I left Maxwell standing by on the balcony while I walked out the hallway.

Regardless, it's checked the perimeter before it's out, so it hasn't been discovered yet.

According to prior information, there is currently one slave trader and one head of the Gentiles, eight of their men, outside Crain, in this mansion.

A total of eleven people, one of them finished, so the calculation is that there will be ten left.

My men don't seem as skilled as Matheus, to deduce from the skill of an earlier man.

I guess that man still had the strength to lose one head in the genre. Still, looking around Lyell didn't have any teeth at all, I know how to swing his (Lyell) bucket.

Anyway, it's hard to believe that a slaver would be a threat if he were that fat guy, and his men shouldn't be that much of a problem.

Crain's strength is unknown, but it doesn't seem like a big deal to take into account what he saw me do when he saw me and escaped.

"Is it the first person in question?"

Even from the point of view of putting the genre together and raising Matheus, it must be quite powerful.

Scratching that guy's eyes and tailing Crain is going to break a lot of bones.

Thinking, for example, I heard footsteps from across the corner of the hallway.

The mansion is made of stone with the hallway polished with marble, which is quite a luxurious construction. Footsteps sound good thanks to it.

Give yourself up by the corner and ambush. If I'm tall, it should be difficult to see things like that because I hide under my sight.

The man who came around the corner didn't notice me at first and was about to pass me by.

But you just can't possibly notice at all, and you give me a stunned look crouching in the corner.

I didn't speak out because my yarn was already wrapped around my neck by then.

Thread around neck, hang full weight and pull down in a downward direction. A light weight of mine would leave me hanging, but there I fell ill due to the procedure of combing, trying to get every body involved and rolling it to the ground.

Immediately take the back and cross, pulling out the dagger with your left hand and sticking the side of the man up from the diagonal bottom.

The blade of the dagger penetrates from under the ribs, choosing the heart as it is and stabbing the stomach.

"... now you two"

That's what I said as I got off the guy who stopped moving with Pickle and threw the body into the nearby room.

There are nine of us left, but the top priority is Crain alone.

Time is limited, and I'll try to handle it quickly.

Then I took out three of my men.

The inside search is carrying smoothly because they haven't noticed I'm trespassing yet.

But that, too, should be the time to be noticed. If you don't discover the cut-off goal, you'll be in trouble.

The mansion is three stories long, and there are more than ten rooms on each floor.

It is too much trouble to check this one by one. That's why you searched the clutter, and you might let your prey get away with it.

I was impatient, checked each room, finished searching the third and second floors, and came down to the first floor.

Outside the windows on the ground floor you can see a decorated carriage and a caged carriage parked.

Neither horse is connected. There were about five horses peering into their faces in the stables at a remote location, so it seems unlikely that they were out there somewhere on horses alone.

In other words, it is also proof that the slavers and Crain are still in this mansion.

"If I'd just left you or something, I wouldn't have had a choice."

Fortunately, this mansion is present at the edge of the Cape, so there was not enough site room to make a detachment.

Thanks to this, I've got a feather that bothers my head about breaking in, but that's what Maxwell would do.

Regardless of his personality, he is a dependable grandfather in these emergency situations.

"... more"

Subtly out of focus, he stops on his feet as he tries to get his face out of the hallway unconstitutionally.

Exactly with six people still left, I'd like you to give me a break if the intrusion finds out and pushes the force.

As I took the dagger instead of the mirror and looked softly across the corner, I saw two watchmen sticking up in one room.


There are three men in this position who can be escorted in this mansion. Slaver, Crain, and head of the Gentiles.

"No... the head remembers his arm, so there's no way he could put an escort on the mansion. That means that that room belongs to a slaver or Crain. Is it likely Crain's room for the minute that I feel like I'm being chased?

If that is the case, it is the first must-win.

I took two throwing knives (throwing knives) from the knife belt I hung on my shoulder and held them in my hands.

I wasn't very good at throwing, but still I can't do it at all.

He has enough skill to hold off on the two bars.

He jumped out of the hallway without sound and waved his right arm.

The knife thrown revolved half way through the air and stood against the man's neck in front of him.

A man who doesn't have time to raise his voice and collapses. I saw another man over there.

That is also what the rays to the man in the back went through. He continued flashing his left arm and threw a knife at him.

The man in the back finally sees this one after suddenly realizing the anomaly of his collapsed counterpart.

But at that time my knife arrived and stood deep in the man's throat.


He raised his voice as if coughing, and not one of the others collapsed to the ground.

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