Right in front of me, Gideon slowly falling apart.

There was no stopping blood from beneath him when he fell down, and he didn't even move.

Your back is not moving up or down, so your breathing should be completely stopped.

"Even so, I mean this man. Can't you be alert?"

It's possible he stopped breathing, pretended to be dead and was waiting for me to get close.

In case there was a breath, now that the situation has been reversed, it is not strange to have set up a small worker who said so. I poke a spear from a distance to see the reaction, but there is still no movement.

"Totally dead, huh? You're such a big man that I have to be so vigilant."

I'm about to be captured by a strange sentiment by a powerful opponent, but I can't slow down either.

Crain is jumping out the window and plotting to escape. Of course that move will be detected by Maxwell, so it should be close to impossible to escape.

Plus earlier fights, making a pretty noisy noise. There's a good chance the rest of us will rush in. There must still be about five people in this mansion.

"Well, then the tax certificate is much -"

Anyway, suppose I leave it up to Maxwell to follow Crain. The purpose is twofold: a tax certificate and Crain's life. As things stand, we cannot afford both. Then it must be fulfilled only for a purpose that can be fulfilled with certainty.

Start searching for a home as you pull over your hurting body quickly. A man like that usually has the habit of hiding important things where they can be taken out right away.

That is because we envisage a situation where we can escape at any time. The villain wants to live in an inherently high place, but the man had a room on the ground floor. I'm guessing you're also thinking that you can get away from the window right away.

Even Count Talkaseer's mansion is lined up by the way out when he enters, and he escapes as soon as I do.

He's always got the depth to assume the escape route. Maybe that prudence is the source of excellence for my son Donovan.

This time, I guess I couldn't get away with that important certificate because I was hurting my right hand up front.

When I fished the desk drawer, a scroll appeared like a tax certificate at the top, which was easy to identify and remove.

On the sealed wax, a crest indicating the royalty of Raum. Same thing Maxwell sometimes uses.


"Damn, you're too blunt to let the key opponent go, Reid - Reid!?

That's when Maxwell looked out the window.

It's out the window, so I'm not sure, but I'm hanging one human in that hand. Probably got us a runaway crane.

And when he saw me full of blood, his fluent voice stained with amazement.

"Sorry, I'm in a bowl with a little troublesome guy."

"I don't mind that, but that injury..."

I know you usually watch this one with the user demon, but getting the user demon's vision also means you can't get your own vision. If you were to rush to me, you could have cut off the sharing of the user demon's sight.

I can guess the reason you're surprised to see me is because you said so.

"Oh, I just took a little unconsciousness. No, I guess I should say I was a worthy strong man for this injury."

"Oh, my God, I didn't expect you to say that much to the Lord?

"Assuming he only named Matheus' master."

Maxwell distorts his face to what I look like, but I can't help but be surprised.

External reinforcement using yarn to strengthen muscle fibers. He was the one who had to use both sides to surprise me.

If you become so strong, you won't even go with me or Lyell in your previous life, but it means you have the equivalent strength.

"I'm worn out all over my body because of you. It would help if you healed me quickly."

"That said, I'm not as good as Maria."

"It should be better than Priscilla, so please hurry."

I'm explaining to Maxwell that the dizziness (dizziness) starts in the middle, and my knees laugh out and I can't stand.

Maxwell began to cure me like I was in a panic.

The effect is not as dramatic as Maria's, but slowly heals the wound. The big hole in his right shoulder is blocked, as is the wound on his flank.

As I watched the wound change, I realized how I sat down. How to sit with a girl's unique ass on the floor and heels open to its left and right. It is also something that I have become accustomed to this way of sitting.

"You can't even regenerate lost blood in the magic of the eagle. It has to be regenerated."

"Can't you do that, too?

"It's going to take a while to activate. In that time, your Lord will not lose consciousness."

When I actually came in, my eyes didn't even focus.

After this, I have to finish Crain and get out of the mansion, but if I lose consciousness, I'll be packed.

You perceived my condition as soon as possible and applied healing magic to me, so I have exactly one hair at a time.

"Sorry, I pulled my leg"

"You dealt with a man called Matheus' master with that body, so I don't know if I can do it. I'll do the rest, so be quiet."

"I have no pity at all..."

A body from a previous life wouldn't have struggled this far. Gideon isn't as fast as I was in my previous life when I said he was faster than Matheus, too.

Reid's body would not have overwhelmed him without question at speed and seriously injured him.

"How are you going to end this after?

"How much longer will Cortina sniff me out of this mansion? Then I think I'm going to blow up every mansion. Fortunately, this is a suburb."

"Then you didn't have to go in..."

"That would have prevented me from reclaiming my tax certificate. And I didn't even know if Crane was in there."

"Or so it is."

Maxwell's thoughts are that Crane wants him to be missing, not dead.

Then the hand of not leaving a body behind and blowing up every mansion is not a bad hand.

"Evil, thank God..."

The healing is over and I try to get up, but my hands and feet are trembling and I can't stand my feet.

Again, I collapsed as I talked. They still don't have enough blood.

"Don't push it. You should need some rest for a while. Even Priscilla had a good time moving for days."

With that said, he held me up and Maxwell activated the magic of flying (flight).

I hear noisy noises coming from the door, but Maxwell flies magic here too. By magic, the key was shut down disappointingly, and it stopped frightening.

I can say that the trick of using magic in combination is just as good as staying fluffy and floating.

"What's that?

"The magic of closure. The door itself will be harder than iron, so you can't break it."

"Heh... so, what about the sidewall?


Shortly after I pointed that out, a sword protruded from the wall.

Unlike the floor where the marble tiles were laid, the walls weren't so sturdy, apparently.

"How about this!

Maxwell shouted, tied him up, threw Crain out of his stun, and jumped out the window with me in charge.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

That night, near the capital of the Federation of Jeez, one meteorite fell.

That fortunately did not hit the capital, but it wiped out one mansion on the Cape and fell into the sea.

The residents said they were relieved by stroking their breasts as the mansion was inhabited by slave traders, which was a cause of deteriorating security in the surrounding area.

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