Cortina is in danger. That's how I found out. I left the Michelles and came back to the city of Raum alone.

We can't afford to keep pace with them now that we're competing for a moment.

Back in the city, I tried to run into Maxwell's mansion first and stopped that leg.

Now that grandfather should be on his way to the city of Comb or Lilith with his people.

The six heroes now in this capital were Maria's only situation.

"Then tell Maria...... wait, how do you make excuses!?

Outside the city, I discovered a letter dropped by a suspicious man. If that's all you tell her, will Maria ever suspect you?

But in that case, you won't be able to take me to Cortina.

No, maybe that's still enough. Pass the information to Cortina, encourage vigilance, and Maria will be escorting her. That should keep Crain out of hand.

Cortina's strength lies not in the strength of the individual, but in using people, so with Maria alone, her tactics should be vastly expanded.

Still, I can't stay or stand when I hear about her crisis.

After thinking about the hands I could hit right now, I decided to run into the Adventurer Alliance. There are magic devices here that can make calls in order to keep in touch with remote areas.

However, it does not deliver messages aggressively, so there are difficulties in not knowing when information will arrive.

Still far better than nothing. Plus we can make sure the guy ahead isn't stopping by.

If I was lucky enough to get over it, I might as well hold it off on the spot.

I run into the Adventurer Alliance and run over to the receptionist I just asked for.

Some adventurers were in line, but not now. Besides, my face is pretty well known here, so no one blamed me for that disrespect.

"Hey, didn't the guy who sent you the message here come?

"Message service? Yeah, one earlier."


I conveyed the characteristics of the man earlier and confirmed that he was the same person. Apparently, he couldn't catch up.

Until this one sends a warning message.

"Well, then, I'll send a message too, so hurry!

"Then there will be a fee for ten pieces of silver coins..."

"Fine! Cortina's in danger!

In my words, the receptionist took a seat with a rattle, pulled his hand and led me to a separate room.

She also knew that the slave traders were wandering around and one case where the cloud was badly injured. I guess that's why you reacted so agile.

Send an immediate message to confirm that Comb and the city of Lilith have received it.

With any luck, you'll get my warning before the raid, but that may be hopeless.

Then we also need to get in directly.

I thanked the receptionist and I ran back to Cortina's house.

Anyway, it doesn't start with not letting Maria know. I ran over to Cortina's house and called Maria with all my might.

"Mom! Mom!?

"Welcome back, Master Nicole. You're home early today."

"Oh, I'm home, Finia. And your mom?"

"If you're Maria, we're taking your laundry in the back now..."

I greeted him as usual. I put Finia down and headed behind the house.

Finia drops me off with a kiwton look. But now I don't even have time to explain why.

In the not-so-large backyard, Maria, holding a mountain of laundry for three, greeted me with a surprised face.

"Oh, Nicole. You left early today."

"Mom, it's not the other way around!

"Hmm, what?

Relax, Maria's attitude as usual, but all this time its fluency is irritating.

I took the seal out of my pocket and gave it to Maria.

"I wonder what?

"Read it, Cortina's in danger!

Maria gave me a surprised look at my words, but looked through the letter without saying anything.

The look gets unusual and steep.

"... ok. Nicole, leave this place to your mom."

"No, I'll go too"

"It's dangerous."

"I know. That's why I'm going!

"I know you're worried, but Cortina's working with Lyell right now. So wait in peace?

"No! Because I will never leave"

I also know Maria's worries. But when I hear about the Cortina crisis, there's no way I'm gonna be able to stand still.

It's even a waste of time asking questions here. It was the same with Maria who thought so.

"That's the only way... then definitely listen to your mom, okay?


I nodded with a strange look. Seeing it, Maria throws her laundry into the house and leaves it to Finia, who was coming to see how it went.

"Finia, I'm going to Cortina's, so say hello later. The situation is getting a little suspicious, so call Michelle and Cloud and protect them. Then we'll be on guard until I get back."


They've been after Cortina, who's less combative. I don't necessarily come after Finia or Michelle for the same reason.

Most of all, they don't have as much visibility as Cortina, and they're not actively chasing Crain, so maybe it's not that dangerous.

But just in case, they don't know how to get out. I want to keep our people safe.

It seems that Michelle and the others came to Cortina's house where Finia threw her laundry into the basket. The doorbell rings and you can hear me calling.

Retina is also worried, but since she lives in the Marquis Mansion, she is unlikely to be harmed while at home.

Also, if you're outside right now, you can have him protected with you.

Maria begins to draw the magic formation on the ground in the gap Finia is responding to Michelle and the others.

She's not as comfortable using it as Maxwell is yet.

Not to mention the magic of an interfering system that's not in the line of duty. Rather, it is an out-of-pocket area where advanced systems of other systems can be used while being extremely advanced.

I'll stick with Maria and get ready for the metastasis.

"So we're going, right? Watch out for metastatic sickness."

"That doesn't matter if you pay attention. Physical condition."

While tapping lightly, Maria activates the surgical ceremony.

Lights were emitted from the magic formation, and by the time it fitted, I was all over a completely different city.

I've been to Comb City before in my life, but I've never seen this sight. Which means this is the city of Lilith.

"We need to check Cortina's location first. She has a conspicuous look too, so if you listen to her, you'll find her soon."


Cortina is a cat tribe, and this race is not very numerous.

Plus, when you're a shiny blonde and long-haired species, it's only about her.

When I talked to the number of people who wanted to go, I was able to locate an inn where someone like her would stay.

Cortina-like, solid, ostensibly inn.

On the way to the inn - there was a hell of a crushing noise.

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