt like about six hours had passed in an instant. I guess that means I fell asleep that deep.

Sleep isn't that deep for me, having made assassination a business and making a name for myself as an adventurer. In some cases, I even wake up with the sound of floorboards.

Since when did I fall asleep so deeply that I could say I fainted? No, I've been through this many times if I'm stunned.

I woke up and I was trying to crawl out of bed, and I just collapsed to the floor.

Hi, my ankle is falling out and I don't think I can walk properly.

Listening to the sound, Finia knocks on the door as she panicked.

"Dear Nicole, what's wrong? What was that noise?"

"Uh, sorry, Finia. I'm not feeling well today."

"Excuse me, you're going into the room!

Hearing my malaise, Finia stepped into the room without question.

Well, stepping into the room without permission wasn't complimented as a servant, but she's worried about me, so I can't blame her.

Finia, who came into the room, threw her torso out of bed onto the floor. She was surprised to see me, hands on her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little powerless. I'm glad you put me back in bed."

"So, are you okay?!?

Surprisingly, he lifts my body and puts me back in bed.

Let's just say I didn't see how that hug was called a princess hug.

Finia, who does chores on a daily basis, is muscular, not by appearance. Besides, I even started training swords, so I had powers that were not comparable to those elves there.

Instead, put your thin, beautiful fingers on my forehead and measure the heat. Cold hands feel good.

"You don't seem to have a fever. Is it rather as low as usual?

"I feel like asking why you know my usual temperature"

"Eh, that's a trade secret"

Well, it's always about taking a bath with me, and I guess they're looking into it then. I don't know why you're looking into it, though.

He hangs the blanket back on me while I fix my pajamas I laid on my bed.

"Ha-ha-ha... Oh, no, it's nothing, right?

Hey, why are you barking your breath at messy clothes, Finia or something?

"College seems difficult today in this physical condition. Report to Master Cortina and let her rest."

"I've been doing well lately."

"Since the magic livestock overdose healed, there hasn't been much. Does it feel anaemic?"

"Is that what it looks like?

"It's time for Nicole to take care of her body."

"What is it about time?


Finia who doesn't answer and puts her gaze off.

But nothing like that, as a matter of fact, I bled a lot last night and I feel anemic. There is no mistake in Finia's view.

I suppose I should have Maria hang it up for regeneration, but I can't even tell you exactly what's going on, so let's stay calm today. Maxwell could have used regeneration as well, so I decided to ask him to hang it later.

On the arrow tip I thought so, the doorway was getting noisy.

"Oh, isn't that Michelle? You're a little early today."

"Dear Cortina, I'm in trouble! Is Nicole here? Cloud's in trouble!

"Oh, Cloud!?

I heard Michelle and Cortina in a hurry. This situation is reminiscent of the situation in which the cloud was attacked by Matheus.

I also get out of bed with my trembling feet supported with the comfort of something cold telling my spine.

"Master Nicole is here. I'm coming!

"Finia? But..."

"It's okay. Don't worry, I won't abandon you this time."

Finia is still sick of abandoning the cloud and prioritizing my safety.

The same situation repeatedly must have ignited that sense of responsibility. But assuming the same situation, Finia is going to confront a strong man like Matheus.

She doesn't have that much arm yet.

While I was doing that, Michelle ran into my room.

"Nicole, my God! Cloud will play a mock fight with the adventurer, and he's got an amazing guy on the fifth floor."

Oh, speaking of which, I might have made such an appointment with Kale.

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